Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ LadyHawke ❯ LadyHawke ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
||||LadyHawke Read Me||||
*Small But Significant Details*

Character line up:

Phillipe Gaston, the young thief - Duo 'The Mouse' Maxwell
Entiene Navar, the displaced Captain of the Aquila Guard - Heero Yuy
Isabeau D'Arntigan, the noble woman - Relena Darlian [change to Relena D'Arlian]
Imperious, the self-exiled former priest, presently a monk - Quatre R. Winner
Cezar, the wolf hunter - Trowa Barton [change to Trowa Cezar]
Captain Marquette, the new Captain of the Aquila Guard - Zechs Marquise [change to Relena's cousin]
The Bishop's Aide - Chang Wufei

>>On the story line:
This story is based hugely on two shows: Gundam Wing, the popular anime series, and an old movie called 'LadyHawke.'[Obligatory Disclaimer: I own neither series nor movie. Damn it all.] The plot and character roles are, for the most part, from LadyHawke, although I have added a few character roles of my own, in order to use all the GW characters that I could. Unfortunately, I ran out of spaces for them all, so my sincere apologies to everyone who did not see their favorite character in here. I did, however, manage to use all five pilots. *This story is a crossover, but you need not have seen either GW or LH to understand or enjoy this tale.*

The story covers quite a few genres, ranging from romance to action to comedy, and just a dash of supernatural to keep things interesting. This is a non-yaoi/yuri tale, though I have NO objections to those preferences. The couple is Heero/Relena, but before anyone condemns it because they don't like either character for whatever reason, please read the following notes.

>>On the characters:
I have done my absolute best to place the GW characters into roles that fit them the best without changing the characters themselves. However, in favor of a coherent and interesting tale, some of them are slightly different. Heero speaks more. Don't expect long heartfelt speeches, but more than the occasional 'Hn.' Relena is Better adapted to a harder life. And don't expect any long speeches from her either. And for all of you who are sick and tired of the endless 'Heero!' Or "Heero...' or (just for a change of pace) plain old 'Heero.' Relena utters this word aloud all of *2* times I think. She thinks it to herself twice, maybe thrice. Rejoice, all ye peasants!

My shining example of character alteration is Quatre. Before I elaborate for you, allow me one swift plea of self-defense: I like Quatre, okay? I think he's a good character. Therefore I apologize to all you Quatre no mikos out there for giving him one certain flaw: Quatre is a drunk. Not only a drunk, but a drunk monk, no rhyme intended. Now, before the flaming arrows start to fly, NO he is NOT a slobbering detestable smasher, just a priest who indulges himself a bit too much, with terrible consequences.

Trowa is my other slightly OC man. Trowa Barton is switched to Trowa Cezar (Say-Zahr) a wolf hunter. Again, before all the Trowa loyalists lynch me, I am well aware of Trowa's love of animals, and his gentle nature, and so on and so forth. However, in the medieval setting of LadyHawke, creatures like wolves were very real threats to the people; they killed valuable livestock and the occasional small child. By killing off the huge surplus of wolves, Trowa is doing the people a big favor. Also, a wolf hunter like Trowa is similar to the mercenaries of the GW timeline, they go where the wolves are and kill them for a price. Trowa's involvement in LadyHawke is somewhat brief, but his story is a significant subplot to the overall story. Plus I just love Trowa, and had to stick him in here somewhere.

Wufei, who also holds a seemingly insignificant role, was actually the hardest subplot to work in. In the original LH movie, the acolytes and other people close to the Bishop were never even glanced at, so what they saw or thought of the events around them was ignored. Wufei, as lover of justice and strength, would naturally be initially on the side of the strong, the Bishop and the church (remember Mariemeia? It's something like that). Eventually, though, he starts to pick up on the corruption around him, and, as he says at one point, realizes that here justice has been perverted.

As for the Bishop himself, I never name him, or even describe him much, but think Dekum Barton, if you will. Old, bitter, and twisted. Only the Bishop is much more reserved, more in control. I sum him up in two words: Nasty leech.

And then we have Zechs: oh, the Zechs fans shall dance on my grave for this one. His role in GW closely reflects his role in LadyHawke: he is the confused soldier searching for something to protect, and he settles on Relena, his younger sister (cousin in this story). However, unlike the GW timeline, Zechs is unable to protect her, and the guilt drives him just the teeniest bit mad. And his subplot ends differently here than it did in GW...but I won't spoil it for you.

The only character I didn't change at all (or so minutely that you can't tell) is Duo. Duo is a very religious thief with a talent for getting himself out of scrapes. All that changed is the setting.

I hope these explanations prove satisfactory in calming any confusion or further upset aroused by my story 'LadyHawke, Gundam Wing Style.' Again, my apologies to miffed character fans; please don't mail rotten fruit.