Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Journey To Gundam ❯ Through the Gates of Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
This is a sequal to my last story The Search For Sailor Moon. Those who have not read it, it shouldn't have too much affect on this story, but I still recomend it. Those who ave read it, this is the sequal. It's been a few months after Odessa and Charl have returned from Tokyo following the Sailor Moon fiasco and it isn't long before they are sent on a new assignment to the future to retrieve at least five exclusives about the renowned Gundam pilots.

This story may get off to a slow start but trust me, it'll pick up speed soon enough.

WARNING: May contain occassional Sailor Moon references and several cheap jokes.

Disclaimer: I do not own gundam wing, or Sailor moon. Or cracker jacks for that matter.

I'd alsolike to thank the pink bunnies and Duo's braid for getting me here today. and If I get any nasty flames...I'll dye it pink, put him in odongos and give him red eyes. <nod>
Anywho, that said....


< br> The file slid across the desk moving in a spin before it stopped at the opposite end. The woman with long black hair and a sailor moon t-shirt adjusted her round sunglasses and opened the folder, examining it's contents before handing it to her partner, a man of short light brown hair brown eyes and a blue jacket.

Charl looked at the folder's contents, his fingers moved along the report and then befan sifting through the photographs. They were huge metalic bots that exceeded the average human hight considerably, decorated with several variations of colors. Charl looked up at the large business suited man across the desk. "Mr. Goodrich this is.."

Lebon Goodrich nodded. "Gundams."

Odessa snatched one of the pictures. "Wow! This one is incredibly cute!" She sighed and snatched up 4 more pictures. "And this one and this too!!! "

Charl rolled his eyes, massaging his forhead. "Odessa do you relize these people are killers?"

Odessa adjusted her sunglasses. "Well that doesn't mean they have to be hideous mutations."

Charl rolled his eyes.

Lebon Goodrich cleared his throat. "If I may continue?"

The two turned to their boss as he continued to speak. "As you may know the Gundams are widely known across the world. The stories are legendary the acts..equally fantastic."

Charl nodded. "You were going somewhere with this?"

"Epic Post Weekly is sending you out to do an article on the five gundam pilots. We'll get the inside story, see what really works in their heads."

"Are you nuts?! Those people are known to be insane! Besides, they don't even exist, these pictures are just animated depictions of a fantasy. You'd get further saying Odessa was just an animated caricature. There is absolutely no way you can arrainge a meeting with these..Psycho hazards"

"Thats not exactly true."

"Yes I know Odessa may be strange but she's not an over-exageration."

"No I mean about arrainging a meeting."

Charl stopped, just staring at Mr. Goodrich for a moment. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Goodrich nodded, leaning back in his chair. "I've set it all up. Sailor Pluto has aggreed to grant you passage to the Gundam universe." He held up a small time key.

"Where did you get that?"

He set the key on the desk. "I found it in a cracker jack box."

Odessa squeeled with joy. "At last I once again am allowed to meet the revered Sailor Pluto."

Goodrich stared at Odessa. "Yuh huh....only briefly."

Charl looked at their boss. "How exactly did you get her to agree to that? We havn't been on the best of terms..considering the sailor moon fiasco."

Goodrich nodded. "Yes, I convinced her that with both of you gone, Odessa couldn't make all those phone calls to Tokyo."

"Oh. Well that makes sense. When will she be taking us home?"


Charl leaned forward in the chair. "We DO have a way to get back home right?"

Goodrich nodded. "Oh yes, I was assured there was a slight possibility someone might possess a time machine there."


Odessa smiled, patting her friend on the back. "Come on Charl, We'll be fine." She turned back to Goodrich. "When do we leave?"

Lebon Goodrich folded his hands together. "Right away."

Charl sighed. "I am going to regret this."

Traveling with Setsuna wasn't as bad as Charl suspected, in fact she barely spoke a word to them as she led them through the cooridors. Of course, the warnings she had given them had been quite unerving.

--------a few moments ago-------------

"Get out of line, I toss you out the first time door. If you don't stick to the path, I toss you out the first time door. If you speak to me, I'll hurl you into the barney universe." She pointed to a purple and green polka dotted door. "Right over there. Speak to me, I hit you over the head with my staff. Pop your gum, I hit you over the head with my staff. Try talking, I'll whack you into a harmless pile of goo with my staff. Run around like a complete bafoon, I'll hurl you into Saban's Sailor Moon door." Odessa screamed, Charl winced. "Make a funny face, I'll throw you out into the ice age, Breathe loudly, I'll throw you into the Cretacious period. Any questions?"

Odessa raised her hand. Setsuna rolled her eyes. "What?"

"If we get out of line.."

Setsuna pointed to the first time door she saw.

Setsuna hit her staff on the floor to get the attention of the two travelers. "Hurry up!"
She opened the door, revealing a continuous picture show in fast forward, revealing various images of pilots, mobile suits and colonies.
Charl and Odessa both aproached to peer through the door. Setsuna swung her staff and pushed them through, slamming the door shut behind them. "Finally!"


The two landed hard on the pavement. Charl groaned, rubbing his rear and partially grateful it had at least broken his fall.
Odessa picked up her sunglasses, placing them back on her head as she looked around.
They were inside, darkness covering the enclosed area. Unphased
Charl pulled out his flashlight to look around. It appeared to be a hanger, concrete lay beneath theier feet, no windows had been installed and the door was revealed just ahead. Odessa was grinning ear to ear. "Wow! do you relize how blessed we are Charl?"

Charl groaned. "Sure Odessa...real fortunate." He leaned back, hoping to take a short rest when his back touched something smooth, hard and metal. Slowly Charl turned around, then looked up, and up. It was huge maybe 50 feet or more, painted with several different colors on it's legs and arms. Odessa squeeled with delight as she followed Charl's gaze. "A Gundam! Charl this is amazing! get a picture quick!"

"Odessa are you sure thats a good..."

"Oh I'm sure no one will mind!"

Charl sighed, reaching into his backpack and pulling out his camera. He stopped completly when he felt the cold touch of a blade near his throat.

"Drop the camera."

The harsh almost unemotional voice of a boy repeated his words. "I said drop it."

Charl gulped and let go of the camera and flashlight. Out of the shadows stepped their captor. A young boy over five feet, sleek black hair gathered into a ponytail and sharp eyes. Odessa smiled. "He looks cute."

Charl groaned.