Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Juno's Birthday Party ❯ Juno's Birthday Party ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Juno's Birthday Party
Disclaimer: All the Gundam Characters do not belong to me. The only character I own is Juno (isn't she cute?). Warning: Contains mild shounen ai.
Heero walked into Juno's room, he needed to talk to her. Juno was sitting on her bed finishing her homework, not that it would occupy her for long. It rarely took her more then ten minutes to do her homework; she would soon be free to move to other activities, for example blowing things up.
“Juno” Heero called to catch her attention. His daughter looked up from her work with a questioning look on her face. Cocking her head to the side she asked “What?”
“Since your birthday is tomorrow I invited several people over for the party. The Gundam Pilots, Zechs and others.”
“Cool,” the girl said excited, “Can I invite my best friend too?”
“I'm not sure…” Heero began to say and soon trailed off as Juno stated to use the Infamous Tearful Chibi face that Duo taught her. She made her attack even stronger with the pitiful sounding repeated please tactic. She repeated the please for about five minutes before Heero finally cracked, though truthfully he new he lost at the tearful chibi look.
`”Fine you can invite your friend, but don't ever use one of Duo's tricks again or I will be forced to shoot something …or at least blow something up,” Heero said as he attempted to glare at his daughter. The glare was ineffective; she seemed to be immune to it. He would have to correct that sometime soon.
Juno completely ignored the glare and ran to her father hugging him around the waist. “Thank you so much, I love you Daddy,” she said with her face was buried in his chest.
Heero made an escape after Juno let go, he didn't want to give her a chance to try something else. As he walked away he let a small smile show on his face. He was always somewhat amused by Juno's effect on him. She was able to do what very few people ever accomplished; she could at times bring him completely under her control. He loved Juno dearly and he would do anything for her. With that and the tricks Duo taught her he couldn't really help but give in to her at times.
He laughed internally when the thought of what Juno would do to others. He pitied the poor person who got in her way when she really wanted something. His daughter definitely took after Heero when it came to her raw determination and stubbornness. Juno was his daughter through and through, so one could not expect any less.
* * *
It was October twenty-third and Juno's birthday. Well actually Heero could never find out what her real birthday was so he just used the day he found her. It worked was well as any other. At six-thirty in the morning and Juno ran into her dads' room and jumped on the bed, both Heero and Duo jerked awake.
“Juno, I know that it is your birthday, but you need to let us sleep,” Duo mumbled still half asleep.
“We're up, may as well get ready for work,” Heero said more awake then his lover.
Duo glared at Heero and turned to Juno and said, “Next time please let us sleep for a while longer. I do need my beauty sleep.”
Heero and Juno shared a look of disbelief and Juno burst out laughing and Heero just smirked.
* * *
School was a lot of fun for Juno, everyone wished her a happy birthday and she was able to ask Marimea to come to her party that afternoon. The rest of the day was fun and hacking filled. There teacher took then to the computer lab that day for instruction in the use of computer. Since Juno was already quite accomplished with computers she spent the entire time hacking into confidential government files which Marimea suggested to her. Juno and Marimea were a match made in heaven, or at least a perfect match for each other. It is doubtful that any person in there right mind would have put the two on them together intentionally, they were a little scary when they stared to make plans.
* * *
At six o'clock people started to arrive for the party. Quatre and Trowa arrived first carrying an odd looking box with holes in it. Wufei and Sally arrived next. When Wufei handed Juno her present he didn't quite make eye contact with her, he still vividly remembered the last time that he had met her. Hilde showed up next followed by Zechs and Noin.
They had all thought that all the guests had arrived, but then the door bell rang. Juno ran to the door and brought the person into the house. Everyone stares at the person next to Juno in shock, even Heero. It was Marimea Kushrenada. In the next moment all of the Gundam pilots pulled their gun.
“What the hell is going on here?” Wufei said confused and annoyed.
“She is my best friend and Daddy said I could invite her,” Juno said as she put an arm around Marimea's shoulder.
“Oh, Dear God,” Duo said dramatically and everyone sweat-dropped. Then suddenly Heero shrugged and put his gun away in “spandex space”. Everyone looked at him in surprise, he was not the person who usually put his gun away first. Then they all decided to follow his lead.
“You carry a gun?” Wufei said in surprise as he stared at Quatre.
Yes, I do carry a gun, I am a Gundam Pilot you know, not a wuss,” Quatre said annoyed.
With the crisis averted everyone wandered over to the dinning room were the cake was. Juno sat in front of the cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday to her. She made a wish and blew out her candles. The cake was slices up and handed out. The party really started to get fun once Wufei and Duo started to fight and cake started to fly everywhere.
After everyone had cake (or was wearing it) Heero decided that Juno should get to open her presents. Juno opened up Noin and Zech's present first. After manically shredding the wrapping paper she found lifelike models of the five Gundams. She adored them, right after opening the present she ran to Zechs and Noin and gave then enthusiastic hug.
Marimea's present was next. It was in two parts: the first was a key on a chain and the second was a notebook with a lock. After the present was opened Marimea leaned over to Juno and whispered into her ear. “This is so you can keep your thoughts and ideas on paper and private. Also you can write down ideas to drive Relena insane.” Both Juno and Marimea laughed and grinned at that comment. Heero and Duo eyed Juno, they knew that particular laugh and it usually meant something would blow up soon or someone was in for a really bad time.
Trowa and Quatre's gift was next. The box that they handed to her was strange looking; it had holes in the sides and the top of it. She opened it up carefully and squealed in delight when she saw the contents. It was a kitten, a small American short hair with white and gray coloring and amazing green eyes. She happily hugged Quatre and Trowa and thanked them for the gift.
Juno walked over to the kitten picked it up and then settled it in her arms. “I am going to call you Wing,” said told the kitten with a grin. She then walked over to Heero and gave him the kitten.
“Hold her while I open my other presents,” Juno commanded. Heero just sat with the kitten looking resigned, not that the kitten minded. It seemed to like Heero and was happily purring away.
The next gift was from Wufei and Sally, it was a Junior scientist kit. Juno smiled and thanked them. Duo and Heero on the other hand looked ready to hurt something.
“You gave her a science kit, oh great now she can make even better bombs,” Duo said annoyed and wary of the grinning Juno. Wufie and Sally suddenly looked pale once they realized what Duo meant. Juno just sat there grinning innocently and fooling no one.
Hilde's present was next. It turned out to be a very cool computer game, on with lots shooting, blood and explosions. Juno would have so much fun with it.
The second last gist was from Duo. Heero looked at the gift worried; he hoped Duo had not given her what he thought he did. He was right, he did. His lover had given Juno an entire box of various very sugary candies.
“Duo, do you really want a sugar high little girl running around the house?” Heero asked glaring at Duo for his stupidity. Duo looked sheepishly at Heero and decided he was better off not saying anything.
The last present was from Heero. Juno opened a small box and inside she found a beautiful locket. It was a silver oval locket with and Angel engraved on the front. On the back Juno's name was engraved. In side the locket there was a picture of her with Duo and Heero. “It's beautiful daddy, Thank you.” She walked over to Heero and gave him a huge hug.
“Who knew Heero could be so sensitive,” Quatre said in surprise and almost everyone agreed with them. It was not often they saw Heero do something that was so emotionally meaningful.
The rest of the party was fun. Duo and Wufie got into another fight about some random thing and Wufei ended up chasing Duo around the house threatening to kill him. It was fun to watch. The fight was later stopped when they started hearing explosions. Everyone was surprised, except for Duo and Heero who were used to it.
“Um…Heero is that Juno?” Quatre asked.
“Yes,” Heero replied.
“Does she do that often.” Quatre asked a little disturbed.
“Yes,” Heero replied calmly.
“You don't find this surprising at all?” Quatre asked worriedly.
“No,” was the quick reply.
“Figures,” Quatre muttered under his breath.
* * *
The party ended around ten and everyone went home. Heero and Duo would clean the mess the next day. Between the fights and the explosions the house was quite a mess.
Juno was up in her room laying in her bad extremely happy with her birthday party and her gifts. She fell asleep happy with Wing, her new pet, curled up at her feet purring contently.
* * *
During the night Wing found herself unceremoniously thrown out of the bed by Juno's constant movement. Wing decided that she needed to find somewhere safer to sleep. She wandered out of Juno's room over to Heero and Duo's room. She hopped up onto the bed, walked over to Heero, and curled up on his stomach.
Happy purring woke Heero up; he opened his eyes to see a small kitten asleep on his stomach. “Figures,” muttered. He closed his eyes and he went back to sleep. His last thoughts before he fell asleep were that he would have never been this happy if he had stayed Dr. J's puppet. He and his family were safe and happy; that was all that mattered to him.
* * *
Neither Heero, Duo nor Juno saw the shadowy form watching the house.
“You may have been a failure Yuy, but Juno will be perfect for my plans. The next perfect soldier,” the man said ominously. The man laughed evilly, turned, and walked away.
The End for now…
To be continued in Lullaby.