Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing Neoliton Project 9 ❯ Following the Sorrow ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Part 2- Following the Sorrow

Sounds of metal clanking together, screws bolting, soldering, and wires being attached were what filled the room. The room was dark, and there was only one person there. The dark figure there was working on an arm of huge metal giant, with sparks flying from the area on which they were working. They put away the metal device that they were using, and jumped down from the metal bridge on which they were supported onto another metal bridge connected to the opening of the cockpit of the metal giant. The figure walked into the cockpit, and turning around, sat down, and started working on the ceiling mechanisms. Contented with the results, they looked forward and rested their face on their fist.
"Yoshimi Hydeoshi… death angel." the dark figure whispered softly, "I know you shall be uttermost displeased, but I cannot give you anything more suitable for you. I know very little about 00's customized cockpit, and you seem not to have put upon me what I would need to please you." They brought their hand up to the side of their face, and there was a bright flash. "I know that building this completely alien system will have its consequences, but time and only time itself has cursed this upon me." The figure's shadowed face emitted a faint upward turn of the lips, "From the day I met you, nothing has been the same, for your genius yet human mind comes up with quite the extraordinary. I cannot imagine what reaction you shall have to this…" the dark figure gave a small smirk, "Or can I…?"
* * *
A young blonde girl wearing black pants and a close fitting black jacket with a silver zipper and red and white markings was entering a code on a machine that was one a wall of a gray building. A light on the side of the machine started shining and a section of the gray building's wall parted. She walked through; looking around if anyone was there. It was dark inside, and very quiet. Her footsteps made only a faint sound as she kept walking forward. Walking some distance in the darkness, the sound of men laughing arose. The young girl was alarmed, and jumped back behind a wall. She listened, and then whispered to herself, "These men don't sound like the dealers of illegal weapons."
She took out something small and round out of her pocket and extended her arm out forward, moving towards the edge of the wall where the sound of men laughing and talking was. In the reflection of the small mirror in her hands, she saw soldiers.
"Nova soldiers…" she whispered harshly, her eyes narrowing, "5 or 6 of them. That won't be too hard." She put the mirror back in her pocket. She took a deep breath. Looking up, she spotted beams. Pressing a button on a device on her wrist, she sent a rope flying into the air, hooking up onto the beams without making a sound. She then jumped and flipped herself over, wrapping her legs around the rope, dangling upside down. She pressed the button on her wrist again and was pulled up towards the beam. When her feet reached the beam, she planted them there and slowly got her whole body over as the rope was being pulled into the device in her wrist. Finally, she was in a crouching position and untied the rope, which slid back into the device on her wrist. She stood up, and walked fearlessly on the beams towards where the soldiers were talking. She took out a gun and pointed at a soldier. She pulled the trigger and the soldier just fell aimlessly on the floor. The other soldiers started frantically looking around, but one by one they fell to the floor. Left standing were the dealers behind a counter. They stood motionless in shock for a few moments, then started to look around. The blonde girl jumped down in front of them. The dealers jerked at the sudden figure. The blonde girl only gave a small smile.
"Those soldiers were giving you a hard time, I believe?" she asked. The men stared back at her with wide eyes, then one man, swallowing, said,
"What do you want?"
"Ordering parts." The blonde girl answered. The man nodded.
"We've been notified of some kid coming. Please give us your ID." The blonde girl pulled out a small card and threw it to the dealers. The man picked it up, and nodded.
"All right. I hope this will be enough for saving our lives, Setsuna."
* * *
Raindrops slid down the glass, leaving small traces of their paths, only to disappear to more oncoming rain. The officials in the warm building were quietly talking amongst themselves in happier tones, shuffling their papers and preparing to leave, but only with a false report to give to the others impatiently awaiting the news coming from the room. Whatever was heard in this room would remain a whisper, a secret.
The old man sat in a black leather chair, watching the officials talk.
"I hope Neolition Project 9 will indeed achieve its goal. What a shame it would be, more than 20 wasted years."
* * *
A lady wearing a white spacesuit stood before a large window in a spacecraft, the stars illuminated on her face. She wore no helmet, and her short black hair fell into her eyes as she stared sadly into outer space. She rested one hand on the glass, and gave a sigh,
"Zechs… we're separated and it's wartime again…" She turned away from the window and headed for an area full of controls. She stared for a moment, then her eyes turned wide. She typed some things up on the controls, and then murmured,
"My ship is surrounded… by who and why?" She looked around the room. On the doors she heard banging, and then saw them break down as soldiers filed into the room. One soldier, having an air of authority, came up to her.
"Miss, there is no need to panic. Your ship is under Nova's supervision, and by orders and for your own safety you and your ship will be transported back to L1. We have everything under control. So, please, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride." He smiled and then walked away, yelling orders to some of his men. The lady narrowed her eyes.
"So this is what Nova is doing- taking control of everything as though it's theirs already. They have some nerve. They think of me as nothing but a container of information. But… they will get nothing from me except a lot of trouble." She thought to herself. She walked past the soldiers scurrying around the ship. She walked far off from sight, down a corridor leading into a storage area. Opening the doors, she stepped into the dark room near many huge stacks of boxes. Walking far behind a batch of them, she sat down in the shadows.
"Zechs… I wish I could be with you, not trying to get more supplies for the terraformation project. But seems I won't be able to get back to you for quite some time… I may as well lend a hand to Sally. She'll know what to do. But for now, I'll need to escape this ship, for Nova is not what I intend to work for. Not in this lifetime."
* * *
Heero sat before the screen in his Gundam's cockpit, hunched over his seat repairing something near his feet. He was giving repairs to his Gundam, as were the other Gundam pilots.
"Heero…" came a female voice. Heero lifted his head up to the screen, muttering a surprised "Huh?"
"I thought I'd find you here. You never try to lose a moment of time. And, as an added bonus, reaching you this way keeps this message all the more confidential."
"Sally…" muttered Heero, looking at the smiling face on the screen with concern, "What is it?"
"I have something that may be of interest to you, and although I do think you may brush it off within seconds, it is worth a try. It's certainly gotten me involved." Heero's eyes narrowed as Sally continued,
"We have received a confidential file from the colony officials. They had just been holding a mandatory meeting in which this appeared. They are quite anxious to hear of your answer. It is about a project that has been going on for 20 years, which begs for us to go with it. Its goal has been in trying to destroy Nova, and according to its plan, it hasn't failed in anything except reach enough militaristic power to overcome Nova. This is where out part comes in. I'll be handing over the files to you, so it is up to you to decide if this is a joke or not." Sally disappeared from the screen. Replacing her, small words covered the screen, and Heero stared, reading for a while. Heero placed his hands on the keyboard and typed up some commands. A disc slid out, and Heero took it. He typed in another command, and a new set of words appeared on the screen. They illuminated onto his face, and he murmured,
"I may be a fool to do this, but one must be a fool to be me. Mission accepted."
* * *
A young boy in a white military uniform stood in a glass elevator, looking at the scenery as the elevator slowly descended into the colony. The boy had short black hair, thin strands falling into his eyes, which were bright green. Two officers stood next to him, but at to a side in the back, as though to give him extra room. To himself, the young boy whispered,
"The militaristic growth of Nova is more than satisfactory. Progress for my new weapon is right under way, new mobile dolls are being manufactured, volunteers for our army are increasing tremendously in numbers, and finally everything is getting under control. I can envision the bright future ahead; a peaceful future, where man and nature have finally come together in perfect harmony, a perfect heaven where greed and fear shall not rule our souls. Such is my family's, no, my father's ideal, as is mine. This is the sole purpose of Nova. And to do this…" he smirked, "I, Caprician Monticlair, shall eliminate all terrorists. The Gundam pilots, their allies, everyone who is with them. They are the source, the heart of terrorism. With them, peace can never exist in this world."
* * *
I remember it all quite clearly. It was a beautiful day, and I had set upon an aircraft to reach the next city for another delegation meeting. I was sitting, staring out the window, and enjoying the warm rays of sun on my face. It had been a few hours since we had taken off, and I felt very comfortable and relaxed. Unexpectedly, the plane swerved sideways, and I was thrown against the armrest of my seat. My hair fell in my face as I clutched the armrest so as not the fall further. Moments alter, the aircraft shifted the other way, and I was once again thrown, this time against the window. Out of the window I could see the ground, and I noticed that we were quickly descending towards the earth. This time the plane jerked forward, throwing me against the seat before me. In fear, I clutched the side of the chair and closed my eyes. I could hear the captain screaming that some kind of radar destroyed the computer flight system and now our plane was hopelessly out of control.
I remember dust and ash flying out at me and then nothing more.
I awoke to see a blue sky above, with green treetops towering into the blue. I heard some voices, yet they were unfamiliar. I tried to sit up, but I fell back in pain. I realized now that I had survived the plane crash, and some things weren't going to be the same for a long time. I was in the beautiful, luscious forests of central Africa, found by a group of field biologists, hundreds of miles away from human civilization. They knew nothing about me or about the wars that had currently been going on. These people were peaceful, living along with nature, knowing little about the terrible fighting with huge, monstrous machines called Gundams. I enjoyed that, but I still longed for home. But my memories of home would just remain memories, for these people had no means of outside communication, and only on foot could we come across other people. I knew I could not be found, for the radar had destroyed all information on my aircraft, and no one had a clue as to what happened to me. I still think about my home… my friends, my school, just people. Would I, Relena Dorlain, ever return home, or ever see Heero Yuy again?
* * *
Light flashed upon the visor of a young girl's helmet as she rode her motorcycle through the illuminated streets of a colony cloaked in night. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt, close-fitting black pants, with thick silver bracelets around her wrists. Around her neck was a silver choker, with a black opal in the middle. Her hands gripped the handlebars of the motorcycle very tightly, stressfully.
"Nastia…" she murmured as she swerved her motorcycle to the right, her blonde hair flying behind her, "Why? Why must I always feel so scared? I feel so nervous just approaching our base…" She tried to loosen her grip, but then gripped again even more tightly, her hands turning red.
"Why have I become scared of you? I've never been scared of any person before… when I first met you, I wasn't scared of you at all… but now, but I'm too scared to even approach, to look at you. What is it about you that sends a chill down me?"
She quickly swerved her motorcycle again, this time into an abandoned alley. She put her foot out to skid to a stop. She stepped off, and let the motorcycle rest against the brick alley wall. She took off her helmet, letting her blonde hair tumble into her face. Shaking, she the grabbed the helmet with one hand and forcefully threw it into a big abandoned trash bin. It made a loud clanking sound in the eerie stillness. She stood there, panting, and then took her motorcycle and stuffed it behind the trash bin. She turned to the wire fence, the top covered in barbwire, and a lone streetlight in the distance making the metal shimmer. Taking a deep breath, she jumped up forward, precisely grasping the wire not covered in barbs with her hands, and swung her body up so that she stood vertically upside down on the wire. She then flipped twice quickly to the ground. Staring forward, she started to shake again. She clenched her teeth and sprinted forward into the darkness until she reached a black door that blended in perfectly with the blackness of the huge building. She put her hand up, which shook, and then slammed it onto the door. Her bracelet's right section opened up and gave a quick red flash. She pushed the door in and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Her lip started to tremble as she stood on a metal bridge, staring down at three giants covered in gray canvas.
"Oh… no… Nastia… what…" she murmured, her eyes turning wide.

End of Part 2.