Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hiiro Yuy's 11 Rules to Live By ❯ Hiiro Yuy's 10 (^11) Rules to Live By ( One-Shot )

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(AN: I do not own Gundam Wing. That would be Bandai. I'm just borrowing the Boys for a few.)

Public Speaking was NOT a favorite class of 15-year-old Hiiro Yui.

Unlike the pacifist leader he was named for at the beginning of Operation Meteor, speaking in public was the one thing that made the boy feel both foolish and completely inept, which he wasn't. It was just that his particular skill set, hacking into computers, piloting Gundam Wing, and the manufacture and detonation of high explosives weren't exactly "people friendly" ones.

He'd checked the roster when he got to class, and found that he wasn't scheduled to speak. That meant he had an hour to do something he'd been meaning to do since he'd arrived on Earth. Hiiro pulled his tablet out of his backpack and took it off hibenate, opened a word processing program, and started writing.

   Hiiro Yui's Ten Eleven Rules to Live By

   1) Live by your emotions; that's the proper way for a person to live a good life.

   The only piece of GOOD advice my "mentor," Odin Lowe, ever gave me. Other than that, the man was/is a total bastard. I'm still not convinced he's really dead. They never found a corpse, which usually means that he'll be coming back.

   2) Don't apologize; it's a sign of weakness.

   I will never forgive Duo for renting "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon," much less making me watch the damned thing six times. Anyway, I think that, sometimes, it takes more strength to say "I'm sorry" for something you've done than to leave things hanging.

   3) Bathe regularly; your enemy's nose is always keener than your own.

   Fortunately, no one at OZ has ever learned this lesson. Either that, or some of their rank and file are required to wear too much aftershave, because I can smell them a mile away. The amount of Old Spice Trieze wears alone could float a barge full of Gundanium.

   4) Never leave home without a knife.

   Okay, I borrowed that one from Trowa. So sue me. But he's right. A good knife solves a lot of knotty problems. (Okay, I still can't tell a joke to save my life; that's why I have Duo for a best friend.)

   5) Never date a co-worker; it always leads to problems later on.

   I can't speak from personal experience on this one, but Zechs plus Noin equals total dysfunction; need I say more?

   6) Listen to your friends; you never know when they might be right.

   Try telling Wu Fei he could be right about anything and he'll never let you live it down. Ever. He can be an insufferable ass, but then again, so can I. Think that's why we get along.

   7) Dying hurts like Hell.

   As someone who's nearly died twice so far, once by nearly blowing myself up, I speak from experience. Why some of my friends seem to think I'm suicidal is beyond me ... I passed out at the Hospital.

   8) Never threaten someone who introduces themselves to you; if they haven't turned you into the authorities by the next morning, they never will.

   Still wondering why Relena never did. It's not like she didn't have ample opportunity. But she made me a promise, and she's been great at keeping it.

   9) Never take anything bakas (and I mean baka as in LOONS) say personally; they can and will bust your chops over it for as long as they think they can get mileage out of it.

   Like every time that Catalonia girl calls me <<shudder>> "Hee-chan" like I'm a girl, too. I swear she only does it to piss me off. One of these days, I'm going to be sorely tempted to give her a head slap. I don't mind Duo calling me "buddy," though I think ... no, feel ... we're more like brothers.

   10) If you think you're getting played, you usually are.

   Again, unfortunately, I speak from experience. Don't ask, please.

   11) Sometimes, you're wrong.

   <<Sigh>> All right, I got that one from Quatre, but like Trowa, he's usually right. Thanks, little brother.

   I may expand on this over time, but that's it for now.

   Hiiro Yui

As he finished typing his name, the bell signalling that it was time for lunch rang. Hearing his stomach growl, Hiiro put his tablet back on hibernate, returned it to his backpack, and followed his classmates to the cafeteria.

Omake, for now.
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