Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ I Love Peaches ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Warnings: my sad attempts at humor should be forewarned, peaches, siliness
Category: humor, slight shounen ai
Rating: G
Pairings: 1+2
Feedback: S'il vous plait.
Archive: under Willow
Notes: 'Peaches' is by the Presidents of the United States of America (I love this song!).
Disclaimer: don't own nothin, never will, i'm all about that.

I love Peaches by Shi-chan

Cheery, unadulterated sunshine lit the small kitchen. Humming to himself, Duo danced lightly on the balls of his feet as he swung the refrigerator door shut, several items balanced precariously in his hands and a round, fuzzy fruit clamped in his teeth. All in all, he was a humorous site to see.
Setting his booty on the scarred kitchen table, he whirled around happily, eyes devouring what he would soon devour with his mouth.

"Millions of peaches, peaches for me... millions of peaches, peaches for free..." He sang sweetly, retrieving the can opener from it's drawer.

The sealed can hissed as the pressure inside was released, orange-ish syrup bubbling out the small cut that was slowly appearing around the tin's edge. Smiling, Duo poured the can's contents into a bowl.
Looking out the window, smile still plastered across the braided boy's face, Duo began to sing again. "Movin' to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches. I'm movin' to the country I'm gonna eat me a lot of peaches... Mmm," Duo moaned as he slipped the dripping fruit past his cherry lips.

"Duo?" Quatre's voice called from the hallway.

"'m n ear..." Duo mumbled around his mouthful of sinfully delicious fruit.

"What?" Quatre asked, stepping into the kitchen.

Duo swallowed, licked his syrupy lips then spoke. "I said 'I'm in here'."

"Oh." Quatre looked at the table that was piled with various items... Two cans of sliced peaches, three whole and fresh peaches, peach fruit cocktail, a bag of peach flavored dum-dums, a bowl of Japanese peach candies, and that was just what Quatre could see on his side of the table. "Duo?"
"Hm?" the braided boy questioned, spoon still in his mouth. Quatre chuckled at the completely innocent image Duo presented.

Shaking his head. "Think you have enough peach stuff here?"

A larger smile broke out across Duo's face and he shook his head, swallowing the yummy fruit in his mouth. "Nope! Never enough peaches! I love peaches! 'Millions of peaches, peaches for me!'"

Quatre couldn't help but laugh. "Well, just don't make yourself sick," he told the braided one before turning with a wave and heading off to only he himself knew where.

Not long after Quatre'd left, Heero entered the kitchen, wiping sweat off his brow.

"Hey, Hee-chan," Duo chirped, shoving another slice of peach into his greedy mouth.

"Hn," Heero grunted, trudging to the fridge and grabbing a water. He turned to look at the braided boy, raising an eyebrow. "Duo, what's with all the peaches?"

Duo shrugged, practically making love to his bowl of peaches slices. "I dunno... I just love peaches."

An interesting and indescribable look afixed itself on Heero's face. "I've never had them..."

Duo's eyes grew wide. "You've never had peaches!?"

Heero shook his head.

"Wow..." Duo mouthed, dumbstruck. How could anyone never have tasted the succulent fruit that was peaches? It was unthinkable.

Heero resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Could I... try one?" He asked.

Duo, being all enthralled with his nummy peaches, missed the underlying question and nodded emphatically. "Sure! You'll love them!" He practically bounced... in fact, he did bounce over to Heero and offer him a slice of his canned peach, which dripped with syrup and, in Duo's eyes, screamed deliciousness.

Not bothering to take the spoon from the braided pilot, Heero closed his mouth around the piece of silverware. He thoughtfully chewed on the fruit, analyzing the taste and texture. "That's good," he finally said, swallowing the gnashed peach.

Duo grinned. "Duh."

"Baka," Heero said, plucking a slice from Duo's bowl with his fingers. Slowly he drew the mouth-watering fruit to his lips and took a bite.

Duo watched Heero slowly bite and chew the piece he'd taken. Violet eyes widened as Heero drew the peach away from his lips and ran the juice-dripping slice over Duo's bottom lip. Smiling, the braided boy opened his mouth and allowed Heero to feed him the half slice.

Heero grinned -- well... -- and took a step closer to the peach bearing Shinigami, then another, until they were nose to nose. Slowly, Heero lowered his lips to those of Duo's, lapping at the syrup that was threatening to fall treacherously to the floor.

Unable to contain a gasp, Duo's lips parted just enough for Heero's tongue to slip between them. Tongues sparred, sharing their bits of peaches, feeding one another.

Just as Duo was falling into the rhythm of their dance, the sensation was gone. He blinked, finding Heero had stepped away from him with a smirk.

"Mm, yes, definitely good... I think I could grow to really like peaches..." Heero said to the staring boy as he took up his forgotten water and left the kitchen.

For a few seconds Duo stood staring at the door through which Heero'd disappeared. The sound of the bedroom door down the hall, the one he and Heero shared, closing shook him out of his temporary incapacitation.

Slowly, a grin crawled across Duo's face and, grabbing the all but forgotten items on the table, he jauntily bounced off down the hall. "Millions of peaches, peaches for me..."


AIM: Letty240SXSylvia
"Lump lingered las in line for brains, and the one she got was sorta rotten and insane." -- The Presidents of the United States of America
"And you are such a fool, To worry like you do, I know it's tough, And you can never get enough, Of what you don't really need now, my, oh my." -- U2
"You can do what you want just seize the day, What you're doing tomorrow's gonna come your way, Don't ever consider the givin' up, you will find, oooh, It's a beautiful life, oh oh oh oh!" -- Ace of Base