Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lord of the Gundams ❯ Fellowship of the Gundam part3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heero/BILBO and Zech/GANDALF sit outside Bag-End, smoking.


Old Toby! Finest weed in Southfarthing.

Noin: (appears out of no where) Weed? *Looks starry-eyed, everyone then looks at her* Er… I mean, uh… Drugs are bad. Yeah, that's it. *everyone continues to stare* Uh, I'll just show my self out. *walks off*

Heero/BILBO: Shrugs then blows a smoke-ring, Zech/GANDALF blows a ship, which sails through the ring.


*mutters* Show off. Gandalf, my old friend, this will be a night to remember!

Scene changes to where the party in the shire is being held.

Zech/GANDALF: sets off fireworks - a tree, fountain that turns into jet planes.

Quatre/FRODO: sits down next to SAM.


Go on, Sam, ask Rosie for a dance!

Trowa/SAM: *Shhh… holds up a sign saying that he's too shy.

Quatre/Frodo: *Gently takes Sam/Trowa's sign away.* Trowa you have to talk, we're in a movie here and you have to stay in character.

Trowa/Sam: *gasps* NOOO!!! My sign! Give it back! *he then cups his mouth shut and hides the welling tears behind his sad clown mask.

Quatre: Oh, god! Trowa I'm soo Sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! Here, have it back and, and, Rashid! Go fetch Trowa a back up sign!

Rashid: Yes, sir master Quatre! *runs of in search of one.*

Trowa: *taps Quatre/Frodo on the shoulder and shoves a sign in his face.*

The sign reads: Naughty Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't take things that aren't yours. Just for that I'll have to teach you a little lesson when we get off work tonight.

Quatre/Frodo: *Blushes heavily and starts fantasizing about a sexy naked Trowa Roll playing as Sam.* EEEEE…


I think I'll just have another ale.

Duo: Quick! Stop the presses! The silent Trowa speaks!

Dorothy: We're not working at a newpaper dipshit! Now get out of the scene and shut up until your character is introduced.

Duo: Fine! I will. But not before I tell you that, you're a big meanie!

Dorothy: What was that?

Duo: *Runs away.*


Oh, no you don't!

Quatre/FRODO: shoves SAM at ROSIE, they dance off

Heero/BILBO is telling his story to the young HOBBIT children.

Heero/BILBO: *speaking monotonely*

So there I was, at the mercy of three

monstrous trolls, and they were arguing about

how to cook us! Whether it be turned on a spit,

or if they should sit on us one by one and

squash us into jelly. They spent so much time

arguing the whithertos and whyfors that the

first… *thinks for a minute* okay that's enough of this story for today.

Hobit child: What happened?

Heero/Bilbo: How should I know, I didn't bother to memorize the last part.

Other hobit child: What? You suck man!

Heero/Bilbo: *crouches down to the child.* Little kids should respect their elders otherwise they may find themselves strapped to a racket.

The hobit kid gets scared of the evil glint in Heero's eyes and run off. Hero smiles evilly.