Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ I Want You but I Don't Know if I Need You ❯ Could This Be My Chance....? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I Want You but I Don't Know If I Need You



Heero sighed. Glancing over to his left he watched Duo talking with the cheerleaders, flirting slightly not a lot but enough to make them blush. Heero rolled his eyes. `Why oh why couldn't I be a girl? ` He thought, picking up his books. `I'm not hungry so lunch bell could be spent at the library. ` As soon as he headed out of the large cafeteria, Duo caught sight of him and excused himself from the flock of girls, which seemed to have grown in the seconds passed.


"Heero!! Wait!" he called out trying to run up to meet his friend. The man in front of him cast a look over his shoulder, wondering who had called him.


Smiling the best the loner could Heero stopped for Duo, which was bent over, his hands on his knee's trying to catch his breath. "Duo?" He got a "wait" for his answer. Putting his books down on a table and folding his arms over his chest Heero smirked. "Baka you can't honestly be tired. You were only across the cafeteria, which is not that big."


Finally catching his breath, Duo cast a smug look at Heero and laughed, "Are you crazy? I've been chased by them since I walked into school this morning." He answered pointing to the flock of girls that were somehow wearing shirts that said, "We Love You Duo Maxwell!!" with a picture of him on it across the chest smiling.


Heero shook his head. "You try out for almost every sport except football which I can see why and you don't seem to run out of breath at all at our games. Now what is up with that?"


Duo ginned. "Because I'm concentrating on the game which is fun as hell...and being chased by those not fun." Duo smiled, gazing over Heero's shoulder, making the latter glance as well. Heero groaned with a sigh, his shoulders slumped in annoyance and grief for what he knew was to come.


Behind the two best friends were another flock of girls, admires for Heero. They too had similar shirts with Heero giving his best death glare but the glare made him sexy as hell. Again how do they make those shirts and why? Duo smirked, "Better run to the library."

Heero's eyes grew wide. Turning slightly he almost bumped into Duo's nose, not knowing that Duo was so close to him, Heero couldn't help but blush. He moved back slightly away from Duo. "How did you know I was going to go to the library?" he asked picking up his books and walking past the girls, giving them their own amount of glares filled with daggers. They backed up and ran to another basketball player, which happened to be Wufei. He smiled back at Heero and Duo as the two ran for their escape.


Once in the hall Heero and Duo sighed. "I swear this is a five person job." Duo groaned as he shoved his hands in his pockets.


Heero laughed, "Yep...Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, you and I."


Duo tilted his head, looking at Heero as they walked towards the library which happened to be on the other side of the school on the third floor. So conversation between the two was a good idea. Duo, Heero, and Wufei weren't the only one's with a lot of admires through out the high school grade levels.


Trowa for instance was on the track team and soccer team, he happened to be the leader of both which brought a lot of attention not just from the student body. It surprising since the society they live in, but Trowa has both female and male admirers. But the silent Latin teen was already hooked with someone, Quatre Winner who happens to be popular not only because he's dating Trowa.


Their relationship is known to the whole student body. The blonde has been popular since his freshman year. Most of the time it's because he's the only male heir of the huge money business corporation Winner Inc. His girlish looks are sometimes envied by females but his great personality makes them forgive him.


Heero and Duo turned the corner and entered the library. "Why do you like going in here again Heero?" Duo asked eyeing his dungeon as Heero approached the laptops. Duo looked forward and smiled. "Oh yeah I forgot. You're like in love with those things."


Heero smiled a small pink presence on the top of his cheeks then he turned to the small black object and turned it on. As he began to log onto the internet Duo took a seat next to him with a dog eared manga in hand. "Have you seen Quatre today?"


Not stopping in his typing, Heero answered, "No...Why?"


Duo leaned down in the seat trying to get comfortable. "I didn't see him today. Trowa said he had an appointment with his father and said he should be back by now."


Heero's fingers flied over the black keys on the computer. "No I haven't seen him. I'm sure nothings happen." Heero knew that Duo had feared that Quatre would have to move or be sent to a private school and each time his thoughts began to wander in that direction Heero would tell him other wise.


Duo already getting bored put his book back in his book bag. Leaning forward so he could talk to Heero easier, Duo sighed. "You know what... I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't in my life Heero."


Heero couldn't help but smile as he put the finishing touches to his report. Sitting back in the computer chair after pushing print Heero put his hands behind his back. Duo looked wide eyed at his best friend. Heero realized this and smiled, eyes closed and asked, "What?"


Duo looked at the smug smiling teen. "You mean to tell me that you finished your report for Mrs. Reynolds' class?"


Heero nodded. "Yep and it only took me..." (Glances at watch) "...thirty minutes."


Duo's brow formed together in irritation. "It took me five days..." he grumbled under his breath. However Heero heard him but chose not to say anything.


Their attention was brought towards the library doors, Quatre walked towards him. "Hey guys."


Duo got up from his chair and ran over to the blonde. He hugged the male, accidentally picking him up in the process. "I thought you were going to leave us...I'm *so* happy your not going any where!!" Duo finally put the blushing teen down. "You're not going anywhere right?"

Quatre shook his head. "I'm not going any where Duo...actually I came down here to ask you guys something."


Heero, after he picked up his report had joined the other two. "What are you talking about Quat?" asked the chestnut haired teen.


The blonde smiled evilly as if he was a sadist, which he probably was. "My father told me that he is going to be gone on a trip with my mother for a month and I'm going to be alone with the house. So...I was planning on throwing a party tonight."


Heero looked at Quatre with no change, but Duo was jumping up and down screaming to everybody that was in the library. "PARTY AT QUATRE'S HOUSE!!"


After Duo ran out of the library with a lot of admirers behind him, the blonde turned to Heero. "And Heero I want you to come also. Dress hot `cause this might be your chance to tell Duo how you feel." Heero blushed. The bell rang and quicker than light Quatre was already gone. Heero stared blankly out the library door.


`Could this be my chance....`




KJ: Don't worry I'm no where near done. Review if possible please.