Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Juno and Take Youy Child to Work Day ❯ Juno and Take Your Child to Work Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Juno and Take Your Child to Work Day
Disclaimer: I don't own the Gundam Wing Characters. This is for fun and non-profit making so please don't sue me. The only character that I own is Juno.
Warning: There is a small amount of Shounen ai in this, if you don't like that than don't read.
Anyone who wants to archive my stories, cool, just tell me first. Also, if there are any huge mistakes anywhere that are annoying, do tell me so that I can fix them.
Juno was bouncing excitedly; she had just remembered where she was going tomorrow. She was going to see where her Daddies worked, because the next day was “Take you Child to Work Day”. She couldn't wait; it was going to be so much fun. She would meet new people to play with and maybe even make some new friends.
Juno finally calmed down a bit after a while and then she started to plan. Her Daddies worked at the Preventers and that group dealt with various problems that showed up, especially terrorists. She wondered if she would get a change to test their skills against her talents, she was a daughter of a Gundam Pilot and her other Daddy used to be one too. Though, if her Daddies where in there it would never work, they would see through her plans too quickly. Oh, well, Juno thought, I will have to think of something else to do when I get there. She spent the next hour before she went to bed making plans for the next day. She went to bed a very happy girl. (Pity the poor Preventers who met her tomorrow, they won't know what hit them).
* * *
Duo and Heero sat in the kitchen drinking some tea and enjoying the quiet. They both loved Juno dearly, but there where times when they enjoyed a bit of peace and quiet.
“Do you think that bringing Juno with us tomorrow is a good idea? W e both know what she can do.” Duo asked Heero in a slightly worried tone.
Heero shrugged and replied, “Lady Une gave us permission to bring her.”
“True, but I don't think that she really understands what Juno can do when she puts her mind to it. And judging by the sounds that were coming from her room earlier, she had something planed for tomorrow.” Duo said trying to make his point.
Heero nodded, he agreed with what Duo said. Juno could be quite…daunting to people who didn't know her. She also had a tendency to destroy things, which might be problematic.
Duo was thinking similar things because the next thing he said was, “I hope Une doesn't take the cost of the damages out of our salaries.”
Heero nodded and added, “She goes with us tomorrow, unless you want to tell her that she is not going.”
“Hell no, she would be upset and never let me forget it, she would do her hurt puppy dog look at me and really, she does it even better then I do.” Duo said slightly panicked.
Heero merely raised an eyebrow at Duo's statement.
“Besides,” Duo continued, “you're the one responsible for that sort of thing.”
“Coward,” was Heero's amused reply.
“Yep,” Duo replied, “I was a terrorist you know, I know very well when I'm in a situation that is not going to end in my favor. And really Juno most definitely has your genes, I pity the poor fool who get between her and something that she wants or needs to do.”
Heero smiled slightly at that statement, because it was true. Juno had his stubbornness in spades and quite a few of his skills too, a terrifying combination for her enemies or those she thought of as such.
Duo finished his tea and stood up stretching. “Time for bed, I think, we will have a busy day tomorrow.” Duo said as he turned and headed toward their shared bedroom.
Heero put the empty cups in the sink and followed his lover. “Only sleep?” Heero asked as he caught up to his lover.
“My, my Heero such thoughts, what am I to do with you?” Duo said as he turned to Heero and wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. “I think we should discuss the answer to that question…very thoroughly in our room.” Duo said and then leaned forward to kiss Heero on the lips. Duo ended the kiss quickly and moved away walking toward their room. “You coming, Heero?” Duo asked seductively before he disappeared into the room.
Heero was quick to follow; a small smile was on his lips as he too disappeared into the room. After that they had much better things to do then to then talk.
* * *
Juno woke up early and headed for her Daddies room. She proceeded to jump on her Daddies who where still asleep, or that was her intention. Instead of an ambush on Heero and Duo, Juno was caught by a surprisingly awake Heero who proceeded to tickly her breathless for several minutes.
“I give up,” was the breathless cry, since Juno was laughing so hard. Heero decided that he would have pity on his daughter and stop. He grinned slightly at the glaring Juno. Juno was glaring at Duo too; he had just lain there watching amused by the whole thing.
“Duo, why didn't you help me?” Juno complained as she caught her breath.
“You were the one that attacked us; you should feel lucky you got away with just Heero tickling you. I could have helped him.” Duo said playfully.
“Meanie,” was Juno's reply, but she didn't really mind that much. She loved when Heero acted silly, it didn't happen that often.
“Go get dressed; we have to get going soon. We wouldn't want to be late for work.” Duo told Juno. Reminded of where they were going Juno jumped off the bed and ran excitedly to her room, she was looking forward to seeing her Daddies' work place.
* * *
A half and hour later, they were in the car and heading to the Preventers headquarters. Juno was excitedly bouncing in the back seat.
“Are we there yet?” Juno asked.
“No,” was Duo's reply.
“Are we there yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Are we there yet?”
“NO,” Duo was starting to get annoyed by the repeated question and turned around in his seat to glare at the girl.
The girl sat trying to look innocent and opened her mouth and asked again, “Are we there yet?” The evil grin on her face told Duo that Juno was doing it purposefully to annoy him.
Duo was about to say something that probably wasn't very polite when Heero answered her question. “Yes, we are here.”
Heero parked the car and the three walked into the entrance of the building. Heero and Duo showed their I.D. cards to the security at the door.
“Bringing you daughter today? She's cute.” The guard said. He then looked down and said, “I hope you have a fun time kid.” Juno just smiled at the man, but didn't say anything. She liked it when people thought she was just a normal child, it was advantageous to have people underestimate her.
Heero and Duo traded glances with each other as they walked further into the building. They had seen the smile that Juno had given the guard and it was one of those smiles that meant she was up to something. They didn't say anything though, they would find out what Juno had planed sooner or later.
* * *
Juno looked around her Daddies office with interest. It was a fairly small room with two heavy dark wood desks, chairs, and computers that looked very powerful. She wanted to play with the computers but resisted, her Daddies would not be amused if she accidentally set off alarms or something.
She had had a fun time so far. Her Daddies had taken her on a quick tour around the Preventer's headquarters and training grounds. It was interesting and fun. She only wished that they had stayed at the training areas longer, one Trainer, called Serge, had been giving demonstrations on explosives and how to disarm them. She had really wanted to see more of the bomb Serge had been using in the demonstration; the design was something she hadn't seen before.
“Time for lunch, Juno,” Duo said getting Juno's attention away from the computers. Duo wasn't sure if wanted her on his computer, she was as good as her father when it came to hacking. “It is a group lunch today; you will get to meet some of the other children.”
“Cool,” was Juno's reply as she followed Heero and Duo out of the office and to the cafeteria. She couldn't wait to meet some of the other children, she loved making new friends.
* * *
Heero, Duo and Juno were the last ones to show up. Many children had come with their parents for the day. The children, around fifteen of them, were sitting at their own table talking happily.
“Go,” was all Heero said. He and Duo walked toward the adults' table. Juno, who had never been shy, walked over to the table and sat down at the only open seat left.
“Hello, I'm Juno Yuy.” She introduced herself and the others did the same. She was surprised though, when she saw a familiar face.
“Marimea!?” she exclaimed. “I didn't know you would be here.”
“You shouldn't be that surprised. Lady Une is my guardian; of course she would bring me.” Marimea said amused.
“True, I guess I just didn't connect the dots,” Juno said ruefully.
“So do have any interesting plans for today?” Marimea asked with a mischievous grin. She knew Juno well enough to expect something like that from her.
“I do, but with my Daddies here I could never get away with any of it. They know me too well.” Juno said annoyed that she couldn't go through with her plans.
“That might not be a problem,” Marimea said getting Juno's attention. “I heard Lady Une saying that she would need Duo, Heero, and several other Preventers for something important. She is going to leave a few Preventers in charge of us until they get back.”
“Really…” Juno broke into a huge grin at hearing that little bit of information. “In that case, perhaps we can do something…” At this point Marimea and the other children were extremely interested in what Juno had to say. It was going to be a fun afternoon.
“ Let me tell what we're going to do, think of it as a small coup d'etat….let's test the Preventers and see if they can beat me… us. Here's the plan…”
* * *
“Une are you sure that this is a good idea? I know you need help but I don't think leaving Juno, not to mention Marimea, alone for long is a good idea.” Duo cautioned Lady Une while glancing over at the children's table. All of the children were leaning in towards Juno and for the most part they were very quite, except for the occasional giggle here and there. “Juno can be very destructive when Heero and I are not around.”
“I doubt that the people I leave in charge will that much of a problem, they're only children.” Une said not overly concerned.
“If you say so Une, but don't blame us if you get resignations later.” Duo warned her with Heero nodding in agreement beside him.
“Who are you leaving with Juno and the others?” Heero asked, surprising a few people by saying a full, if short sentence.
“Mitchell, Stevens, Sanchez, and Ferris, they can handle it,” was Une's confused reply she wasn't quite sure why Heero needed to know.
Her confusion was soon intensified as Heero went over to the four men and took out four very large piles of forms from his Spandex space. He proceeded to have the men fill them out in full. When they were completed he put them back into Spandex space.
“Yuy, is that necessary?” Une asked shocked. Others at the table were laughing, thinking it was a joke.
“Yes,” was Heero's only rely. He didn't feel like elaborating, he had talked too much already.
Duo added his own bit by saying, “Juno can be destructive, we just want to have all our bases covered if people want to sue.”
People stopped laughing when they realized that Duo was serious, but they didn't quite believe him. Most stared at Juno and wondered how such a cute little girl could be destructive.
“Don't say we didn't warn you,” was all Duo would say as they prepared to leave to do a “favor” for Lady Une. The four men left in charge of the children looked nervously over at the children's table wondering what mess they had gotten themselves into for volunteers for the “easy” job.
* * *
Juno looked up at the four men and grinned. They wouldn't know what hit them. She continued grinning and said to the children around her, “Fresh meat… this is going to be soooo much fun.” Too bad the four men didn't hear her or they might have run and saved themselves from Juno's plans.
* * *
The four men walked over to the children deciding that they should introduce themselves. “Hello kids. We will be watching you while your parents are occupies. I am Mitchell and these are Stevens, Sanchez, and Ferris,” he said this while pointing to the people.
“So what do you kids want to do know?” Mitchell asked, hoping that they wouldn't be too energetic; he wasn't that good with kids. None of them were for that matter; they just thought babysitting some kids would be more fun then babysitting some dignitary.
“Can we see the training grounds again, they are really interesting,” was the question asked by a little girl.
Mitchell stared at the girl who had just spoken, it was Yuy's daughter. For some reason he got a really bad feeling, like he was going to really regret what he was going to say next. He ignored his instinct (bad idea) and said, “I don't see any problem with that.” The other men nodded seeing nothing wrong with it.
As men lead the group of children to the training gr4ounds Juno smiled. Her plans where now being put into motion, all she needed now was for the other children to distract their four babysitters and she could finish setting up the ground work for her little coup d'etat.
When they arrived at the training grounds Marimea and others started asking questions all at once, keeping the four men occupied. Juno used the distraction to slip away into the more restricted areas. She managed to break into the room that contained bomb making components; she grabbed a bag and stuffed all the things she would need into it. She was about to leave when she noticed the bomb that had been in the demonstration that she had seen earlier. It was disarmed, but she couldn't help but grab it. It would be useful later and she wanted to study its design more. Juno grinned and left the room. Phase one was now complete, now for the next step.
Juno headed for a nearby computer station; she quickly hacked into the system and entered a virus into it. The virus was fairly harmless and it would not do any permanent damage or disrupt any important functions or messages. All it would do id mess up the communication on the lower levels where she and the others were. She didn't want their “Babysitters” to be able to call for help. She grinned as she finished phase two. Now all they had to do was ambush and subdue their enemies and get an unconditional surrender. She headed back to the group, now the real fun could begin.
* * *
The four men scrambled into the break room. They were tired and in shock. They were covered in dust and all of them looked ready to cry in fear. The source of their fear was close behind them. They all whimpered when the young girl named Juno or Evil spawn from hell as the men mentally called her, came into the room.
She was grinning evilly and her minions (the other children) were close behind her. “Do you admit defeat? We want nothing but a complete and total surrender.” The little girl sounded more like a rabid rebel leader then the cute little girl that they had mistaken her for.
“Yes! Yes, we surrender. Just stop please, we can't take anymore.” Mitchell sounded like he can going to have a massive mental breakdown and from the sounds the other men were making they were not in much better shape.
Juno grinned in triumph. `Good, now what do next? I know let's celebrate a victorious take over with ice cream. I think there is some in the cafeteria.” The other children cheered in agreement and followed her out of the room leaving the four men alone.
“Ice cream, there are going to have ice cream?” Sanchez said brokenly. `They terrorize us for two hours and then they go get ice cream like… like…it was a game… a GAME.” The man looked ready to cry.
“I need a vacation, a long one… with no children in sight.” Mitchell cried and the others agreed with him. But for now, let's just hide here until the devils spawn leaves. The four men collapsed to the floor and tried not to have mental breakdowns.
* * *
Lady Une and the others arrive back at the Headquarters three hours after they left. The building was smoking slightly and there were several fire trucks around it.
Most of the people just stared in shock wondering what happened. Duo and Heero on the other hand just looked on knowing exactly what happened.
“Told you it was a bad idea Une. You better not take the damages out of our salary.” Duo said to the shocked commander, she looked as surprised as the rest.
“Juno did all this?” Lady Une asked pointing a the building.
“Yep” was Heero's reply.
The group quickly entered the building and Une ordered a report of the situation from one of the nearby Preventers.
Over two hour ago there were several explosions in the training grounds and in some nearby room. Several wall have been destroyed by the structural integrity of the building has not been compromised. No one was injured though many are covered in dust. The training grounds…well… it looks like a war zone and will need complete remodeling.” The woman was about to continue when another man came over.
His name was Serge a nickname he had earned in his drill sergeant years. “I want that girl to come in and help me train Preventers; I haven't seen that much creativity in attacks since those Gundam Kids fought.” He was about to say more when he was interrupted by Une.
“Which girl?” Une asked.
“Yuy's kid, Juno she was the little mastermind of this little terrorist action. Guess she takes after her Father in that.” Serge grinned during the entire thing.
Une was going to ask where Juno and the other children were, but they showed up on their own lead by Juno. Juno upon seeing her Daddies ran over and jumped into Heero's arms. Heero caught her and settled her comfortably in his arms.
“Juno what did you do?” Heero asked the child in his arms.
“I just played a game with the other children. We played Coup d'etat and we were the terrorist rebel army attacking the evil overlords.” Juno tried to make it sound innocent, but that wasn't very effective Heero knew her too well.
“Were the explosions necessary? What else did you do?” Duo asked the little girl.
“Well I didn't really think the bombs would go off, it was just a slight miscalculation. Also the damage to the walls isn't that bad it can be repaired. And that little computer virus… well it should run out in a few minuets. It won't leave any lasting damage. As for the training grounds…they might need a bit of…work to fix them up. I also think that our babysitters will recover…eventually…we didn't do that much to them. Oh and we ate most of the ice cream in the cafeteria, to celebrate of course, we won our little war.”
During the entire conversation everyone stared at the little girl as she said everything so calmly, like it was a common occurrence for her. Most backed away slightly, the little girl was a bit scary.
“I guess it is time to leave before you do anymore damage. Une we will be leaving now.” Heero said calmly not even seem that surprised or even upset by the entire conversation.
Une looked at Duo, Heero and Juno with a resigned air about her. “Fine, I will see you tomorrow and for future reference don't bring her here again until she stops destroying public property.” She turned and went to go deal with the mess.
“Time to go home?” Juno asked. “Yes” was the reply.
She turned slightly and waved to the other children, “That was fun I hope we can play together again sometime.” The other kids waved back and said goodbye.
From the looks of the other parents though, that might not be happening anytime soon. Juno had scared the hell out of them, they weren't quite sure they wanted their children learning anything from the girl.
“That was fun Daddies; can we do it again next year?”
Heero and Duo just shared a look as they walked out of the building. “Juno I think that might be pushing it a bit…”
* * *
Somewhere in the Preventer's building four men were still hiding in fear.
“Is She gone yet?”
To be continued in: Juno and the Father's Day Surprise.
Please review. * Great big puppy dog eyes* More reviews faster I write.