Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Killing Relena ❯ Killing Relena ( Chapter 1 )

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Warning: If you're a Relena fan turn back now. I will take no flames from people who forgot to read the warning.

Disclamer: Gundam Wing is NOT mine

A/N: My first shot at writing something please be nice

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Killing Relena

Kill Relena, Kill her soon

I want to hurt her with a spoon

She think Heero is her groom

Someone please kick her out uf the room

Kill Relena, kill her quick

I want to hurt her witha stick

She's so ugly, she'll make you say "Ick!"

Someone please shove her face into a brick

Kill Relena, Kill her now

I want to hurt her with a snow plow

She wont shut up, I don't think she knows how

Someone please kill her, kill her now

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Well what did you think?

I hope it was good