Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero Yuy, Seventh Grade Teacher? ❯ Part IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Heero Yuy, Seventh Grade Teacher? - Part 4
Disclaimer: Once again from the top, I do NOT own Gundam Wing
or Dragonball Z. If I did, I'd make GW more like 200 episodes,
not 52 (That's including the Endless Waltz OVA episodes.), and
there would be a whole bunch of movies. It's fun to
pretend that I own Heero-chan, though. *pinches SD Heero's cheeks*

A whole month later, we see Heero walking down one of Peacecraft
Academy's hallways. His left arm is still in a cast. 'Damn that
Saiyajin bastard,' thought the 'Perfect Soldier' as he turned the
corner. He *really* wanted to get revenge on him for that little...
fight. 'He should be happy I don't have my Gundam anymore, he would
be dead.' As he continued towards his classroom, he started thinking
about Relena. He kind of felt sorry for having to call off his date
with her. 'That's another thing that Saiyajin prick will pay for,'
Heero thought, smirking. The smirk came off his face when he heard
a bunch of music coming from HIS classroom.

"What the hell?" Heero wondered outloud. He stuck his head into the
classroom, and saw it very much like it was on his first day teaching,
except worse. There was all kinds of grafitti all over the walls and
desks. On the chalkboard, someone drew a stick figure, with something
written above it. It said, "Mr. Yuy: Dead, as he should be..." Heero
started growling. 'Who the hell let them---" he stopped in mid-
thought as his Prussian blue eyes drifted towards his desk. There,
he saw everyone's favorite braided American Deathscythe Hell pilot.

"DUO!" yelled Heero. Duo completely ignored him, since he was having
a conversation with some of the boys in the class, including Trunks
and Goten.

"...and *that* is how you pick up babes," Duo said, finishing his
statement. The younger boys ooohed and ahhed at their wise, fun
substitute. "Any more questions?"

"Yeah, Duo, what the hell are you doing here?" asked a monotone voice.
Duo gulped, afraid to look towards the door. When he finally did, he
saw one very pissed off Heero Yuy, with a gun pointed straight at him.

"Welcome back Heero! I didn't know they were letting you out of the
hospital _today,_" Duo greeted his fellow Gundam pilot. Heero was not
impressed, and turned to the rambunctious group of students that was
his first period class. The kids all sweatdropped and gulped. 'We're
dead,' they thought.

"Duo, you can leave now. I'm going to have to give Relena a list of
people to use the next time I'm out of school for emergency reasons,"
Heero said, still facing the terrified children and with the gun still
pointed at Duo. Duo grinned.

"Come on, Heero," Duo said, walking over to Heero and putting an arm
around the Japanese pilot. "Liven up! You act like you're still
fighting OZ or something!"

"No, teaching a bunch of seventh graders here is much worse," Heero
replied, throwing Duo's arm off of him. "Now leave."

"But Heero," Duo began, then stopped when a gun barrel suddenly
appeared in front of his nose. He stared at it, crosseyed and laughed
nervously. "Heh...'re right, I should go Heero! Cya, kids!
It's been fun!"

"Bye Duo!" the children answered back, then stopped after Heero gave
them his trademark Death Glare. Duo uses that opportunity to run like
hell out of the classroom, out of the school, out of the Sanq Kingdom,
and from Earth. (Can you blame him? Heero's a psychopath! :P) Heero
sighs, turns towards the children. Several of them have passed out
from being completely frightened of their history teacher. He then
turns to the chalkboard, erases the wonderful portait the children
drew of him, rewrites his rules, and sits down.

"Turn to Chapter 25, the American Revoltion," Heero said, with an
ounce of anger in his voice. The children nod their heads and do as
they are told. 'The party's over,' they think as they are handed the
assignment for today.
The next day, Trunks and Goten decide to pull a "welcome back" prank
on their teacher. They turn to talk to a group of boys that are in
their first period class.

"Did you call Duo?" Trunks asks one of them. (He looks like a SD
Duo, except he has a ponytail instead of a braid.) The other boy
nods, and hands over a small bag.

"Duo-kun said to put this all over his chair, he won't notice till--"
he was cutoff by Goten.

"Baka! Don't say that outloud! Mr. Yuy might hear us!" snapped the
miniature Goku carbon copy. The other kid nods, and Goten sighs.
"So, who's gonna do it?"

"I'll do it," Trunks replied, taking the bag from Goten and walking
into the classroom to do the 'deed'...
Fifteen minutes later, Heero enters the quiet room. The children are
there, facing the front and acting like perfect angels. 'Something's
not right,' Heero thinks, recalling that his first period class was
normally wild up until he entered the room. He sits down in his
chair, thinking that it's a little too...squishy, but completely
ignores it.

Trunks grins. 'What an idiot, he didn't even notice the super glue
we put all over the seat.' He stands up, walks to the front of the
class, and hands his teacher the report he had to do as a punishment.
"Here ya go, Mr. Yuy. I even typed it up, so you wouldn't get a
headache trying to read my chicken scratch," Trunks said, grinning.

"That's nice, you plagerized a bunch of websites, Mr. Vegeta-Briefs,"
Heero replied calmly. Trunks' jaw dropped in shock. 'How the hell
did he know THAT?' Trunks wondered as he went back to his seat.

Heero reads the report Trunks handed to him, and throws it in the
garbage. 'That was pathetic. Weak writing skills, and to top it off,
he copyed most of the report from an online encyclopedia.' Heero
thought, disgusted. He told the other students to hand in their
homework from the night before, and to get ready to do another
assignment. Before he got ready to stand up, Relena walked into the
classroom to check up on him and the students.

"Ohayo gozaimasu, Heero," Relena said, smiling. Heero acknowledged
the principal with a nod, and tried to stand up. He couldn't get up
for some reason. 'What the hell?' he thought as he tried standing up
again. Trunks snickered and Goten was whispering to the other
students to look at their teacher. After Heero's third attempt to
get out of the seat, he heard a rip. 'Kuso...' Heero quickly sat back
down as the class started laughing.

"Heero, is something wrong?" asked a very concerned Relena, who was
still wondering about the rip she heard. Heero, blushing, shook his

"It's nothing, Relena," Heero quickly replied, glaring at the students
in the class. All of them stopped laughing, but they still had grins
and smiles plastered on their faces.

"Mr. Yuy, why don't you give us our ASSignment for the day?" Trunks
said, with a HUGE grin. Heero growled, knowing that it was the Purple
Haired Wonder who had done this to him. He wondered where the
demi-Saiyajin brat could have possibly gotten idea to...

"DUO!" yelled Heero. "When I see you again, you are DEAD! OMAE O

Relena finally put two and two together, and blushed. "Heero, I hope
you have some kind of underwear on today," Relena said, blushing.
Heero blushed even more, since he DIDN'T put on any boxers today.
'What the hell am I going to do?'

"Um...Relena, do you think you can the children while I go
home?" Heero asked, embarassed and shocked that a 12 year old kid
could do this to him. Relena nodded and Heero grabbed his teacher's
edition of the history textbook. He covered his nude ass with it and
walked sideways towards the door. Relena, blushing because she
managed to get a good look at Heero's nude bottom, turned back to the

"Children, here is the assignment. Get out your textbooks, and you
may work together on it," Relena instructed as she handed out the
papers to the kids. Trunks and Goten looked at each other and grinned.

"Mission: Payback complete," Trunks said as he laughed with the rest
of the class.
---------------------------------------------------------------- --
"Duo is SO dead the next time I see him," Heero growled as he drove
back to his apartment. "And so is that purple haired brat's father.
Hmm...I should challenge that jerk to a fight," he muttered, trying to
think of a way to get into his apartment without the rest of the world
seeing his bare ass... (Author's Note: Damn, Heero has a nice ass...
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------
And there you have it! Seventh Grade Teacher Part 4! Hehe...since
people seem to want Heero to kick Vegeta's ass so much, I'm working on
a story for that one. I should have it uploaded tonight or tomorrow.
So...if you like this part, or even if you hated it, review it please!
It's how I can tell people want more of HY: 7th Grade Teacher!
Well....ja ne, and be sure to check out my semi-crappy songfic,
The Lover After Me. (I say 'semi-crappy' because I wrote it at like
4am and I was depressed. Review that one too, please! :P)