Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Good Things Come in Small Packages ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the related characters, no matter
how much I whine about it *sniffle*

Warnings: Excessive cuteness, maybe a teeny bit of angst, and above all
WAFF/romance. Yes, this is a love story of sorts. If ya don't like fluff, this
isn't the fic for you.

Pairings/Groupings: Wufei/Trowa and Heero/Duo/Quatre.

Shota (chibi pairings): Chibi Wufei/Chibi Trowa, Chibi Duo/Chibi Quatre, Chibi
Heero/? (hehehe)

Dedication: This one goes out to Nana-imouto for being a sweetie through
everything life has tossed her way and my partner (in more ways than one =^_~=)
on the GW Yaoi RPG Enigma for planting this idea in my head.

Additional Notes:
~*~*~ new part

Last Note: Thanks to my llama-koi Enigma for the title! It's untitled no mo'!

Good Things Come in Small Packages...
By Ryoko 03

"This is far too easy," Heero grumbled, carefully deleting all files relating to
OZ's cloning project.

Duo glanced away from the door he was guarding to offer his friend and erstwhile
lover a smirk. "Bitch, bitch, bitch," he teased. "You'd be whining that it was
too easy if there were two dozen soldiers out in the hall shooting at us!"

"Two dozen in the hall *and* a troop of mobile suits at the window," Quatre
added, laughing to himself at Heero's muttered reply. The Japanese teen was far
too serious at times. Which was probably the reason he and the braided
bishounen had taken it upon themselves to try to get him to lighten up... at
least in the bedroom.

Wufei shook his head and went back to searching the lab. Rumor had it that OZ
had actually managed to start the cloning process, which meant that there had to
be a couple of clones actually on location. There were three rooms adjoining
the lab, one that was empty and one that Trowa was currently searching. This
third room was empty as well, so the Chinese pilot abandoned his search and went
to see what was taking the French/Latino pilot so long.

//Even if he *did* find something, he should have been done by now,// he thought
with a frown. Noting that Heero was still locating and deleting files, the
Chinese pilot slipped into the third room where the object of his affection was
sure to be found.

Although he had yet to admit it to anyone, Chang Wufei was *quite* taken by the
beautiful green-eyed pilot. He paid careful attention to everything he did,
even discovering a few things along the way that only made him grow fonder of
his teammate. The slight reddish highlights in his hair, the gold flecks in his
eyes that danced in the light, the unconscious grace with which he moved...
everything about him seemed angelic.

He found Trowa exactly where he'd expected, in the third room. The brunette was
standing at a control panel, attempting to hack into the system and, so it
seemed, completely ignoring the five cloning chambers that were close by. His
expression was one of intense concentration, and he barely glanced up when Wufei
entered the room.

"Barton? What, exactly, are you doing?"

"Trying to shut down the chambers without destroying any of the clones."

The answer shocked the sloe-eyed teen; one of their main mission objectives was
to destroy any clones that were on the base! What was Trowa thinking?!

"Why?" he asked, keeping his voice schooled so that his shock wasn't apparent.
"You know damned well that we are to destroy them before we leave here."

"Fine." The emerald-eyed pilot turned and actually *glared* at his teammate.
"But before *you* do," he continued, "go look in those chambers and see what,
exactly, you are about to abort."

Trowa's choice of words was confusing. Wufei managed to hide that, though, and
shot back a glare of his own before moving over to the first chamber and peering
in. When he saw the cloned human inside, though, he couldn't hold back a gasp
of surprise.

Within the first cloning chamber was a child version of Heero Yuy. The second
chamber held a young Duo Maxwell, the third a tiny Trowa Barton, the fourth a
miniaturized Quatre Raberba Winner, and the fifth a chibi version of himself.

The clones were the pilots themselves... much younger versions, but the five
Gundam pilots all the same. And suddenly, Wufei had no desire to destroy the
innocent duplicates.

