Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Going For Gold ❯ Chapter 72 ( Chapter 72 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Going for Gold”
January 2007 ShenLong
Chapter 72
As Quatre's words began to sink in, the group all stared at each other in shock. Trowa didn't give a shit who was around, he pulled his lover into his arms and did his best to comfort the grief stricken man. Catherine also moved in close and wrapped her arms around Quatre from behind, offering what comfort she could.
“Oh, shit,” Duo muttered under his breath. “That's terrible news.”
Heero remained sitting with a stunned expression on his face, unable to comprehend the words Quatre had spoken. Finally he snapped from his shocked state and reached across to squeeze the blonde's shoulder in a comforting gesture. “I'm so sorry, Quatre,” he said quietly.
“I think I'll go get the bill sorted out,” said Hilde in a hushed tone. Duo nodded to her and Hilde left to do just that. There was no doubt that the party was over, after such shocking news no one felt like eating or celebrating any more.
“I think I should take him home,” Trowa murmured.
“Good idea. We'll come along and give you a hand,” Duo replied in a low tone.
“Thanks.” Trowa's tone was warm, the gratitude evident in his eyes.
Hilde returned, having paid the bill and informing the maitre-de they needed to leave due to some bad news. The maitre-de passed on his sincere wishes that all would be okay and thanked them for coming.
Heero gathered up their paperwork whilst Duo went to give Trowa a hand with Quatre. The blonde inspector was a mess, and whilst the tears had slowed, his eyes still held that vacant, shocked look.
“Come on, Quat. Tro and I are going to take you home. You've had a nasty shock and I think you need some peace and quiet to come to terms with it all,” Duo coaxed.
Quatre released Trowa and turned to his friend. “I... I need to go home,” he managed to get out.
“I know, Quatre, and I'm going to take you home,” Trowa said in that gentle voice he used when dealing with frightened or injured animals. It obviously worked as it soothed Quatre and the blonde stood, albeit a little wobbly.
Trowa took one side, Duo the other and the pair supported their friend out to the parking lot and into Trowa's car where they managed to get Quatre into the seat and buckled up. The shock was still with the blonde, Duo could see that in the way the man's hands and body were shaking and he turned to Trowa.
“Take Catherine with you, Heero, Hilde and I will follow and meet you back at your place. Do you happen to know who his doctor is?”
“Yeah. It's Doctor Po, same as you,” replied Trowa.
“Good. I'll give her a call on the way and see if she can meet us at your place and give him something for the shock.” Duo closed the car door.
“Thanks, Duo. See you soon.” Trowa gave the vet a quick hug and then hopped in behind the wheel.
Catherine spoke quickly with Hilde and after a quick kiss, she climbed into the back of Trowa's car to keep an eye on the blonde on the trip home.
With Trowa's car departing, Duo turned for his own car, Heero beside him and entwining their hands together in a show of support. Duo gave the rider a warm smile of appreciation.
“I'll see you guys back at Trowa's,” Hilde sang out and climbed into her own vehicle.
“We're right behind you,” Duo called back as he unlocked his car and passed the keys to Heero to drive.
Once they were on the road, Duo pulled out his cell and called up Sally Po's practice. As it was evening and the surgery was closed, he got the answering machine. He listened to the message and dug out a pen from the glove compartment to write down the after hours emergency number. He knew he would be able to get a hold of the doc, he had her emergency number and had used it before; unfortunately it was in the telex machine at home and not in his cell which is why he needed to ring the surgery.
Scribbling the number down on the back of his hand, Duo pushed a couple of buttons, then punched in the after hours emergency number and waited for the call to connect.
“This is Doctor Po's after hours secretary. May I ask what is your emergency?”
Duo explained the reason for his call and was informed that the doctor would come out to Quatre within the next half an hour. Satisfied with that, Duo hung up and turned to Heero to relate the information.
“Good. I think he's going to need a lot of support,” Heero replied as he drove through the night.
“Yeah,” Duo said a little absently.
Heero picked up on the vet's distraction. “Duo? What's up?”
Duo ran his hand across his face. “This is probably going to sound weird considering the circumstances, Heero, but I know Quatre and his father never really got on.”
Blowing out a puff of air, Duo did his best to elaborate. “It's not really my story to tell, but I don't think Quatre would mind if I gave you the basic facts.”
“You know that anything you say to me won't go any further.”
“I know and that's why I'm telling you this, although if you want further details you'll have to ask Quatre yourself.”
“It's fine, Duo. Just let me know the basics.”
“Okay. Quatre is one of two siblings, his sister, Iria, is five years older than him. Quatre's dad always wanted a son, a heir so to speak and after several years of trying with no result, finally, Quatre was conceived. Anyway, when Quatre was born, it was too much for his mother's body to take and she died shortly after childbirth. Iria sort of became a mother to Quat, she adored him and he idolized her. His father also doted on him and in short, Quatre never wanted for anything, love, affection, toys, clothing, you name it, he had it showered upon him.”
“I see,” Heero said as he indicated to take the turn off the main road.
“From what I know, Quat's dad was starting to line up potential brides for him once Quatre turned eighteen. None of them found favor with Q though and time after time he found a way or reason not to date them. His dad was getting more and more annoyed and frustrated, pretty much ordering Quatre to find a girl, get married and settle down, have the compulsory two kids and white picket fence. Therefore, you can imagine what a shock it was to Quatre's dad when Q informed him that the reason he wasn't interested in any of the females was because he was gay.”
“Ah.” Heero could well imagine how that would have gone down given what Duo had told him thus far.
“In a nutshell, Quat's dad called him pretty much everything under the sun, refused to accept Quatre's orientation and kicked him out. Told him he never wanted anything more to do with him until he came to his senses and found a nice girl.”
“Instead, he found a nice boy,” Heero stated.
“Yeah, he did. Quatre hasn't spoken to his old man in years, they never saw each other from that day on as far as I know. Quatre does -” Duo swallowed and corrected himself remembering the reason for his telling Heero all this, “- did keep in touch with Iria though, the two of them were very close. They would see each other at least once a week and Iria kept him informed of what was going on in her life and his father's. Iria wasn't married, at least she hadn't tied the knot that I know of the last time Quatre saw her.”
“I can see why he would be so upset over Iria then,” said Heero in a soft tone.
“Yeah, those two were very close for siblings. Losing her is going to cut him deeply. I think he'd be more upset over Iria than his dad, although he would also be upset over that, never having made his peace with his father.”
Duo fell silent then, his thoughts turning to his blonde friend and how he could help him get through this.
Heero was equally silent, turning over in his mind what Duo had told him.
Ten minutes later they were pulling into Trowa's drive and cruising to a stop at the back of the house.
Trowa and Catherine were already assisting Quatre form the car, Hilde had also arrived and was unlocking the house. Duo and Heero went to help.
“Did you manage to get hold of Doc Po?” Trowa asked.
“Yeah. She should be here somewhere in the next half an hour or so.”
“Thanks, Duo.”
“My pleasure, Tro.”
Between them they managed to get the still shocked Quatre into the house and settled on the lounge. Catherine immediately went to make a pot of tea, Hilde going with her, the four males all remained in the lounge, Trowa sitting close to Quatre and holding the blonde in his arms.
“Do you know who made the call to Quatre?” Heero asked.
“I think he said it was a fellow co-worker. He did tell me, but it was all a little scrambled.”
Duo frowned. “I thought it was the job of the police to inform you when something like this happened?”
“It is,” Heero stated. “Why would a co-worker be passing on that sort of news?”
“I, I don't know,” Trowa said in a puzzled tone.
“Trowa, I know Quatre's not all that coherent right now, but do you think you could ask him for his cell and see what the last recorded incoming call's number was?” Duo asked.
Trowa nodded and after talking quietly to Quatre, he produced the cell and checked the number. “Here it is,” he said and passed over the cell.
“What are you going to do?” Heero questioned.
“Call them and see just what the hell their game is,” replied Duo and getting up to leave the room for a moment, he took the cell with him and did just that.
A couple of minutes later, he returned, a grim look on his face.
“What happened?” asked Heero as Duo returned and sat down.
“I called the number and spoke with the person. Seems the police tried to contact Quatre on his work cell as his personal phone number is a private, silent number. When they couldn't get him on that, they rang his work. This guy took the call and the police said they were trying to locate Quatre as they had some pretty serious news and needed to get in touch with him as quickly as possible. This guy sorta guessed what that news was and said he'd try to get hold of Q for them. Instead, when he rang Quat, he not only told him the police needed to talk to him, but also why they wanted to talk.”
“What a jerk!” Heero snapped. “He deserves to be strung up by the balls for that - sorry for the language and all,' he quickly apologized as he spotted the girls coming back in with the tea.
“I think one of us should call the police station and get the facts,” said Duo.
“I agree, and I'll make that call now,” Trowa responded. Easing himself from Quatre's side, Duo took up residence in his absence to offer comfort and support whilst Trowa went to make the phone call.
Catherine poured the tea, offering everyone a cup whilst the silence remained thick in the air. Duo managed to coax Quatre into having a couple of sips. The blonde was locked deep in his grief and misery, so much so that Duo was seriously beginning to worry about his friend and hoped Sally Po wasn't too far away.
Trowa returned and replaced Duo at his love's side, once he was comfortable again, he let the others know what had happened. “I called the local police and they confirmed they wished to speak with Quatre. I let them know what had happened and they weren't too happy with that co-worker. They're on their was here now to speak to Quat.”
“Would you like us to stay, or would you prefer us to leave?” asked Duo.
“I'd like you to stay, if you don't mind,” replied Trowa.
“Then we will stay.”
* * *
The local constabulary arrived about ten minutes later, two officers with kindly faces. Catherine met them at the door and escorted them through to the lounge room where Quatre was still sitting on the couch with his lover and friends around him. His eyes still held that vacant look, but when the police walked in, they appeared to focus again.
“Quatre Winner?” the constable asked.
“I'm Quatre Winner,” Quatre answered, his voice coming out calm and steady.
The sergeant took over from the constable, walking over to where Quatre was seated and squatting down so he could meet the blonde's eyes. “Mr Winner, I'm very sorry to be here as the bearer of bad news, though I understand you already know what I've come to tell you?”
Quatre nodded. “Yes.”
“I'm so sorry for your loss.”
Teal eyes brimming with fresh tears, Quatre focused on the sergeant. “How... What happened?” he asked. Despite the pain in his heart, he needed to know.
Taking a deep breath, the sergeant told the story. “They were not at fault. The crash investigation team's findings, along with eye witness reports confirm that your father and sister were driving in the left lane on the freeway, it appears there were a couple of cars drag racing each other in the middle and outside lane. One of the drivers lost control of his vehicle and careered across into your father's lane. The two cars collided and your father's car was forced off the road and onto the embankment where it flipped over and rolled several times before coming to a stop against the trunk of a tree.” The sergeant lowered his eyes but raised a hand and rested it comfortingly on Quatre's arm. “If it is any consolation at all to you, they died instantly.”
The sob Quatre had been holding onto suddenly burst forth, the blonde almost choking on his tears as the grief overwhelmed him once more.
“Thank you, sergeant,” said Trowa in a soft voice.
“I'm so sorry,” the officer repeated.
“So are we,” Trowa replied. “But thank you for telling us the facts, I know Quatre appreciates it, despite the circumstances. It will give him some form of closure.” Trowa pulled his lover into his arms and ran a soothing hand along his back - he didn't give a damn what the police officer thought. His lover was hurting and hurting bad, and Trowa intended to be there and offer whatever comfort and assistance he could to help the blonde through this difficult time.
“There's one other thing,” the sergeant said, a slight hitch in his voice. “I really don't like doing this, but...”
“What is it?” asked Trowa.
“I need someone to come to the morgue to formally identify the persons.”
Everyone in the room fell silent. It wasn't bad enough that Quatre had just had his whole world ripped apart, but he had to identify the bodies too!?
“I'll go,” Quatre whispered.
“No,” Trowa stated. “You've had enough trauma without this as well.”
“Trowa, I have to go. I have to see for myself, can't you understand that?” Quatre's voice was pleading.
Trowa gave a defeated sigh. “Yes, I can understand that. Okay, we will both go, but not until Doctor Po has been and says it's okay.”
Nodding, Quatre accepted that.
Trowa turned back to the police officers. “The doctor is on her way to see Quatre, once she's been and if she allows it, then we will come to the morgue and identify the... Quatre's sister and father.”
“Thank you.” The sergeant reached into his pocket and withdrew a card. He scribbled something on the back of it and handed it over to Trowa. “That's my name, officer number and my contact number. We will leave you now but call me on that number when you're ready to come to the morgue and I'll meet you there.”
“Thank you.” Trowa took the card and tucked it into his pocket.
“We will take our leave now. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.”
Catherine escorted the two officers out, leaving the rest of their friends in the lounge to digest the information.
* * *
Sally Po arrived a few minutes after the officers had departed and was her usual, calm self. With Duo having told the after hours secretary the reason for the call, Sally had already been informed. She shooed everyone out of the lounge room so she could examine her patient in peace and privacy, although Trowa refused to leave his lover's side and ended up staying. The rest of the group retreated to the kitchen and a top up of their hot beverages.
Once Sally had finished and departed, they all assembled back in the lounge where Trowa gave them all a brief explanation of Quatre's treatment and current condition. All knew he was suffering from shock and grief and as the doctor had said, it was something that only time would really heal. She did give Quatre a mild sedative though, just enough to help calm him down but not impede his function. After hearing that Quatre needed to go to the morgue to identify the bodies, she left Trowa a couple of tranquilizer tablets, informing the Latin man that he was to give Quatre one only, and that wasn't to be administered until two hours had passed since the sedative was given. The second pill was to be kept in reserve and only used if Quatre was still in a deep state of shock after twenty-four hours.
Doc Po also stated she would call by in the morning to check on Quatre.
Satisfied that all had been done that possibly could be done for their friend, Heero and Duo, along with Hilde, thought it best they took their leave. Trowa wanted to take Quatre to the morgue as soon as possible and get this next phase out of the way. Once that was done, he could bring his lover home and comfort him as only Trowa could.
Having said their goodbyes and offered their condolences to Quatre once more, the three left.
* * *
Trowa had called ahead and the officer was waiting for them at the entry to the morgue. Other than the exchange of a few words, nothing more was said, all present knew just how difficult this would be. The sergeant had been in the fatal crashes division for over eight years - and it never got any easier.
Walking into the morgue they were met by the female doctor in charge. She offered her condolences and made it perfectly clear to Quatre that no one would think any less of him if his emotions were to get the better of him. In fact, she would be very surprised and concerned if they didn't.
With the support of his lover, Quatre nodded he was ready and they went through to the room where the bodies were kept in the refrigerated units. The doctor stood by one drawer and looked to Quatre.
“I'm ready,” he said softly and took a deep breath to steady himself, grasping Trowa's hand at the same time for reassurance.
The doctor pulled the drawer open and then gently lifted the sheet back to expose the face.
Raising his head slowly, Quatre's eyes traversed the sheet and then came to rest upon the face of his father. He bit his lip, hand tightening in Trowa's. His father looked peaceful, as if he were asleep. Quatre took a step closer, the doctor fading away to give him a little privacy.
“I'm so sorry, father, for so many things - but mostly for the relationship we should have had, but didn't. Despite everything, you are and always will be my father and I'm proud to be your son. I never got the chance to tell you, but I love you.” Unable to speak any more, Quatre turned and buried his face against Trowa's shoulder, the tears running down his cheeks.
The doctor stepped back up and gently slid the drawer back, then moved to another drawer and pulled that one out.
Knowing he had no choice but to look, Quatre turned around and took a step forward. The doctor slid the sheet back and stepped away to give him some privacy.
Gazing down at his sister, Quatre's eyes filled with tears, a lump lodged in his throat and a strangled sob managed to work its way out between his lips. “Iria,” he cried softly.
Trowa moved closer, offering his presence as an anchor to the blonde and biting his own lip to keep himself from breaking down.
“Oh, Iria,” Quatre sobbed and leaned closer. He pressed a kiss to his sister's forehead and gently stroked a finger over her cheek. “Why?” he asked the empty air. “You were so young, so full of life and living. You weren't supposed to leave me. IRIA!” Quatre's world shattered around him, the reality hitting him full force that he would never see his sister again, never hear her tinkling laughter or watch her smiling eyes.
A pair of warm arms enveloped him and pulled him away from the body; instinctively he knew it was Trowa. He turned, still sobbing hysterically and clung to his lover.
“I think you should take him home and get his own doctor to see him,” the doctor said softly.
“His doctor has already called and left me with some tranquilizers for him,” Trowa replied as he held the distraught man.
“Good. I'm so sorry I had to put him, and you too, through this. If it wasn't necessary there is no way I would have subjected either of you to this trauma.”
“I know and I understand. Thank you for being compassionate.”
The doctor placed a hand on Quatre's shoulder and spoke softly. “I know how difficult that was for you and thank you for going through with it.”
Unable to reply through his grief, Quatre just nodded.
Turning her attention to Trowa again, the doctor spoke. “I'll give you a call tomorrow in regards to what funeral arrangements you wish to make.”
//Crap.// Trowa had forgotten about that detail. Of course they would need to make the arrangements for the funerals - but not now. Right now he needed to get his little love home, cleaned up and put to bed. They would deal with funeral arrangements later. “Okay,” Trowa replied to the doctor.
The sergeant stepped forward then to escort them both from the morgue. Once outside, he turned to Trowa and keeping his voice low and gentle, he asked, “Are you okay to drive yourselves home? I can give you a lift if you would prefer?”
“Thank you, officer, but I'll drive home. I think the distraction of driving is what I need right now,” said Trowa.
“I'll follow you to make sure you get back safely.”
“Thank you.”
Somehow Trowa managed to get Quatre back into the car and drive them home - although how, he really couldn't tell, as the memory of it all was just a blur.
* * *
The days following the accident all seemed to merge into one for Quatre. His grief took over his entire waking moments and quite often his sleeping ones too. Sally had been back to check on the blonde and prescribed some mild sedatives to try and help the Inspector to sleep, although she knew there was nothing other than time that could heal the blonde man. As word spread around the small country town of Quatre's loss, the Barton Animal refuge was swamped with calls, cards, flowers and messages of condolence. The R.S.P.C.A. was similarly deluged and Quatre was both stunned and touched by the many messages he received.
Trowa was a constant presence at his side, there to hold him after the nightmares and supportive during the waking hours with his never ending, unconditional love. Catherine was also supportive, taking over the majority of the chores at the refuge in between working at the vet practice and freeing Trowa up to spend more time with his lover.
Headquarters had given Quatre compassionate leave, telling him to take as long as he needed. The fellow worker who had broken the news to Quatre had been disciplined and would certainly never make that mistake again.
Heero and Duo were a constant presence too, offering all they could to assist in whatever capacity Quatre or Trowa needed. When Treize and Zechs heard the news, they had also been on the phone and visited in person to offer their own sympathies and assistance.
Despite the sadness, Quatre had managed to arrange the funerals, with help from Trowa and Catherine. Trowa had handled the bulk of the arrangements, finding out all they needed to know and then passing the information on to Quatre who had the final decision regarding the service, flowers, music, coffins and so on.
The funerals were to take place a week after the accident and Quatre had decided to hold one funeral for both. Trowa had agreed it would be best that way and helped in the way that Quatre wouldn't have to cope with two separate services.
The day of the service had been overcast, which suited Quatre's mood. Slowly but steadily he was learning to live with his loss, the grief still overwhelming at times but the pain was starting to ease a touch. Once the funerals were over, Quatre knew he would be able to start to move on with his life. Whilst he would never forget his father or his sister, they wouldn't want him to stop living either.
The church where Quatre was having the services held was packed to overflowing, the pews all full and people standing wherever they could find room. Duo and Heero along with Hilde and Catherine sat with Trowa and Quatre at the front of the church. Treize and Zechs were a couple of pews behind them.
The service was short but touching, the priest having known Quatre's father for many years and likewise, Iria and Quatre too. Quatre stood up and delivered the eulogy for both his father and Iria, his voice remaining clear and steady despite the tears that coursed down his face whilst speaking. Only his closest friends saw the white knuckled grip he had on the papers and the tremble to his hand when he placed a white rose on each of the coffins.
Once the eulogy was finished and Quatre returned to his seat, the priest invited others to come forth and place a sprig of rosemary on the coffins whilst the music Quatre had selected played softly in the background.
When everyone had finished, the coffins slowly descended through a special opening below the podiums they were sitting on where they would then be moved to the crematorium. Service over, all the people moved to the outside of the church where the R.S.P.C.A. volunteers had set up a long table and were serving tea and coffee.
Many people took the opportunity to approach Quatre and pass on their sympathies, the blonde acknowledging them all and thanking each person for their kind thoughts and wishes. Through it all, Trowa remained at his side, a pillar of strength for the emotionally fragile blonde who wanted nothing more than to go home and wake up from this nightmare.
Gradually the crowd thinned and Trowa managed to steer the inspector to their car where he drove them home to the refuge where a wake would be held for a few close friends.
Hilde and Catherine had taken charge of the wake, organizing the food and arranging for Duo and Heero to handle the drinks side of things. Duo had closed his practice for the day, all his clients more than understanding of the reason why. That left both himself and Hilde free to help their friend. Treize had also given Heero the day off and Zechs had managed to get the day free too.
There weren't many at the wake. Besides Duo, Heero and the other close friends, there were a few of Quatre's work colleagues, some of Iria's closest friends and a few of his father's business associates. Many a story was shared as they all reminisced in their own way.
After a couple of hours, Trowa could see his lover starting to flag under the stress and insisted he leave and go to bed. Quatre was grateful to escape and willingly allowed Trowa to usher him out and put him to bed. He was exhausted, physically and emotionally.
Not long after, most of the other guests departed too, Duo and Heero remaining behind to help clean up.
* * *
“Phone call for you, Quatre,” Catherine called out.
“Who is it?” Quatre asked as he appeared in the hall.
“A Mr Stein,” Catherine informed him as she handed over the receiver.
It had been four days since the funerals and Quatre was slowly starting to pick up the pieces of his life. He would return to work after another couple of days and was looking forward to that, it would give him a welcome distraction from the pain in his heart.
“Quatre Winner speaking,” he said as he took the receiver.
“Mr Winner, it's John Stein here. You don't know me, but I am the lawyer for your late father's estate.”
“Ah.” With the accident, the grief and everything else that went with losing his only family, Quatre hadn't even thought about his father's estate.
“Mr Winner, I know you've suffered a terrible loss and I'm so sorry for that, please, accept my sympathies.”
“Thank you, Mr Stein.”
“Mr Winner, if it is possible, I'd like for you to come to my offices in Grantham to discuss your father's will.”
Quatre sighed. “I really don't see the point, Mr Stein. My father disowned me several years ago, and that included cutting me out of his will.”
“Mr Winner, please, come to the office and let me discuss this matter with you?”
Given the tone of the solicitor's voice and his still fragile state, Quatre didn't have the strength to argue. “Okay. When would it be convenient?”
The lawyer arranged for Quatre to meet with him the following day and having passed on the address and contact phone number, the call was disconnected.
* * *
“Thank you for coming, Mr Winner.”
“Mr Stein,” Quatre replied and shook the solicitor's hand. “This is my very dear friend, Trowa Barton,” he continued and introduced Trowa.
“Mr Barton, it's a pleasure to meet you,” Stein said and shook the man's hand.
“Likewise,” returned Trowa.
“Please, take a seat, gentlemen.”
Quatre and Trowa sat whilst the solicitor took his own seat behind the large desk. Picking up a folder, Stein opened it and rummaged through some papers, bringing a sheaf of them to the top of the pile.
“Mr Winner, as I said on the phone, I am the solicitor your father employed to deal with his will; not only that, but I was also engaged to look after the legal side of his business too. I do realize you have a slight problem with your late father's estate, however, I'd like you to listen as I read out your father's will.”
Quatre figured it couldn't do any harm so he nodded. “Please, continue.”
“Thank you.” Stein picked up the papers in front of him and began to read. There was all the usual legal talk and then the actual 'meat' of the will. In short it stated that all properties, including items such as chattels, stocks, shares, bonds, cash and such were all bequeathed to Iria. The business known as 'Winner Enterprises' was also to be passed down to Iria.
Quatre waited until the solicitor had finished and then spoke. “I told you, Mr Stein, my father completely cut me out of the will so I don't know why you're bothering to drag all this out”
Trowa was starting to get annoyed with the solicitor, Quatre had already suffered enough without this 'legal eagle' rubbing his nose into it.
“Please, bear with me, Mr Winner.” Shuffling a few more papers, Stein picked up another sheaf. “As you now know, your father left everything to your sister, unfortunately, your sister also passed away with your father. Iria also had a will made out and lodged with me, I'd like for you to listen to what her wishes were.”
With a sigh, Quatre agreed.
Again the solicitor went through the legal bit first and then cut to the chase. “In the event of my passing, I hereby bequeath all properties, belongings, and all associated items to my brother, Quatre Winner. Should my brother predecease me then the properties and such are to be sold and the money raised donated to the R.S.P.C.A.”
The solicitor stopped speaking and looked at the pair sitting opposite him.
“Could, could you please repeat what you just said but in simple, everyday terms that a layman can understand?” Quatre whispered.
Stein smiled. “Mr Winner, you have inherited all of your sister's and father's property, including real estate, vehicles and such. You have also inherited the business, Winner Enterprises. In a nutshell, Mr Winner, you're a very wealthy young man.”
~ * ~