Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hiding Behind A Smile ❯ Bad Memories ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiding Behind a Smile
Chapter 3-Bad Memories

AN: This chapter mentions rape and beating, but I didn't describe it and stuff it just mentions it. Oh, and it also has suicide in it. If you are uncomfortable with that you shouldn't read this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*< br> "Hey you guys, I think I found something." Heero said pointing.

Everyone came close to him to see what it was. Heero put on a rubber glove, (so he won't get his finger prints on it) and picked it up.

"It's a badge…that says OZ on it. And it has Hilde's last name, Schbeiker, on it." Heero said.

Everyone gasped except for Wufei.

"What does it mean?" Relena asked.

"It means that who ever kidnapped Hilde wants OZ to rule and is related to her. That does remind me, Hilde's dad was and Oz general but he died…" Said Noin.

"Yeah, I heard some rumors about him after his wife died. People were accusing him of killing her." Lady Une added.

"Lets go back to the Preventers headquarters and test it for finger prints." Sally said.

"Hurry up lets go. We have to find out fast!" Duo said who was very stressed out.

"Calm down Duo we'll find her." Quatre said.

They all left to the headquarters.

~At the Preventers Headquarters~
Heero, Sally, Noin, Lady Une, and even Duo were busy typing on the computers to see whom the fingerprint on the badge belonged to. Finally a picture of a man with dark blue shaggy hair appeared on the screen. Everyone huddled over to the computer screen (which was Duo's). Sally started to read his profile.

"His name is Hideo (AN: Not a very fitting name but I couldn't think of anything.) Schbeiker. It says he had two daughters, Helena and Hilde. His wife and daughters didn't like the ways of OZ but he forced them to join because he was so radical about OZ. He even would beat his daughters and wife…"

"We need to get Hilde away from him now!" Duo yelled standing up.

Heero pushed Duo back down in the seat.

"Get a hold of yourself Duo. If you act frantic like this we'll never get to her." Heero said.

"Your right Heero I'll try…" Duo said sinking his head low.

"Duo, don't worry we'll find her." Noin said patting his back.

Duo nodded and they continued to try to find more information on Hideo Schbeiker.

~Hilde's Cell~
Hilde sat down against the moist wall. She just stared at the ceiling.

'My mind is so nub I can't think of anything.' She thought to herself.

She sighed and after a few minutes fell asleep.
Hilde's dream…
Hilde was hugging and comforting a girl with long blue hair.

"Hilde, I have something to tell you…"

"What is it Helena, you can tell me anything. What's wrong?"

"I'm so scared and ashamed…but you're the only one I can trust."

"I'm listening…take your time."

"O-ok…Tra-Trant he…"

Helena bursted into tears. Hilde saw bruises and red hand marks on her body.

"No…he didn't…" Hilde said realizing what had happened.

"Yes, he…he… raped me…" Helena whispered hanging her head low.

"Oh… my god. How…why?"

"I don't know but I just want to die. He drugged me out and I couldn't fight back. I just want to end it right now."

"Don't say that. I promise someday we can runaway and start a new life."

"I wish…"

Helena fell asleep in Hilde's arms and Hilde fell asleep as well. When Hilde woke up (This is still in the dream), her sister was gone. She saw some blood coming from the bathroom. Hilde ran over to the bathroom. She slowly opened the door afraid to see what was there. She saw her sister, lying face down in a pool of blood with a knife in her hand. Hilde's eye's widened at the horrifying site before her and dropped to her knees…

Just then Hilde jerked awake in a cold sweat and started crying.

"Helena…" she whispered to herself.

She wrapped her arms around her knees.

"Duo…where are you?"
AN: Pleaze review!