Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ If A Tree Falls ❯ If A Tree Falls ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't really own anything...even my muse seems to have a mind of her own...
Seki: Damn straight!
Shi-chan: This is one of those things that just had to be written.


If A Tree Falls
By Shimegami-chan
Warnings: Death, suicide, angst

Music: "At The Beginning," from Anastasia. (*shrugs*)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: You can take this as shounen-ai or not, however you like.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise?

If Shinigami was going to go without honour, he had finally agreed, it was best to slip out quietly. As was the God of Death's trademark. He had been morbidly pleased to note the bloody red sunset not-quite-hidden by the foliage above the forest, and he quickly scaled the tree to watch it dip below the horizon.

He wasn't nervous at all now, just sad. It was time to find out if the old quote was true after all, he felt he would know the answer for certain by the time dusk finally turned to darkness. Despite the masks he wore, the fearless Shinigami didn't want to make his exit alone in the black night. "Yami no Matsuei," he said aloud, his hoarse voice sounding alien to his own ears. "The descendant of darkness would rather cling to that last snatch of twilight before sending himself to Hell."

The crimson disk of the setting sun slipped from view as though taunting Duo's words, leaving him bathed in red afterglow. He slipped a square of paper from his pocket and unfolded it once again to read his own empty words one last time. The feelings on the paper were a different Duo, an angry Duo that said things he shouldn't have. It's not too late to go back.

Duo crumpled up the note in disgust and hurled it as far as he could. No, it was too late now. But he wouldn't leave his friends with harsh last words, and not without saying what he couldn't say to their faces. He tore a sheet of paper from the coil notebook in his pocket and scribbled a single line on it in black pen.

Black, again. He smiled to himself and pinned the folded note in a fork between the branches of a nearby tree, taking care that the white paper would not stolen by the wind before they had a chance to read what he had to say. He would be going out in character if anything.

The crimson light of the red sun glinted on the golden cross around his neck, and he removed the chain and hung it carefully beside the note. It was time.

Shinigami tilted his head to the sky and raised the gun to his temple, taking one last glance at the swinging cross before pulling the trigger and releasing the weapon with a silent bang. "Sayonara."

On the fragile limb the chain swung and the small bit of paper ruffled in the breeze in gentle farewell.

~~~ Heero- ~~~
~~~ Did you hear it fall? ~~~

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Shi-chan: Ooh...that was less angst-y than it was supposed to be...