Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam6x ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1Chapter 1
The spaceship, Galaxia, was patrolling the outer regions of the solar system,
when the Kamse appeared ready to do battle to the death.
"It's another attack sir," said a young officer of the Gaxalia.
"Then send out the Virgos," ordered General Zarbond.
"But General shouldn't we send out the moible dolls, to prevent causalities."
"Are you questioning me!"
"No sir, right away sir," he replied," wait sir the gundams have arrived."
"Thank goodness we're saved." The general sighed in the relief that he wouldn't
have to sacrifice his men yet.
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"Now we may have a bit of a challenge," sneered the Kamse Upia.
"Hello, I'm your worst nightmare, "bellowed the cocky young pilot of the Ultra
Deathsythe, Duo, "Who ever sees me goes to hell."
With that along with his fellow pilots, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei the
battle had begun.
"If you won't surrender," Quatre cried, "then I'll have to destroy you."
"Such fools," commented a kamse, "like we would ever surrender to such
"I'm sorry I have to destroy you," Quatre spoke as he struck them down.
"I will kill you," commented Heero as he slashed as the enemy.
"More are coming," announced Wufei.
"I'll take care of them," cheered Duo as he went ahead.
"No wait, Duo," cried Quatre and Trowa, "There are too many. We need a plan ."
"Awe, come on guys," moaned Duo, "I just wanted to have fun."
"Hey, someone's coming this way," Trowa informed.
"Need any help guys," someone called over the com link.
"Another gundam," the all pondered.
"Um, sure," answered Duo, wanting to get back into the fight himself.
"Okay, The NightHawk, and I'll take care of these guys" the other pilot cheered,
" The Angel of hell has come to destroy you."
"Fool," mocked the Upia as the mobile suits were being destroyed.
Sure enough the pilot destroy all the Kamse suits.
"They shouldn't be back for awhile," the victorious NightHawk pilot announced.
"Awe man, he didn't even leave me one," cried Duo, " and he stole my name," but
it was to late the new pilot was gone.
"His gundam is strong," Wufei sent this message to the other pilots.
"Yes, maybe to strong," commented Heero.
"Well, at least he's on our side," chimed Duo.
"I wonder who he is," pondered Quatre.
"I wonder....." questioned all the pilots.

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