Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ It's A Gurl/ Guy Thing ❯ Part II ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Part II

A/N: Yo part 2!!! YAY!!! Don't you just luv meh? Did I forget to disclaim last time? Opps!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own them… I kinda getting over the situation… I promise myself I wouldn't cry… Oh what the hell… *sob* *sniff*

" Heero honey, have you been thinking of names yet?" Relena asked her soon to be husband.

" No, I suck at names…"

" Would you like to help me?"

" No… anything you choose would be good."

" Really? How sweet… well I've been thinking…"

" Good."

" Do you wanna hear them?"

" …"

" Heero Yuy…"

" Okay I would love to hear them "

" Let's go down the alphabet starting with A, shall we?"

" No…"

" And why not?"

" Takes too long just tell me the ones you really, really like."

" Okay, I really like the name Ariel!"

" No."

" Bell?"

" No."

" Celeste?"

" No."

" Ken?"

" No."

" Laura?"

" No."

" Lee?"

" No."

" May?"

" No."

" Mariana?"

" No."

" Penelope?"

" N-O!"

" Ray?"

" No."

" Ryo?"

" No."

" Serena?"

" No."

" Serenity?"

" No."

" Usagi?"

" No."

" Vaughn?"

" No."

" How about we name our child after the people that are close to us. Like Duo!"

The feel of Heero's first son named after blabbering Duo gave Heero goosebumps.

" Definitely not!"

" Fine, how about Quatre?"

" Um…nah."

" I know! Milliardo!"

" HELL NO!!!"

" Okay fine you don't have to yell!"

" Sowie …"

" What about… Lucrezia?"

" Lucrezia Peacecraft Yuy… no way!"

" You been avoiding all my names, let me see you come up with some!"

" I told you, and I'm gonna tell you again, I'M NOT GOOD WITH NAMES!"

" Don't you dare use that tone with me! Owdin Louwie!"

Heero shuddered by the sound of his real name, he always get nervous when someone calls him that, just a silly habit.

" Don't call me that…"


" You don't look too good…" Duo said as he and Relena were taking a walk down the park on a hot summer afternoon.

" Thanks, you really know how to make a girl feel good."

" Sowie, what's biting yah?"

" Heero…"

" Really, why?"

" He's a pain in the you know where, he drives me crazy… Have you ever got the feeling when you want to take someone, grab him or her by the neck, choke then, swing him or her around and throw him or her against a wall?"

" Nope… I don't get hyper tantrums!"

" Very funny… hahaha…that's exactly what I want to do to Heero sometimes. I hate it when he's so cold and mean."

" Oh Relena babe, why are you still living with the damn guy?"

" Because I love him and he's the father of my child."

" Oh yah…"

" I wish Heero would be more like you Duo, cheerful and happy!"

" Me too, me too…"


" Relena got mad at me again…" Heero said Wufei.

" What happened this time?"

" I couldn't come up with a name for the baby."

" Ha… pilot 01 can blow up Mariemia's secret hideout that's protected by a thick layer of metal but can't choose a name for a baby?"

" What are you referring to?"

" That you are stupid and that weak onna of yours is taking control."

" Relena's not weak, she's actually very sexy when she's mad."

" Ech…"


A/N: How did you like the second chapter? R&R ppl! I promise that the 4th chapter will contain the fairy godmother. Be patient and the next chapter (3rd) will contain a little 3XR but at the end of the fic there will be 3X4. You'll see what I mean… And starting from chapter 5 there will be 1X2! Stay tuned!

R&R!!! Flamez ppl!!!