Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Journey To Gundam ❯ Une's Training! Charl's luck is rotten! ( Chapter 11 )

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I uh..don't own Gundam Wing, it just wasn't meant to be.


Treize nodded. "Charl, I'd like you to meet Colonal Une."

Charl looked up at the lady, two braids bound in buns, wearing glasses.

The woman looked over Charl in a condescending manner."He's a little small, kinda skinny. I'll see what I can do."

Charl stared at the woman, he didn't really like what she meant by 'seeing what she could do'. Why did..No, HOW did Odessa get him into these things? As far as fortune and luck were concerned, Charl didn't exist.


"How are you doing up there?!"

Charl looked down at Odessa. "Terrible."

"Thats great!"

Charl rolled his eyes. Of course he would be too high up in this mobile suit for her to actually hear him. Or maybe she could, there was no telling if Odessa was ever serious. "Uh, Miss Une..Are you sure this is safe?"

"No. Now get in there and stop complaining!" she smiled. "Please?"

He sighed, closing the hatch. Insane women seemed to follow him like bees to honey, why did this keep happening to him.

"Stop wasting time!"

"Uh, yes sir..mam."


Od essa dutifully began to take notes as she glanced through the files of the five pilots. In the past twenty minutes she had set aside thiry surveilance photographs of Duo, 42 of quatre, 20, of Trowa, 15 of Wufei and 39 1/2 of Heero(the half had been a piece of a larger photograph with Relena).

Treize glanced at her. "Uh...why are you going through that?"

She examined another photograph and highlighted a paragraph on the report. "Research."

He blinked. "Oh."

Treize looked back at the two sparing mobilesuits as the one to the right baced up, desperatly trying to doge the other. "Help! Odessa! Ahhhhh!"

Odessa glanced up, adjusting her sunglasses to view the Mobile Suit. She grabbed the com. "Your doing great Charl! Tear through that Aeris like yesturday's butter!"



"I AM the Aeris!"

Odessa thought for a moment, seeming to consider this. "Oh...Well you all look alike. Your still kicking ass!"

"Odessa, I'm the one on the right!...yaaaahhh!!!"

The communication cut off as the blade was embedded in the head of the Aeris.

The hatch to the Leo opened as Col. Une stepped out. "That was pathetic! Your useless."

Charl winced as he opened his hatch. Lady Une smiled. "But you did very good for a first try. In fact so well I think your ready to move on. Zechs!"

Charl gulped. "..Zechs?"

On que a tall blonde man in a hawk mask and red uniform stepped up. Odessa squeeled with delight. "Oh what luck! what fortune!"

Charl sighed. "According to me it's not."

Col. Une nodded. "Zechs, show Mr. Tatcher here how it's done."

"It's Thatcher mam."


Charl winced, it was just one of those days.


Yay! sorry it took so long to get this chapter up, but been having serious writers block! Three more chapters til the end! Will Heero find his Gundam? Will Charl and Odessa survive? Can the gundam pilots resist commiting brutal murder?
Next time! Nightmare on Zechs! Gundam returns!