Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ G-Boys Write Up A Storm! aka Mission FanFiction ❯ Part Two: The Beginning, where all good stories start (but who said this had to be good?!) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
G-Boys Write Up A Storm!

Disclaimer: :p Up yours, crappy lawyer type person… It ain't mine!!

Part Two: Where all good stories start- at the beginning. (Though who said this had to be good!?)

Chapter One- As The Curtain Opens
By Chang Wufei

Treize Kushrenada, was an evil, evil man. He was the sort of man who lived to do nancy-pansy-assed things like take rose bubble baths and sit around drinking wine all day and talk about war's 'beauty' without going and fighting in one himself. He was an unjust man-


~In Trowa's Room~

Quatre: Wufei! *aghast* You can't start our story like that!!

Wufei: Why not?! He is!!

Duo: Well you didn't even consult us about making him the main character to start with.

Wufei: *tic over eyebrow* He is NOT the main character! That would be injustice! How dare you suggest it, Maxwell!?

Duo: Geeze, man, don't have a cow… *munches on potato chips*

Heero: Hn. Move over. *boots Wufei out of the chair and takes over*


-he was an unjust man whose incredible evilness was surpassed by only one other man.

Zechs Marquise.


Duo: Gee, like we didn't all see THAT coming. You guys are lame.

Heero: HN.


Zechs was a man who hid his face behind a mask- and not even a very good mask at that.


All: *snicker*

Wufei: Taking out some long-held aggression, are we, Yuy?

Heero: HNrrrrrrrr…*backspace backspace backspace*


Zechs was a man who hid his face behind a mask. He had a duty towards his nation- the Sank Kingdom- but refused to help it, passing all responsibility onto his undeserving younger sister, Relena.

(Author switch)

But see, Zechs and Treize had a thing- you could tell every time they opened their mouths to talk to each other- and so one day, when they were supposed to be discussing the plans for killing the brave, smart, awesomely cool Gundam Pilots, they went down on each other and made hot, sticky love right there in Treize's office.-


All: DUO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duo: *grin* What? You KNOW they're always thinking about it. I bet they're doing it right now!

Heero & Wufei: *look positively ILL at the suggestion of their worst enemies doing THAT*

Quatre: *scandalized* Duo, I really don't think we can write this-

Duo: Why the hell not? It's not like I went into detail. *keeps typing*

Others: *look ill*


Now, it was about this time that the unsuspecting Lady Une was comin' around to check on 'His Excellency'- and let me tell you, that Zechs could confirm that title for you 100%-


All: DUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Author change, by majority vote)

Luckily, the poor woman was distracted by a subordinate soldier, and by the time she returned to check on His Excellency, all signs of any- inappropriate- behavior had been removed.

+++(Duo: Man, Trowa, you're no fun… *pout*)+++

It appeared that the aforementioned Gundam Pilots were attacking an OZ base- lead by the most brilliant of them all, Trowa Barton.

"Are you sure this is safe, Trowa!?" Duo asked anxiously, looking at Trowa adoringly- he was his idol!

"Yes," the tall, stoic man replied evenly, looking dashing in his flight suit, a slight beard giving him that rugged look. "I know we can make it. Don't worry, Duo. If anything goes wrong, I shall be there to protect us all."

"Yay!" cheered the other four pilots.

"You're the coolest, Trowa!" Quatre chimed.

"You are quite the guy," Heero nodded and gave him the thumbs up.

"My sensei You are the strongest man in the Universe! I want to be just like you!" Wufei bowed.


Trowa: *is forcefully ousted from the chair by the other four, not too happy pilots*

Others: *glare at Trowa, shoved back onto the bed and jostle for a seat as writer*

Trowa: *mutter* Well, I didn't see anything wrong with it…


However, this mission was not meant to be. As the battle had barely begun- Trowa was STRUCK DOWN in a single blast from a Taurus, having let his defenses drop to protect the love of his life.


All: *rae at Quatre and Trowa*

Heero: *smugly continues typing*

Trowa: *mutter* this isn't fair…


(Author switch)

"Noooooooooooo!" screamed the small blond, running to his lover's side. "Trowa! Trowa!"

+++(Trowa & Quatre: O.O;;;;;;)+++

"L-little one," the unibanged wonder croaked from the cockpit of his failing MS. "Don't- fret- save- your-self- ugh…"

"Quatre, get him to the safehouse!" Duo called, fighting off ten Aries at once and kicking all their asses, too, with his mega cool thermal scythe. "We'll hold down the fort!"

(Author Switch)

"Maxwell! Stop acting like an idiot and get your mind on the mission!" Wufei, always the intelligent one reprimanded. "It is not prudent to waste time showing off!"

(Author Switch)

"You mean the way you are now, hot shot?!"

(Author Switch)

"I do NOT show off!!"

(Author Switch)

"Do too!"

(Author Switch)

"Do not! Oh to Hell with it-"


Wufei: MAXWELL! *starts chasing Duo around the room with a pillow*

Trowa: *covers head with other pillow and tries to think himself into another time and place*
Quatre: *looks thoroughly embarrassed and oppressed*
Heero: Hn… *takes a seat at the computer*
Of course, they all knew who the REAL leader was here.

Heero Yuy ignored the other pilots in their insanity and boldly forged forward with the mission. He raised his buster rifle and took aim at the building they had been sent here to destroy. "Mission, Complete." It was incinerated and he turned smoothly to shoot off into the sunset.


Quatre: *looks over Heero's shoulder and only sees Heero's one-word paragraph* *breaks into a huge smile* Why, thank you, Heero! *boots Heero out to start typing, touched that Heero has complimented him so!*

Heero: Hn-!? O.o rrrrrrrrrrr…… *growl*


However, pilots 02 and 05 were still fighting. 04 came to stand between them, hoping to put an end to it. "Please my friends," began Quatre. "Cease this senseless fighting now! There is nothing more precious than life in this universe!" He knew his words could not possibly convey all that he wanted to say, but he had to try, he just had to!


Duo: *groan* Now he's being all humble… You know, I don't know why I bother. How'd I ever end up with YOU guys, anyway!?

Wufei: Let me just say that I will wholeheartedly support any motion you make to leave and never come back.

Trowa: *struck by inspiration!* ///_^ *shoves Quatre out of the way* Sorry, Quatre! 'Scuze me! *begins typing furiously*

Quatre: *squeaks and peers over Trowa's shoulder*


Realizing how foolish he was and how they could all have died, Duo rushed across the battlefield to HIS true love's side. "Oh, Wufei- I just want you to know before one of us is too reckless and we've parted saying something we regret… I love you…"

"I love you, too," smiled the Chinese pilot, making big, adoring cow eyes at his stupid but loveable American sweetheart.


Trowa: *smirk* Payback.

Duo: O.O

Wufei: O.O

Trowa: *smug* You guys fight too much.

Both: >.
Trowa: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! *is attacked and tries to run away*

Quatre: o.o;;;;

Heero: Hn… *sits before the computer again*


Heero Yuy circled back to find out what was taking the others so long. "We need to get back to base. Quatre, I thought I told you to look after Trowa. Duo, Wufei, you can make-out when its safe. Let's head out."

The other four humbly apologized to the greatly superior Heero Yuy, and the five gundams flew off into the sunset, their missions complete.

End Chapter.


Heero: *saves file, spell checks, and posts.* Operation One of Mission FanFiction Complete. *turns around to see what the others are up to*

*Duo and Wufei have pinned Trowa to the bed and are taking turns strangling him*

Quatre: ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Guys!! Stop!! We shouldn't be fighting like this!!!

Duo: Oh, can it, Quatre.

Wufei: *continues pummeling/strangling*

Trowa: X.#;; /Help- me-/

Heero: Hn. *shuts down the laptop and gets up to leave* If we get good reviews, we'll write more.

Duo: *suddenly wide-eyed- runs to the computer* Shit- you didn't post already did you?! We need to add a 'Don't review!!' message!! Heero you baka!

Heero: *pulls out gun and aims right at Duo's forehead*

Duo: Heh. You've done that too much. I'm desensitized to it. Dude, if we don't do this, we could get a ton of reviews and Lady will make us write more! I don't want to waste my afternoons stuck in a room with you five when I could be playing video games or something!!

Heero: Hn. Add it now.

Duo: Huh?

Heero: Just say it now. Trust me.

Duo: …to who?

Heero: *shrug* I don't know how authors get those end comments at the end, but they do. Just talk to the air.

Duo: *through fate, manages to turn directly towards the reader with HUUUUUUUUGE puppy eyes* Don't review! Lady Lye will make us write more!

Wufei: No, wait, if we write more then we can make Barton do the hula to a Ricky Martin song in his clown pants!!

Duo: *pause* Never mind. REVIEW, DAMMIT!!!!

(End note from Eyl: *cackle* They don't know that all their behind the scenes stuff is being recorded by those handy vidcams Jolt Cola the Liar left lying around the house... thanks Jolt! *walks off, cackling*)