Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom of the Rising Sun ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kingdom of the Rising Sun

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing. I forgot who owns Gundam Wing. All the others characters belong to me. And the song Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger belongs to Daft Punk and is only being used for this for entertainment.

Now with out further ado..........

Scene: Somewhere near the cost of the South Asia there was a huge battle. The five Gundam pilots did battle against OZ MS.

Wufei: Those weaklings are even weaker then before.

Duo: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lookie what I can do!! (Deathscythe started to break dance in the middle of the battle, while doing this hitting some of the Aries and Shinlong at the same time.)

Wufei: Maxwell quit it!!!! You're hitting my poor Natako!

OZ solider 1: That's dose it. Get them! (To G-boys surprised, a whole troop of Aries and Cancers attacked them. Deathscythe tired to fight off most of them that was attacking it.)

Quatre: Duo watch out, behind you!

Duo: HUH? (Just as Duo turned Deathscythe to face his attacker that's when a whole school of Cancers attacked Deathscythe from the water. Duo didn't know what to do with the oncoming Cancer attack. The others couldn't help since they had their own problems with the oncoming attack. Well Heero wasn't having any problems, he was too busy listing to this one song in Wing and he just couldn't help but singing along to it….)

Heero: Work It, Make it, Do it, Makes Us, Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, More Than, Hour, Hour, Never, Ever, After, Work is, Over… Work It Harder Make It Better, Do it Faster Make Us Stronger, More Then Ever Hour After, Hour Work Is Never Over… (on and on an on and on… During this time Deathscythe disappears under the waters.)

Quatre: No…Duo…

OZ solider 2: Yea! We got one! (Just then Wing's buster rifle hits and destroys all of the OZ MS with one shot.)

Quatre: Duo…

Trowa: (who was quite during the battle finely spoke) Let's go. (Heavyarms started to pulled Sandrock away from the battle field)

Quatre: No Trowa stop! Let me go! We need to rescue Duo!

Heero: (still singing along to his song until the song was over he looks around and sees that the battle was over) Oh. (he then notice someone was missing) Okay where did Duo went off to? Did he go to buy some souvenirs?


Heero: He can take care of himself.

Quatre: But… (Sandrock was being pushed by the remaining Gundams)

Trowa: Let's go, Quatre, like Heero said Duo could take care of himself.

Quatre: But…

Wufei: Shut up Winner.

(Meanwhile deep under the sea we see Deathscythe and then this dark shadow looms over it.)