Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In Which I Write a Yaoi Fic (Sort Of) ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SilverShinigami- <stares pensively at the computer screen, tapping the desk rhythmically>

Seigimegami- ...Silver...?

SilverShinigami- What.

Seigimegami- What are you doing?

SilverShinigami- <turns on the unsuspecting muse> Well, I'm trying to write, no thanks to you!

Seigimegami- Oh. ^_^; Well then, what are you trying to write?

SilverShinigami- <smacks her head against the desk> How the hell should I know?

Seigimegami- <whistles> I bet that makes it interesting.

SilverShinigami- <turns her head slightly to glare at Seigi through her arms>

Seigimegami- Right...well, let's see what we can do, ne? What do you want to do?

SilverShinigami- Ok, let's pretend for half a second that you're my muse and you're actually doing your job for once. You tell me what to do!

Seigimegami- Oh yeah. Ok, want a...5x2.

Duo and Wufei pop into the room, accompanied by a puff of smoke from Silver and Seigi's trademark smoke machine.

Duo- Uh...

Wufei- Injustice! What do you want now, onna?

Seigimegami- <taps chin thoughtfully> They'll be in...the hangar.

Duo- Not another fic!

Wufei- Oh no...

They puff out of the room as SilverShinigami begins typing frantically.

Duo glanced around the dark, empty hangar, wondering where his fellow pilots were. As far as he knew, none of them had been assigned a mission except for him. Of course, they could always have received it while he was gone...

He shrugged and turned, heading back toward their current safehouse. What he wouldn't give for a cup of coffee right now...

Seigimegami- No! Tea! I hate coffee!!

SilverShinigami- <shrugs and taps the delete button>

He shrugged and turned, heading back toward their current safehouse. What he wouldn't give for a cup of tea right now...

Duo yelped and jumped as a hand reached out of the shadows and grabbed his shoulder. Turning quickly, he let out a breath as he realized it was only gundam Shenlong's pilot. His relief quickly turned to anger, however, and he glared at his koi-

Seigimegami- Stop! What the hell are you thinking, Silver?? They can't be lovers yet! Where do you think this story is leading??

SilverShinigami- Um...a happy lime?

Seigimegami- <glowers> Only if you learn how to write...

His relief quickly turned to anger, however, and he glared at his friend, annoyed that he would sneak up on him. That he was able to sneak up on him...

"Wufei, what the hell were you thinking?!-"

Seigimegami- Hey! No making fun of the muse, Silver.

SilverShinigami- <blinks innocently> I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about, Seigi dearest.

"Wufei, what the hell were you thinking?! Why didn't you tell me you were there??"

Wufei smiled-

Seigimegami- "Smirked," Silver, not "smiled." Fei doesn't smile, and you know it.

SilverShinigami- Well, please, find it in your heart to forgive the mortal, oh forever omnipotent muse.

Seigimegami- <sniffs and turns up her nose>

Wufei smirked and turned. "Come on, Maxwell, let's get out of here."

Duo rolled his eyes and nodded, following the Chinese boy toward the house. He was surprised to see lights on in the kitchen, and-

Seigimegami- Ack! Lights? Silver, what are you thinking? How on earth do you expect them to profess their undying love if there's somebody else in the house??

SilverShinigami- <sighs> I'm just trying to fill out the paragraph, Seigi. What do you expect me to do?

Seigimegami- Well, now that you've ruined the kitchen scene, they'll have to go somewhere else. Down to the pond. Though walking is not what I'm thinking they'll be doing... <rubs her hands together evilly and cackles>

SilverShinigami- Seigi, you know I don't do lemons. If that's what this is heading to...what? Why are you laughing?

Seigimegami- <doubled over and giggling>

SilverShinigami- Wha...? Oh. <realizing what she said> Oh! You hentai!! Grossgrossgross...I do not need to be picturing that stuff when I'm trying to write...

Seigimegami- <recovers slowly> Why don't you...tehehe...why don't you just keep writing, eh Silver?

SilverShinigami- <sighs and nods, returning her attention to the keyboard.>

Duo rolled his eyes but nodded, following the Chinese boy toward the small pond near the dojo at Quatre's latest mansion-

Seigimegami- Estate. It's an estate, Silver.

SilverShinigami- <growls and hits the delete button a bit more forcefully> Quatre's latest estate. He really did need to unwind, and he grudgingly admitted that a cup of caffeine was not the way to relax...

Duo ducked under a tree branch that Wufei so graciously held for him-

Seigimegami- <raises eyebrow> " graciously held for him"?

SilverShinigami- <slams the delete key>

Duo ducked under a tree after his friend, giving him a grateful smile when Wufei held back the branch. Heaving in a large breath, he held it for a moment and wove his fingers behind his head, taking in his peaceful surroundings.

Wufei walked over to the shore of the small pond and-

Seigimegami- Wait wait wait. Who said anything about a pond?

SilverShinigami- <looks confused> You did.

Seigimegami- What? I did not. They should climb the tree.

SilverShinigami- <looks even more confused> What? Why? And what tree?

Seigimegami- <rolls eyes> The one by the pond, of course.

SilverShinigami- But you said...nevermind.

Wufei shot Duo a glance over his shoulder and he...

Seigimegami- <looks annoyed> What now?!

SilverShinigami- What's another word for 'walked'?

Seigimegami- Oh for the love of- here. <throws her a worn, blue thesaurus>

SilverShinigami- <leafs through it and nods to herself>

Wufei shot Duo a glance over his shoulder as he sauntered over to a large tree, daring Duo to follow.

The American watched with disbelieving eyes as Wufei stopped at the foot of the tree, looked up into it for a moment, and then, without a second's hesitation, jumped up into the branches. Duo gaped, wondering what had possessed his friend. Unwilling to let the opportunity pass, he hurried after him, and-

SilverShinigami- Quick, what's another word for "looked"?

Seigimegami- "Peered." Duh.

SilverShinigami- <muttering distractedly> Shut up...

...he hurried after him, peering up into the large oak and wondering how Wufei had managed to get up there with a single jump. Even the lowest branch was a good four feet above his head...

Seigimegami- Ok, stop stop stop. I don't like where this is going.

SilverShinigami- Huh? Why not?

Seigimegami- How on earth are we going to write a lemon in a tree??

SilverShinigami- But I told you, I don't-

Seigimegami- I mean, jeez, I have no wish to tear up poor Du-chan's back or anything. Bark can be some pretty rough stuff...

SilverShinigami- <waves her hands in front of Seigi's face> Ok, ok, no tree. What do I do now? I am not erasing all that.

Seigimegami- Fei get out of the tree.

SilverShinigami- <sneers> Oh, and how's he going to do that? Jump?

Seigimegami- Hey, your idea, not mine.

SilverShinigami- Why you-

Before Duo could do much more than contemplate how to get into the tree, his attention was caught by the sound of rustling leaves above his head and to the left. He jerked around to find the source, then gasped as he saw Wufei somersault out of the branches and splash into the pond.

SilverShinigami- God, Seigi, even you have to admit that was stupid.

Seigimegami- Oh, it was not. You're just a nitpicker.

SilverShinigami- <mutters> Well, if it keeps my stories slightly plausible...

Duo watched as Wufei surfaced, splashing water and shaking his head to rid his hair of excess water.

"Come on in, Duo! The water feels great!"

Duo rasied an eyebrow at him. "You have got to be joking, 'Fei. There's no way I'm getting in there."

Wufei shrugged. "Your loss." He returned to splashing in the water.

"Wu-man, you're insane."

The Chinese boy ignored him.

Duo shrugged and headed back toward the safehouse.

SilverShinigami- ....

Seigimegami- ....

SilverShinigami- ...??

Seigimegami- <smiles contentedly>

SilverShinigami- Well?? Where's the rest of the story?

Seigimegami- Oh, that's it.

SilverShinigami- <shrieks> What?!

Seigimegami- <looks confused> What what?

SilverShinigami- You can't be serious. I can't post that! It's crap!!

Seigimegami- <shrugs nonchalantly> I got bored.

SilverShinigami- How did you get flippin' bored of my story?! And what happend to that lemon you kept going on about??

Seigimegami- You wouldn't have written it anyway, would you?

SilverShinigami- Well, no, but that's not the point!

Seigimegami- I don't see what the point is. I wrote you-

SilverShinigami- <shrieks again> You wrote??

Seigimegami- -a perfectly good fanfiction, and you're blowing up on me. I'm not the one at fault here.

SilverShinigami- <desperately> But you're my muse. It's your job to help me write fics...

Seigimegami- You just wrote one.

SilverShinigami- <looks around the room helplessly> But...but...

Seigimegami- Now, if you don't have anything else for me to do...?

SilverShinigami- <slumps bonelessly into her chair> No, by all means, go ahead. <waves her hand in the air> Don't let me stop you.

Seigimegami- <brightens> Oh, that's great. I really hope you don't mind. <Flips on a pair of sunglasses and puffs out of the room with the help of the half-broken smoke machine>

SilverShinigami- <sighs and rubs eyes tiredly>

Duo and Wufei puff back into the room, the smoke machine coughing and sputtering.

Duo- Can we go yet?

Wufei- <dripping water on the floor> ...injustice.

Duo and Wufei shrug when they get no answer and flip a switch on the smoke machine, puffing out of the room. The smoke machine wheezes, and falls silent, dead.

SilverShinigami- <moans and slides down her chair, disappearing beneath her desk>