Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Football ❯ Pt. 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Love and Football pt. 6/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 2X1, 3X4, RelenaxOC

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Archived:, 1X2 ml, DHML,

Warnings: Okay I know I forgot to write this but Heero will be OOCish. Sorry I haven't written that before.

Note: Not a full lemon in this chapter, but something to wet the taste buds, I hope.

Heero nodded. It took a couple of tries but Heero finally got the words to come out and he told Duo about his past and his time spent with his grandfather.

He started at the beginning when his mother met his father. The part where his Japanese mother from a wealthy family fell in love with a poor half American half Japanese man. How her father, his grandfather, was disgusted and ordered her to marry someone of breeding or lose her inheritance. She had said no and they eloped. Then he went on to tell how he was born and was such a joy for his parents, at least that was what his parents had said.

Then onto the hard part of the story, his grandfather kidnapping him. Heero started to sniffle and choke out his words. He was trying really hard to hold back his tears but he didn't once stop telling his story. He went on to say how his grandfather had been watching the family and was very angered about the child. If his daughter were ever to get married to some one of good social breeding he had to get rid of the child. He had his men kidnap the child, Heero, and bring him back to him. His grandfather had a friend, who was a scientist named J. He wanted to make the boy disappear but he didn't want the death of a child on his hand so he handed the child over to his friend telling him he could do whatever he wanted with him.

Duo sat and listened intently as Heero recounted the time with the scientist. How he was beaten horribly if he uttered a word. How he couldn't make any choices about what he wanted done and what he did not want done to him. He didn't even have control over his own body. The scientist controlled him for a year before his parents found him and got him out. They had become rich in that year he was gone. Much more wealthier than his mother's own family. His grandfather, on his deathbed, told them where they could find Heero. He apparently felt guilty and wanted a clean soul before he died. Then Heero went on to say how scared of speaking or doing anything anyone didn't tell him to do. His parents got him the best psychologists in the world and they eventually got him to talk, but he never said much. Still afraid of the repercussions of speaking aloud.

By the end of his tale, Duo wanted to kill something. How could someone do such a horrible thing to his baby, his Heero? He wanted to kill the man who hurt Heero but knew he couldn't. Heero's father already alluded to the fact that he was dead and not by a natural death either. Then a thought came to him.

"Heero, do your parent's know what happened to you while in Dr. J's control?"

Heero shook his head no and sniffled.

"Maybe you should tell them. They should know what happened."

"No, I can't tell them. They wouldn't want me anymore."

"Of course they would want you. They love you. If you want I'll sit with you when you tell them."

Heero thought about it. He had wanted to tell his parents for a long time but didn't want to them to not want him anymore. But if Duo was there maybe it will be better, at least Duo would still want him.

"Okay. Tomorrow after breakfast."

"Good. Now you should go back to sleep Heero."

"NO! Don't leave…please stay?" Heero pleaded and clung tighter to Duo.

"Who said I was leaving? Do you want me to sleep in here with you tonight, so the nightmares don't come back?"

Heero looked up hopefully at Duo and nodded his head. Duo smiled and raised the covers so he could get under them with Heero. Heero moved away for a second but grabbed a hold of Duo's braid to make sure Duo wouldn't leave. When Duo was lying down, Heero moved over to him and snuggled up to him. He laid his head on Duo's chest and one of his hands was holding on to Duo's waist. The braid was resting in his other hand between his and Duo's bodies.


Heero nodded his head. Then he felt sleep overtake him. Duo watched as Heero eyes slowly slipped close. When he was sure he was asleep, he bent his head until he could whisper into Heero's ear.

"I'll protect you from now on, baby. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

In sleep, Heero smiled and cuddled closer. It was the first time he had gone to sleep without having a nightmare.

The morning came all to soon for them. Heero woke up to find that he was spooned up against Duo with Duo's braid still in his hand. Duo's arms were holding Heero to him and would tighten if Heero moved too much. Heero smiled and stroked the braid still in his hand. The braid gave him a sense of security and he brought it closer to smell. He turned over in Duo's arms and watched Duo sleep. Duo looked so peaceful in his sleep and he was smiling. Heero then looked at the braid still in his hands and got a wicked idea. He took the braid and started to tickle Duo's nose with it. He did it several times but stopped when Duo scrunched up his nose trying to evade the ticklish sensation.

Duo was coming out of dreamland when a ticklish sensation on his nose awoke him. He kept his eyes closed and it took a minute but he realized where he was and what was happening. He slitted his eyes open enough so that Heero didn't notice he was awake yet.

Heero was bringing the braid in for another attack on Duo's nose when Duo suddenly rolled them over. Heero looked up in surprise to see Duo's sparkling eyes above him. Duo was getting closer to his face and Heero closed his eyes waiting for the kiss he knew was coming. It never came instead Duo's hand went to Heero's sides and tickled him. Heero broke out in laughter.

"Thought you would get away with it didn't you?"

"*Gasp* Duo stop….ha ha ha ha…please….can't breathe….ha ha ha…*pant*"

Duo tickled him for a few more minutes but finally stopped. He looked down at Heero and saw that his blue eyes were slightly glowing with happiness, his chest heaving for air. To Duo it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He gently lowered himself onto Heero and kissed him soundly. Heero moaned into the kiss and threaded his fingers through Duo's hair. Duo could feel his erection growing and could feel the answering hardness in Heero's boxers.

Duo slowly brought one hand down and massaged Heero's chest, gently rubbing Heero's nipples. He heard Heero moan into the kiss and Duo slowly slid his hand down Heero's body until he got to the boxers. He let up on the kiss so they could breath. He looked questioningly at Heero and caressed Heero's erection through his boxers. Heero moaned and nodded his head. Duo slowly pulled the boxers down Heero's hips until Heero's cock was freed. Duo gently grabbed Heero's erection and started to pump slowly. Heero's cock was hard but the skin's texture was like stroking velvet.

Heero had never felt the pleasure he was feeling now before. At first when he felt the hand caress his most intimate part, he had been a little nervous but nodded his agreement. He felt Duo pumping him slowly and he hardened more. The feelings from the sensations were pooling in his groin just waiting to burst. Then he felt a warmth on his nipple and arched up into the feeling. He looked down to see Duo's head on his chest and he could feel the hand on his cock speed up a little but not enough. Heero whimpered and pleaded.

"Duo…please..go faster…please…please…"

"Shh…baby, just feel."

Heero slowly nodded but didn't stop his moans or whimpers. He felt Duo start kissing down his chest to his navel. Where Heero could feel Duo's tongue start to lick his bellybutton. Heero's stomach fluttered at the ticklish sensation. Duo then made his way down and settled just about Heero's cock. Heero closed his eyes when Duo's breath wafted across the head of his member.

"Heero, open your eyes, watch me."

Heero opened his eyes at the whispered command and looked down. He saw Duo's head descend on his cock and pleasure sear through his veins. He felt the wet warmth all around his cock. He opened his mouth wide but no sound came out. The pleasure robbing his voice box of sound. His back was arched at an incredibly angle but soon he flopped back down when Duo did nothing. Duo just kept still waiting for Heero to calm down enough to not hurt himself. When he did Duo starting sucking in earnest. Heero moaned louder and louder, and one stray thought ran across his mind, `I'm glad my parents sleep in the other wing.' Then it was lost in a haze of pleasure.

It was over too soon for Heero, but the pleasure burst out of him and into Duo's mouth. Duo moaned loudly around Heero's erection, which only served to heighten Heero's orgasm. Heero shouted his pleasure to the walls. Tremors ran through Heero's body as his orgasm ebbed. He looked down and saw Duo sitting in between his legs. His chest was covered with his own evidence of orgasm. Heero sat up and reached out to Duo's chest. He swiped some onto his fingers and swallowed it. The taste was tangy but still had a quality that screamed Duo. Duo moaned at the sight and started to harden again. Heero was going to repay the favor but Duo put a hand out to stop him.

"Come on let's get up and go eat breakfast. Your parents must be wondering what's keeping you. Well if they didn't hear the screaming that is."

Heero colored at Duo's tease and half-heartedly swatted him. Duo just smiled then swooped down and placed a tiny kiss on Heero's upturned nose and got up. Heero lay on the bed stunned for a minute before getting up as well.

When they got dressed they met each other in the hall and made their way downstairs to the dining room. When they got there they saw Mr. and Mrs. Yuy sitting down already eating their breakfast. They sat down and breakfast was brought out to them by one of the maids. They ate their breakfast in silence but every so often Duo gave Heero a pointed look. He wasn't going to allow Heero to back out of telling his parents. Heero sighed when he saw the determined look his boyfriend was sending him. He looked up at his parents and cleared his throat.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell after breakfast. Do you have the time?"

"Of course Heero. We always have time for you."

"Okay, thanks."

They went back to eating their breakfast in silence. When they were done and the plates cleared they waited for Heero to speak. Duo put his hand on Heero's back and started to rub it in a circular motion. Heero relaxed into the touch and began to tell all that happened to him at the hands of grandfather and the scientist, Dr. J.

After the story was over he felt relieved to have it finally off his chest. His mother rushed to him and held him close to her. She started to cry, which started Heero crying. He was relieved that they still wanted him. His father came over and hugged them both. Duo had backed away to let them have this moment.

Heero still needed to hear that they wanted him so in a small voice he asked, "Does this mean you still want me?"

"Want you? Of course we want you. You are our son. We could never not want you." His mother told him while rocking him as they cried.

"It wasn't your fault Heero, it was never your fault." His father said. Heero sighed in relief that they both still wanted him. Then his father abruptly strolled out of the room.

Odin Yuy had never felt so livid in his life but he repressed his anger to reassure his son. Then he left the room. He couldn't contain his anger anymore and didn't want his wife and son to get in the way. He swore if his father in law wasn't already dead he soon would be. He went into the den and calmly closed the door. Then he screamed his anger to the room and threw the first thing his hands got a hold of. He kept on throwing things in the room, his anger fueling the strength of the throw.

Heero looked questioningly at his mother wondering why his father had left so abruptly. They jumped when they heard a scream and a crash come from the den. The three ran to the den and opened to door to find Mr. Yuy totally destroying it. Mrs. Yuy moved to go in there but Duo held her back. They watched as he destroyed the whole den and waited until he calmed down a little before going in. Mrs. Yuy all but rushed into the room and ran right to her husband.


"I'm fine, honey. Heero come here please."

Heero looked a little frightened and looked at Duo. Duo nodded that it was okay and Heero went forward. When he got close enough, his father gathered him in his arms and held him tight.

"I'm sorry Heero. I'm so sorry."

Then Odin fell to his knees and hugged his son to him. All the guilt and shame of not protecting his son came to the forefront. He wept onto his son's shirt and held him tightly. Heero brought his hands up and held his father just as tightly.

"It's okay, dad."

Duo felt he was invading in on a private moment. He got Mrs. Yuy's attention and signaled that he was going to go. She nodded her head and watched as he leaved. Then looked at the father and son holding onto each other in the middle of the destroyed den, crying.

The Yuys decided to put off the meeting with the Winners until the next day. They wanted to spend the day as a family, to talk.

Duo knew he had done the right thing when he told Heero to tell his parents. But the pain it brought. To think that Heero thought no one wanted him was more than he could bear. It brought up horrible memories of families that didn't want him, of times spent in the orphanage alone thinking no one could ever want him. He drove to Trowa's house to return the car and had Trowa drive him home. When he got home he searched out Sister Helen and found her sitting in the kitchen with Father Maxwell. He could hear the other children in the playroom upstairs. He came right up to Sister Helen and stood there not saying a word. Sister Helen looked up at him.

"Duo, what is it?"

"Hold me. Just hold me."

Sister Helen opened her arms and Duo curled up in them. He felt the security of her arms and looked towards Father Maxwell. He was looking at him curiously, wondering what brought this on. Duo reached out a hand for him and Father Maxwell came around the table and grabbed it. He faltered slightly when Duo pulled him towards them. When he was close enough Duo grabbed onto him too.

"Duo what brought this on?"

Duo didn't answer right away and sighed. He felt better in the arms of the people who he knew loved him but he still needed the reassurance.

In a small voice he asked, "You still want me right?"

"Of course Duo. We'll always want you."

"Sister Helen is right. You're our son, now."

Duo sighed but didn't say anything else. Father Maxwell just shrugged at the look he got from Sister Helen. They both just held Duo tighter giving him the reassurance he needed. They stayed that way for a while then Duo moved to stand. He gave them both radiant smiles and went to the playroom to watch the kids.

Duo left later that day so he could be early to the football game that night. When the time came to go out on the field to warm up he looked for Heero in the stands as usual. What wasn't so usual was he found Heero sitting next to his parents who were also sitting next to the Winners. He was shocked for a few seconds but soon was grinning happily.

The game was a hard one. The teams were equally matched and the score kept shifting each time one team had the ball. Unfortunately the other team made a great play and they lost the game but not for a lack of trying.

When Trowa and Duo finally came out of the locker room they found the whole gang waiting for them along with the Yuys and the Winners. The four parents congratulated both Duo and Trowa on a game well played. After accepting their praises, Duo walked over to Heero and pecked him on the cheek. Heero reddened and gave him a small smile. Trowa did the same to Quatre. Quatre's father seemed a little disgusted at the scene and left. Duo looked questioningly at Quatre. Quatre just shook his head to indicate not now. He didn't want to get into it right now.

Duo just shrugged and that was the end of that, at least for now. The Yuys bid their farewells and followed the Winners. The gang decided to go out to eat and then go home. Duo wasn't in the mood to hang out too long. The day had been taxing for him and for Heero.

While they were at dinner Duo finally got Quatre to talk about what he had seen Mr. Winner do. The others stopped eating to listen to Quatre.

"It's nothing important. My dad just doesn't agree with my choice for a boyfriend. He thinks I should have chosen a girl. I told him I wouldn't. We had a fight but we fixed it. Nothing to worry about."

Duo look worried but Quatre gave him a smile and that was all he needed.

"Well if you ever need us we'll be there for you. Remember that."

Quatre smiled at the reassurance and nodded his head. The conversation began again with something less stressful.

During the meal Heero was getting tired and so was Duo. Duo told Trowa that he needed to take them home before they fell asleep at the table. They didn't fall asleep at the table but they fell asleep in the car. Heero was sleeping peacefully on Duo's chest and Duo had his arms around Heero with his head leaning on Heero's. When they came to Heero's stop, Trowa reached back and shook Duo awake. Duo in turn woke Heero up and walked him to the door. He gave a kiss goodnight and went back in to the car. Trowa then drove Duo home. Duo got out of the car, waved goodbye to Trowa and made his way into the orphanage. Duo went straight to his room and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


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