Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero Potter: Year 01 ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heero Potter

By Midori Bond & Devon Masterson-Bond

Chapter 6

Heero took a deep breath and knocked on the white Victorian door. He could hear soft foot falls from inside just before he caught a glimpse of someone peaking through the window. "Can I help you?" a voice asked as they opened the door slowly.

Heero nodded. "Can Victoria come out an play?" he asked. This had been all Duo's idea. As much as he would have loved for her to come outside in the daytime, he had a feeling this was a bad idea. They could all get her into trouble. He was not sure of the exact situation, but he knew that the person in her house was her guardian and was supposed to keep her inside during the day. Nighttime...nighttime she was free to do what she wished, but her guardian left for home once the sun set. He wasn't able to get much more about the subject out of Victoria.

Her eyes widened in shock. "No one by that names lives here," she replied quickly as she moved to shut the door.

Heero quickly stuck his foot in the door. "I know she lives here. You don't have to worry about her the rest of the summer. My friends and I talked to our guardians and she'll be coming with us to school tomorrow."


The boy nodded. "Hogwarts Acad..."

"You're one of them!" she exclaimed in shock as she moved back.

Heero nodded once more. He didn't like the way she was looking at him. "She will be in safe hands."

"You mean I can leave early?" she asked incredulously.

"You can leave now," he replied. The woman shrank against the wall and the young boy sighed then leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the hall. Then woman the quickly ran for the door then started down the street.

Once she was gone, the others poked their heads from out of the bushes. They had stationed themselves there just in case they had to kidnap Victoria. "Muggles can be so weird," Duo commented.

"I agree," Quatre replied.

"She is merely ignorant," Wufei said as they walked inside.

"I am surprised that she thought we would hurt her. We're only children," Trowa noted as he looked around the house. "She has her trunk already packed." He pointed to a large trunk and several other items in the sitting room.

"Speak for yourself, Weasely," Wufei muttered.

"We should take those and put them with our things," Quatre suggested as he walked over to the trunk. He grabbed on end of the trunk and was about to start to drag it when he stopped and leaned over curiously. "What's this?" he asked running his hand over the trunk.

"Dust," Duo answered walking over to his friend. "She's not a neat freak. I like her even more."

"I find that surprising," Wufei commented. "Victoria seems so dignified."

"I'm sure it's none of our business," Trowa replied picking up a package.

"I'm going to find Victoria," Heero said balling his fist in anger. He had a pretty good idea why there was dust on her trunk and if he was right they had been there all summer.

"We'll take care of this and set," Duo replied. Something told him that Heero wanted to look for her alone. Besides, who knew what kind of mood Victoria was in she first awoke. She might attack him by mistake.

Heero ran up the stairs and started down the darken hallway. He knew from past conversations that Victoria's room was at the end of the hall, but after knowing her nearly two weeks he still had never been inside. A soft growl formed in his throat as he reached her room, the one with six security pad locks on the door. He fingered one of the locks just before leaning his ear to the door. There was silence. "She must be sleeping," he thought looking at the door hopelessly. How was supposed to get her out of there. None of them knew any spells destructive enough to break the locks without injuring her or destroying the house. Then there was the minor magic clause. They weren't supposed to be practicing magic in the first place.

"Whatcha doing?" Wushu asked as he moved down the hall towards Heero. "Ooh, so this is where you went off to! Think they have enough locks? What is she a prisoner? This is not Azkaban."

"What are you doing here?" Heero asked as Wushu climbed up his leg and then settled in his favorite spot.

"I wanted to see the people under the stairs," he answered sarcastically. "I got bored waiting for you and that woman ran off so I don't have to hide anymore. Hmmm…let me see what I can do here." A crimson glow surrounded Wushu. The locks on the door shook for a moment then fell to the floor. "Open sesame."

"I didn't know you could do that," Heero replied stroking Wushu gratefully.

"You know I don't brag…much," Wushu commented before nipping Heero's ear lightly. "I'm shy you know."

"Right," Heero said as he opened the door. Inside there was a bed and closet full of pajamas. Sunlight filtered in through curtains giving it the domicile a cheery sort of feel despite the lack personality in the room.

"Heero," Victoria said softly in her sleep causing the young man to jump. He thought was awake for a second.

"She's dreaming about you. Sounds like love," Wushu teased.

Heero flushed slightly as he walked over to the side of the bed. There was not point in replying. It would only egg the ruby dragon on, plus he was more interested in the sleeping girl. He had never been in a girl's room before. It was not what he expected. "Victoria," he said lowly as he shook her.

"Mmm," she said as she turned over.

Heero sighed and leaned over to shake her again when she turned suddenly. Her quick movements caught him off guard and he fell top of her. His face burned in embarrassment as soft brown eyes opened to the sound of hissing laughter.

Victoria blinked several times and she reached under her pillow for her glasses. She frowned. "What are you doing here?" she asked pulling the covers up to her chin. It was not the first time he had ever seen her in her pajamas, but it seemed different in her bedroom versus outside.

"I..I.. we came to.." he was at a lost for words. Her had never been so embarrassed in his life.

"Where's Hagatha?" she asked grabbing her robe from the bedpost and slipping it on without dropping the sheet.

"She left," he answered with just a little more confidence.

"What are you so scared for?" she asked crankily. "If you fear me, how are you going to survive your first year?"

"I'm not afraid," he replied standing up. "We asked the Grangers if you could spend the night and leave for Hogwarts in the morning. We're going to have a water gun fight and eat pizza. We thought you would like to come."

"I see," she commented.

"The invitation still stands," he added.

"A lady sleeping over…"

"You would have your own room," he interrupted, "there's no way Trowa's grandmother would let you sleep in the room with us. We maybe first years, but we do notice girls."
Victoria blushed. "I am sorry if I offended you," she said then smiled, "I accept your invitation."

"Hmm," Heero said simply. "The guys are moving your luggage across the street. I'll wait for you down stairs." He was about to leave when she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you," she replied. The day was already looking up.

The young boy flushed as he held her for a few moments. "Action, that's what I like to see! So when's the wedding?" Wushu asked.

Victoria broke the hug and looked at Heero. "I better get dressed," she said flushing. She glared at Wushu for a second.

"Okay," Heero nodded as he looked at her curiously. If he didn't know better, he could have swore that Victoria understood Wushu.


"You won't escape," Wufei said lowly as he looked through the scope hydroweapon. A gleam was seen in his eyes as he saw his target in cross hair. He had been waiting for such an opportunity all afternoon. His finger tensed on the trigger as he savored the thought of seeing the elusive Heero taken out. A twig snapped behind him. "Wha?"

"Gotcha, Wufei," Quatre smiled as he pulled the triggered and sprayed Wufei down with water from his standard issue super soaker.

"It looks like I might be vindicated," Wufei smiled. Quatre raised an eyebrow and ducked. "Ahh, Weasely you have terrible aim!"

Trowa snickered as he watched his friend drip on the grass. Wufei was not the intended victim, but he would take out two if need be. He turned to aim at Quatre when a spray of water hit him in the chest. "You let your guard down. That's payback for you," Quatre laughed before running off. There was a certain Japanese wizard he wanted to give a wet payback to as well.

Trowa and Wufei stood looking at each other for a moment. "He's enjoying this way too much," they each thought before raising their guns and shooting at each other continuously.

Mrs. Granger smiled as she watched the boys playing out of the window. They were definitely something else. She was going to miss them after she dropped them off tomorrow at the station. The house would be empty once again.

The telephone rang. "Hello?"

"Hi, mom, how are the boys? They haven't been too much trouble for you have they?"

"No, Hermione, why would you think that?" she asked curiously.

"I've hardly gotten the chance to speak with you and dad. You're always gone or about to leave," she answered. "I know how much energy they can take up sometimes."

"Everything is fine, Sweetheart. I'm going to miss them when they leave. They all behaved well."

"Even Duo?" she asked.

Mrs. Granger chuckled. "Yes. He has minded well and he told me to tell you that you won't have to send him any howlers"

Hermione chuckled. "He really is something," she commented before changing the subject. "How is Heero doing?"

"He's fine. He's outside playing with boys," her mother answered. "I was concerned about him at first, but then he made a new friend. He and the others have been sneaking out to play with her every night, but today is the first day they invited her over."

"Mother, you've been letting them sneak out of the house," Hermione shrieked.
"Now calm down dear, they only went across the street and they always made it back time for me to check on them. They were perfectly safe. I find that sometimes you need to give your child a little freedom, now and then. Right Hermione?"

Hermione fell silent. She knew what her mother was eluding to, her times at Hogwarts when she, Ron, and Harry roamed about. "Mother that was different...wait a minute did you say she?"

"Yes, apparently there was young witch living across the street. I believe I've seen her mother once about sunset. I guess they are nocturnal people."
"That is odd," Hermione admitted.

"She must be a first year like them," Hermione speculated. Now she could get a look at this girl that captivated her adopted nephews attention. "Well mother, I have to finish helping with the final preparations for tomorrow's banquet. It's hard to believe that the boys are going to be first years."

"They do grow fast, don't they?" her mother asked wistfully.

"Yes they do," Hermione sighed. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, dear," she replied before hanging up the phone. She turned her attention to the children in the yard and smiled. It looked like Heero was about to lose his dry status in the water war.

"Ahh!" Heero screamed out as he was suddenly bombarded with water balloons.

"You have been caught," Victoria laughed from a nearby tree. It was her base of operations.

Heero glared at Victoria. of course she would be the one to finally soak him, though he would have put money on it being Quatre. A mischievous smile crossed his face. "She has no where to go," he thought as he lifted his gun and started spraying. "Pay back."

Victoria put her hand up instinctively then dived out of the way. She pushed another balloon over the size of the tree house. "Retaliation," she called out as she started shooting back at Heero. The two pre-teens shot at each other laughing. It was the most fun either had in a long time or in Victoria's case ever. Her smile faded somewhat when she observed something across the street that she could not ignore. "What is she doing here?"


"Hello?" a young girl called as she stood back and looked up at the silent house. She had been knocking for the past ten minutes. "I guess no one's home," She sighed, "and I came all the way here."

"Are you friend or foe?" a voice asked suddenly causing the girl to jump.

She turned around and started into the violet eyes of a boy with long chestnut hair. A large water gun was aimed at her and she could tell by the look in his eye that he was looking for the chance to shoot her.

"Duo, she's not playing," Quatre replied standing in front of the girl. "Don't mind him," he told her.

"You are no fun, Tre?" Duo whined putting his gun down.

Dark eyes blinked for a moment in confusion. "You are the strangest Muggles I've ever met," she said shaking her head.

"Muggles?" Duo asked in disbelief and Quatre merely stared. Neither could believe that someone actually that they were Muggles it was weird and exciting all at the same time.

The girl flushed for second. She had to be more careful with her speech. "Don't pay attention to me," she said quickly as she laughed. "Um...I'm looking for Victoria, but it looks like she isn't bye!" She grabbed her bag and ran off.

"Wait!" Quatre called reaching out for her. His hand clasped around her hand. "You know Victoria?"

The girl stopped. "Do you know where she is?"

"Maybe," Duo answered. "Who wants to know?"

"We go to the same school," the girl sighed. She had a feeling that she was not going to get anywhere unless she gave up some information. "I came for a visit."

"And you are?" Duo asked.

"Lucretzia Noin," Quatre answered, "and you're in Gryffindor."

Deep purple eyes widened. "How did you know?" she asked.

"You have it written on your bag," Quatre answered looking amused.

Duo shook his head and was about to say something smart when he noticed the two holding hands. "I see another opportunity here." A chestnut eyebrow raised in curiosity. "So…when's the wedding?" he asked. "You know between you and Heero the laughs will never stop."

The two snatched their hands away in embarrassment. "Sorry, Miss Noin," Quatre apologized. His face turned beet red.

"You and Wushu could be twins," Duo laughed.

"Hmm," Quatre said thoughtfully then raised his water gun and started shooting at Duo. "Gotcha!" He then turned to Lucretzia. "Come on Miss Noin before he catches us." He grabbed her hand and ran off.

"Call me Lucy," she laughed as they ran away.

"There will be payback, Tre!" Duo replied. He wiped his face. It seems like their water war was about to get a little bigger.

"We we're having a water war," Quatre explained as he pulled Lucretzia along. "It was Trowa's idea. That surprised everybody, especially Duo."

"I just..." she began when they both stopped. "Miss Une," she greeted.

Victoria looked at her. "You're older than I am Miss Noin," she pointed out. "Victoria is fine."

Lucretzia smiled. "Well then Victoria, Happy Birthday." She held out a package with a bow on it.

Victoria's eyes widened and she flushed. "How did you..."

"Treize told me and I figured if we're going to be friends I am going to have to get to know you."

"Miss Noin," Victoria began.

"We're both twelve now. Call me Lucy," she corrected.

"Lucy, I.."

"You two look like you need some time alone," Heero noted. He motioned toward Quatre. "We'll go hunt the others and you join in when you're done."

"Wait…" Victoria called out as the two boys ran off then sighed.

"You have strange friends," Lucy giggled. "Though I didn't think you had any friends since you're always by yourself in class."

"Then why are you here?" she asked.

"They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Lucy answered.

"Oh and which am I?"

Lucy smiled and grabbed Victoria's arm. "I'm still trying to decide." She winked. "So where are the water guns, I want to get that longhaired kid back."

On the other side of the yard…

"Hey Heero, Quatre, where ya' going?" Duo asked as he ran up.

"We're giving Miss Noin and Victoria some space," the blond answered then turned to Heero. "We should do something for her since it's her birthday."

"Whose birthday?" Duo asked

"Victoria's," Quatre answered.

Duo shrugged. "Cool. We'll put some of those candle things that Trowa's grandma put on your cake last week. We could put it on the pizza. It's like a cake."

"Good idea," Quatre replied smiling then turned to Heero. "What do you think?"

"It's fine," he commented then walked off.

"Heero, where are you…" Quatre began.

"Look out!" Duo yelled. Quatre quickly ducked behind Duo and held him in place as a blast of water hit him in the chest.

"Thank you for saving me Duo," Quatre smiled.

"You are wrong and I'm going to get you when you sleep," He replied as he shook himself.

"I was aiming for Quatre, but you will do as well Weasely," Wufei said as he ran up. "You're lucky that I'm out of ammunition, Malfoy."

"Dodge this," Trowa called out suddenly as he threw two water balloons at Quatre. He smirked as he finally made his mark. "I have avenged myself."

Quatre pulled a piece of rubber off his head. "I still got you first."

"Hmm." Trowa and Heero said unison.

"Let's fill up and play again," Duo suggested. His violet eyes sparkled. "I still have to get Victoria."

Heero glared at the longhaired boy. "Leave her alone."
"Tell me where you were trying to go off to," Duo bargained. "What you didn't think we'd notice you ducking out on the rest of us?"

"I think he's going to get Victoria a present," Quatre interjected.

"How do you know we didn't want to get her anything?" Duo asked. "She's our friend too even if she's a girl."

Heero sighed outwardly though he couldn't help but feeling warm inside his heart. It good to know that they cared, even when they pretended they were giving him privacy. But then he was really in no position to talk when he made it his business to know their whereabouts, especially after his mother died. The Potter curse was starting to set in with him. Whoever killed his mother was still out there, he saw him. He would never tell anyone about it, but he would make sure that person never hurt anyone else he cared about. "Hmm." He turned his back. He was curious just how far they would go to stop him.

"He's going AWOL!" Duo yelled. "Get him!"
"Wha?" Heero asked as three of the four boys body tackled him onto the grass.

Trowa shook his head then jumped on the pile. "Using a petrify charm would have been easier," he commented from the top of the pile.

"Except none of us know any," Quatre commented.

"True," Trowa replied. "This is more fun anyway."

"Uh, guys…" Duo called from the near bottom. "Get off me!"

"Get off you?" Heero asked from the bottom. "Get off me."

All of them hopped off and rolled out of the pile and lay on the ground breathing hard. "So where are we going?" Duo asked.

"The mall we can't afford to get caught in Diagon Alley," he said breathing fresh air. "Trowa, do you know where it is?"

"I've been there enough times. My grandmother is always dragging me there." Trowa rolled his eyes.

"We are going to need a ride," Wufei pointed out. "And why are we going to the mall?"

"To get Victoria a present," Quatre answered.

Wufei's expression darkened somewhat. Normally, he would have told Heero that he was becoming weak getting affectionate over a woman, but he did not want to hurt him again. Heero had been so sensitive ever since his mother died. The Japanese kid actually punched him when he mentioned that he was weak and childish for sleeping with female's toy. It hurt him inside more than the physical pain. Heero was not one to lash out in pettiness, threaten yes, but cause harm no. At least he chose a female that could potentially assimilate into their group if she were up to the challenge and he would see that she would be. "Then we better go before we missed," he said simply.

Heero nodded and stood. He motioned them to follow him and darted in between two houses. It was the most concealing place he could find. "Now what?" Duo asked.

For an answer Heero held out his wand and pointed toward the street. In response to his gesture dust started to gather up as if something was coming fast towards them. They all smiled as they realized he was doing, he was calling the Knight Bus. All of their faces changed to surprise when the Knight Bus did not appear. "Where did it go?" Quatre asked. They all looked around.

"Meow," a voice mewed from behind causing them to look up. In the large tree that towered over them and much of the neighborhood was a smile floating amongst the branches. "Meow," the mouth said again before jumping down in front of them with a thud. The ground near them shook a little.

"The Neko-bus?" Heero asked. He looked at his wand. It appeared to working fine.

The rest of the body of the bus misted into view to reveal the bus nodding her head. The door opened on the side and she motioned for them to get on. "Yeah, one last ride!" Duo remarked as he hopped into the front seat. The other just looked confused.

"Ah, I see," Trowa replied suddenly then entered the bus. "It makes perfect sense."

"Care to share?" Heero asked narrowing his eyes. He hated not being informed.

Before Trowa could answer a scroll dropped down in front of them and hovered in mid air. A pictogram of the Neko-bus's head moving her lips was positioned in the upper corner as the message appeared on the scroll. "Wizards and witches under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult to ride the Knight Bus. Gum chewing while riding me is prohibited. Thank you! "

"Well that answers that," Quatre replied. He stroked the large Cheshire cat behind the ear then took a seat.

"We're going to the mall," Heero said to the bus before petting her affectionately. It was going to be hard leaving her behind. Once they turned thirteen they would never be able to see her again. It was part of her magical nature, she only appeared to children. Most gave her up after leaving elementary school. The last day was painful enough without dragging withdrawal to Hogwarts with the older kids.

"Please remain seated and enjoy the trip, kittens." Appeared on the scroll once they were seated.

"I have a feeling this will be ride that we'll never forget," Quatre smiled as the bus started to run off.


"What's this?" a man asked as the pendant on his chain started to glow brightly. He smiled as understanding dawned on him. One of the artifacts was being used and from the brightness it was not too far. "Let's see." He held the pendant and it floated towards a location on the map then suddenly stopped. The man frowned, he had been hoping for an exact location, but he was closer than he had been in a year. "So, Rei, you did turn out to be clever," he said to himself pointing to the map. Seeing that pendant was drawn to Great Britain told him almost everything he needed to know. He was not going to let the artifact slip by him this time.