Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 32 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Linda Starwind: Hey, chica! I am so glad you liked it. I really don know what going to happen next. I think I all angst out for now. Maybe some fluff is in order. Not too much, I don want to get cavities.
Bombayoni: I would never play a joke on you! I adore kitties. I'm glad you're still reading! Thank you very much for reviewing, I thought you gave up on the fic. ^_~
LiZzArD: I like typing your name. It's fun. Lol, I thought I was the only one going through sudden lemon withdrawal. I am proud of myself for not making Wu and Trieze jump in bed within the first five chaps. And believe me, I will make it worth the wait. This is going to be an arch some day. I have to decide if I want to make it separate and make up a new title or if I want to continue it under this. The latter sounds easier.
A/N: You guys are great! Thank you for your reviews!
Spaceprincess! Thank *you* for beta-ing my chappy! I luv you so much right now! Let's get married!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!
Fly Away Hearts
Wufei woke slowly. For a few moments he lay in the cushiony heaven as the events from the previous day slowly came back to him. Trieze had treated him with the utmost care and consideration, unlike Kordairo.
Kordairo had literally pressured him into going all the way. Now that he had the experience of being with someone else, Wufei could honestly say that he hadn't enjoyed sex with the man, and it was only that, sex.
Trieze had lead at some points and also allowed the roles to switch just as easily.
It was so much easier to compare the two and see the differences now. This bought a smile to his day dreamy features. He unconsciously ran a tender hand over his lips and over the arms still encircling his waist.
“Ohayo.” Trieze mumbled drowsily. His hold around the slighter man tightened as he breathed deep and yawned. “How are you feeling?”
“Great.” Wufei said breathlessly. He still didn't believe his luck.
“What are you thinking about?”
“How lucky I am. “The Asian man said as he turned in the warm embrace. He could not have felt safer. He smiled lovingly up into the blue eyes that held his heart captive. He stretched his head hesitantly and kissed the seductive lips before him.
Trieze smiled and allowed the kiss. He made no move to make it more than a friendly greet which made Wufei want more. He moved his lips against the other man's mouth with a bit more vigor.
Still nothing.
The china man knew when he was being teased. He ran his tongue along Trieze's bottom lip to request entrance to the tantalizing mouth. His request was granted.
The placid man let the other ravish his mouth without complaint. When Wufei deemed himself to have a good enough taste, he backed off. Both gasped for air.
“Mmm tasty.” Trieze rasped. He took Wufei's lips with his own in another kiss before climbing out of bed. “Do you want some breakfast?”
Wufei nodded then grimaced. “I guess we didn't get to do lunch, huh?”
“No, but we have all day to do so.”
Both shared a knowing smile before Trieze left for the other room. This left Wufei with his own thoughts. He could say that he and Trieze were lovers now, but it didn't seem to fit right, even if they did have some form of sex the night before.
//Sooner or later he's going to want more.// Wufei thought miserably.
Would he be ready when the time came?
Would Trieze be satisfied when they actually had sex?
Would Trieze stick around afterward?
All these questions posed a problem due to the fact that they were unknowns. Wufei couldn't accept unknowns. He sighed and lifted himself from the silk paradise. The smell of an excellent bout of oral sex lingered on his clothes. Again, he felt warm inside.
He stretched lazily and went into the bathroom.
Trieze hummed quietly over the skillet of scrambled eggs. He wasn't sure what the china man liked for breakfast and had fixed a wide variety. What they didn't eat, he could take over to Duo being that Heero didn't cook and Duo was too lazy. He laughed quietly. What a couple they made.
“Trieze?” Said man turned at the uncertain call and froze. Wufei stood before him, hair down and still wet with a fresh t-shirt that clung to his damp skin and a pair of old boxers he hadn't seen in ages. The garments hung lose on Wufei's small frame making him look younger.
Trieze openly looked at the china man's dress. “Yes?”
Wufei ducked his head and blushed. “I was wondering if you needed any help with breakfast.”
“I have everything almost done. You can make the coffee if you wish.”
Wufei nodded and obediently set to his task. It seemed harder to approach the man after what they did that night. Both had shown a side of themselves that no one else had seen. Trieze, of course, was being his normal suave self.
Trieze noticed there was something bothering the man. He mentally listed all the things he went through the first time he experienced the wonders of sex and made it a mission to fix them.
“There is going to be a fireworks show at the waterfront. I was wondering if you would accompany me.”
Wufei paused. The only sound between them was the gurgling of the coffeemaker as it spit out the last of the black liquid. Did Trieze want more or was he just asking him out for another date?
“Duo and Heero can come as well.” Trieze commented. Wufei nodded. How could he deny him?
“When is the show?”
“Tomorrow at eight.”
A/N: There another chap. How Wufei was feeling before Trieze asked him out is how I felt after my first boyfriend and I actually said `Yeah, I'd be your girl (boy, in his case)'. It was satisfying to get it out of the way. But awkward the first couple of days.
And the firework idea came to me when I went to see the fireworks at the Harbor Fest. Prettiful lights! @_@