Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ How to Start a Conversation ❯ How to Start a Conversation ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

How to Start a Conversation

How to Start a Conversation
By Kaen-chan ^-^

How to start a conversation with:


"Watcha doing Heero? Watcha doing Heero? Watcha doing Heero? Watcha doing Heero? Watcha doing Heero? Watcha doing Heero? ::repeat until desired effect achieved::" (leads to him saying 'Omae o korosu.')
Click a pen continuously (leads to him throttling you and saying 'Omae o korosu.')
Crash his laptop (leads to him beating you up and saying 'Omae o korosu.')
Mess with his guns (leads to him chucking you out the window and saying 'Omae o korosu.')
Tease him about Relena {<shudder> Must not think about it >.<} (leads to you running for dear life and him saying 'Omae o korosu.')
Destroy Wing Zero Custom {Supposedly that the Gundams weren't destroyed} (leads to you losing your life and him saying 'Omae o korosu.' Bonus: A maniacal laugh)

Warning: Try these conversation starters if you're are an experienced teaser and runner… And if you go by the moniker of Shinigami.


"Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? Watcha doing Trowa? ::repeat until desired effect is achieved::" (May take an hour or so until he responds with 'Urusai' {shut up})
Drink all his Slim-fast™ (May take an hour or so until he responds with '…')
Trying braiding his bangs (May take an hour or so until he responds with '…I like…')

Notice: You must understand Trowanese.


"Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? Watcha doing Quatre? ::repeat until desired effect is achieved::" (Will respond immediately with a smile and an answer)
"I know you like Hello Kitty." {No offense Quatre fans if any taken!} (Will respond by bursting into tears and cursing you in a chibi voice)
"Pay attention and talk, otherwise your violin is history." (Will respond by giving you your undivided attention)
Just feed him with 5 crates of tea. (WILL respond)


"Watcha doing Wufei? Watcha doing Wufei? Watcha doing Wufei? Watcha doing Wufei? Watcha doing Wufei? Watcha doing Wufei? ::repeat until desired effect is achieved::" (Leads him to pronouncing injustice and going after you with katanas… Justice = conversation)
Call him Wuffie (Leads him to pronouncing injustice and going after you with katanas… Justice = conversation)
Call him Wu-man (Leads him to pronouncing injustice and going after you with katanas… Justice = conversation)
Insult Nataku (Leads him to pronouncing injustice and going after you with Nataku… Justice = conversation = running for dear life)
Just talk (Sooner or later he'll respond just to chase you away)

Warning: Justice lectures might result in boredom… Or your lack of health. Try these conversation starters only if you're Shinigami… or very experienced in annoying others.

~ Owari ~

::Clutches head:: Ugh!!! That sucked! I don't know why I wrote it! ::Sigh:: If you think I should improve on something or take it down, please say so. If majority wins, I'll either redo it, keep it, or erase it. ::Groan:: What a waste of my time. I could be doing my story right now. Heh, ja ne mina-san. T-T