Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In My Dreams ❯ Sweet Dreams, Prince ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

In My Dreams
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing! ^^
Notes: YAY! My first Horrorish fic! 0.0;;; I'm new to this type of thing so yeah give me a break and review if you have any suggestions/comments... ^.^

Quatre walked along the lonely streets with Catherine and kept quiet while thinking over how their date went. He himself didn't feel anything really click between the two of them and wished this whole thing could end. Cathrine on the other hand felt the exact opposite feels then her blond companion and smiled when they got to her apartment complex.

Catherine: I had a wonderful time Quatre how about you?
Quatre: Umm it was ok.
Catherine: You look tired you want to come in with me? You could sleep for awhile here.
Quatre: I rather not...
Catherine: Come on don't tell me you're not tired. I can see it.
Quatre: Well I am a little but--
Catherine: I told you. Now come on I'll fix you something before you go to sleep.
Quatre: But...

With that Quatre gave up as he was pulled by Catherine into the building and up the stairs. Catherine opened the door to her apartment and led Quatre in.

Catherine: Do you want something to drink or eat?
Quatre: Not really.
Catherine: I'll go set the bed up for you.
Quatre: No, I'll just sleep on the couch.
Catherine: Well if you want to. I'm going to make myself something to drink.
Quatre: Ok...

Sighing the blond sat on the couch and looked around the apartment. Everything was neat, clean and as normal as most expected. Quatre yawned slightly, looked at the clock and closed his eyes as he fell asleep. Catherine walked into the room and spoted the boy knocked out on the couch and sighed. She then proceeded to her room to get a blanket. Turning on the light she entered the room and went in search for another blanket for her guest. She found one inside one of the boxes she still had from moving in last week, went to the door and turned out the light. Catherine was taken back when the door was closed recalling that she had left it open. She shrugged it off deciding her memory must be mistaken and attempted to open the door. Frustrated that the door was refussing to open she started to pound on it, dropping the blanket in the process, until it budged. She stopped suddenly as she felt someone breath down her neck and turned around. Admist the darkness she saw a slight shimmer of blond on the stranger's head and managed to stamper out "Quatre" before the thing grabbed her. On of the neighbors, up late chatting/listening to music on his computer, stopped headbanging to his deathmetal and heard a scream that didn't belong in the song and instantly picked up his cellphone.
GWAH!!! >.< What have I done now? Tee Hee hee! That's for you all to find out!

- The ever so evil -