Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ i wasn't pretending ❯ i wasn't pretending ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: I wasn't pretending
Author: Nightcrawls
Disclaimer: I don't own them, they own me. And if you sue me, all you will get is my wonderful collection of wigs. The anine is Gundam Wing, as if you didn't alrdy know
Warnings: AU fic, fantasy. Yaoi, it means male on male, you have been warn. I was thinking, since this is my first fic, I wanna do it with 2x1 I donno, I just love Dou being the top, … oh yeah almost forgot this is a MAJOR! OOC for my lovely Heero. Oh and strong language. Dou is a potty mouth
Note: been thinking about this for awhile now, i know i suck flying pigs balls at the moment, but this is my first fic ever, i would really love feed back, and for someone to prof read, and um..fix my little mistakes? willing to pay with cookies and love , and now on to the so called show
How to read this fic: Italic-thoughts, (author me speaking), normal, CAPS-yelling.
P.O.V (whose? Guess )... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You ever had one of those days when u wake up and think, Gee look, it's another day, great, why am I still here?' Well I guess you want to know why I think that, right? Well let's just start out with, I'm a girl, yes it's true I'm a girl, and I've been somewhat acting like a boy. 'Why?', you must be asking, well it's a war, and girls draw certain attention to themselves that boys don't, well I just proved that one wrong.
“Hey there, you awake yet?”, and 'lo my day begins with this bullshit. Man I love getting kicked to the stomach to wake me up in the morning.
“Hey what about the other one, he looks like a girl with all that hair.” I couldn't help but chuckle. Poor Dou, he gets that every time we're captured. You know what? That reminds me, why arewe always getting captured so easily?
“Yeah, but I like this one's eyes they look so dead”...If only they knew
“True, he does have pretty eyes, never seen them on his kind before”, the sound of shoes shuffling back and forth got my attention.
“Yeah he maybe mixed”, the other one continued. I wonder if I am. Never really thought about it.
“Hey dumbfucks, leave him alone”, came from the far corner of the room. Oh yay! Dou's awake; always know when he's around
“Shut the fuck up you bitch, we weren't talking to you”, one of the men sneered.
“But hey we'll get to you in due time, just wait your turn”, the other one finished.
I don't like the sound of that; I really hope their not thinking what I'm thinking,
“So do I get first dibs Dave?”, one pf the perverts got right to the point. So now I know the first name of my oh so wonderful, to be rapist.
“Sure, I'll just go keep this one occupied, till you're finish, he seems like a screamer”, 'Dave' decided rather quickly.
“don't you dare fucking touch me you fucking prick”, Duo squirmed and inwardly cursed his hair fashions from across the room.
“Wow Dave, he has a mouth on him, you sure you want to put your dick in that? He might bite it off”, the nameless one snickered.
“Might? I will fucking bite it off if he puts it near me, and leave Heero alone you bastards”, Dou was on fire tonight!
Oh no, I don't want this, I don't want Dou to see what I can do, please not now, I can't stop it.
“Hey are you and mister shitty mouth over there an item?”, was asked to Heero.
Oh if only we where, but only a “hm.” was uttered.
“I said leave him alone”, Duo sputtered yet again. Dou sounds frightened and angry at the same time, does he care that much about me?!
“Dave, will you shut him up already? We kinda have to hurry; next shift will be coming soon”, the nameless comrade became eager.
“Ok, ok, geez you'd think that you've never done this before Mike! Wait... is this your first time?!”, Dave began to antagonize his partner.
“NO! I just, um...Don't-wanna-get-caught-is-all”, Mike tried to cover...poorly.
I think I'm scared, Dou, I didn't want you to find out like this, I don't know if I ever wanted you to find out.
“Oh my god Mike get over here, you gotta see this”, Dave had ripped open Heero's tank and stumbled upon a miraculous discovery.
“What is it Dave?”, Mike stumbled over, pants still around his ankles.
Please stop looking at me!
“Dude you wont believe this but- ugh...WHY YOU LITTLE”, Dave had just gotten a present via Heero's knee.
“DAVE! WHATS WRONG?!!!”, Mike was still fidgeting with his zipper.
“This bitch just fucking kicked me in the fucking nutts!”, Dave was fuming.
“HA! Serve you right, you fucking disgusting dogs”, Duo cheerily chimed in.
“Shut the fuck up you peace of shit!”, Dave was seemingly scorched in pain. Damn, I got lucky. Who knew he had herpes?
“This will teach you to fucking kick me in the nutts bitch!", Dave responded to his offense with further violence and began beating Heero.
" I was gonna be nice to you and not beat you, but now, you gonna fucking get it!”, Dave braced himself with the wall above Heero's head and rythmically kicked and stomped Heero. He couldn't help but think, as if being constantly kicked is anything new to me.
“DAVE! DAVE! Stop man, your gonna get in trouble”, Mike was finally able to situate his pants and started looking around outside.
“I don't fucking care, this fucking bitch deserves it”, Dave was in another world.
“Get the fuck off Heero you fucking pig, leave him alone!”, Duo, valiant as ever to the end.
“You shut the fuck up!”, Dave had totllay lost himself to beating Heero.
I can't feel my left wrist anymore, wait ...when did I close my eyes?
“Dave what the fuck man, I didn't agree to that, put the knife away dude”, Mike noticed Heero's broken wrist and was thinking about court martial.
“If you don't want to be here Mike then get the fuck out, I'm gonna get something out of this bitch”, Dave became tired of kicked and was ready to move onto something new.
Oh no, please don't, I wont scream, I wont scream, I wont scream.
“Yeah, you like that don't you bitch, that's how you like to be fucked, you like it with my knife don't you”, Dave twisted and grinded the blade in and out of Heero's flesh.
“Oh my, fucking god. Dave! I'm out dude. Fuck this, I just wanted to have some fun, you fucking sick and twisted dude”, Mike was totally shocked and digusted at this point.
I won't scream, I won't scream, I won't scream, but I will cry. Oh it hurts so much, I can't take this seering pain. I can't think! I can barely hear Duo's voice screaming at Dave to stop killing me... Dou, I think this is it. I wanted to tell you that I lo- wait why am I being picked up? I wish I could open my eyes, it's so heavy.
Then, heard next to Heero's ear, “Oh my god. Heero? Hold on. It's gonna be alright, I'll get you help. Just please don't leave me, Heero? Heero! No Heero! Come on! Don't stop breathing on me now, just hang in there!!!!”, Duo was so desperate and near to tears.
What? I've stopped breathing? I knew I forgot to do something, hm, better start that one up; I hear it's pretty important. I wish I could tell you that I did't mean to stop breathing, Dou, but I can barely hear you. I can barely hear myself. Oh look! A white light! I wonder where it leads.
Heero felt a sharp sting across his cheek and heard,“open your fucking eyes Heero, don't you dare leave me, don't go towards any fucking light, ANY”.
Did that Duo just SLAP me?! Oh hells naw...when I wake up... A moment of clarity for Heero.
Huh? Did I say that out loud? “Yes you did, and I wont let you go, we have things to say to each other”
really? Is Heero thinking or speaking now? Not even he knows for sure.
“Yes really, now hang in there.", Duo gently carresses Heero's face.
( i know i know, first fic, and a cliff hanger at the end. well don't blame me blame my proof reader ----- points at Atheala
Author escapes with super ninja technique! . Proof reader is left in confuzzlement .)