Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Football ❯ Pt. 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Love and Football pt. 7/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 2X1, 3X4, some others

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Archived:, 1X2 ml, DHML,

Warnings: Okay I know I forgot to write this but Heero will be OOCish. Sorry I haven't written that before. This chapter has ANGST! And a near rape.

It was the night before the big game. The game, which decided who went the championships and who won't. Duo was wide-awake even though he should be sleeping, he couldn't. His thoughts weren't giving him any rest. For the past month or so he had gotten the respect of the entire school. The popular kids, including Hilde, had asked him to rejoin their groups but he had declined. He knew better than to join a group of false friends when he had good enough friends as is. Heero had been upset when Hilde didn't get that point and promptly kissed him in front of the whole school.

Duo grinned when he remembered that kiss. He was always the one to initiate things but not that day.

->->->->->->->Flashback:->->->-> ;->->->->->->->

They were eating lunch at their table as usual. Duo looked up when he heard a polite cough from behind him. He turned to see many girls from the more popular groups standing there. Among them was Hilde.

"Hi Duo. Since you are the star quarterback we've decided that you have earned the right to join our ranks. So do you want to join us?"

"Uhh…what about my friends?"

"Well I guess they could join but this is an exclusive club. They have to pass our requirements."

"Umm…thanks for the offer but no."

The girls looked down heartened when he answered. He was going to turn to eat his lunch when Hilde stepped forward.

"Duo," she started in a sickly sweet voice. No one bought it for a minute. "You should really reconsider. I mean everyone looks up to you and if you refuse these nice girls offer I'm sure your friends on the team won't be happy. You would lose all you have worked hard for. Besides I'm way better a girlfriend than your boyfriend over there. So what do you say?"

Duo was furious. He didn't know how many times he had to explain it to the woman she just didn't take no for an answer.

"Listen Hilde, I said No. N-O."

"But why?"

"I could state a couple of reasons. 1) I don't like you or people who pretend to be friends when they aren't. 2) I'm Gay, G-A-Y. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this."

"All you need is the right woman. What can this slut give you that I can't?"

Apparently that was enough for Heero. He immediately stood up and glared for all he was worth at her. Then he grabbed Duo's face turned it toward him and gave Duo the hottest kiss his is young life. When Heero felt he proved his point he let go of Duo, smirked at Hilde and sat back down. Some of the other classmates were clapping, some were gossiping, and others looked shocked. Duo looked dazed while Hilde was fuming.

"Mark my words, you'll regret ever doing that."

->->->->->->->->->->->->-> ;->->->->->->->->->

Duo couldn't stop grinning from that memory. He wished he could have snapped out of it earlier, he missed Hilde's expression. He went back to thinking about what Hilde's plan was. He told Heero to watch out for her, but didn't know if that was enough.

Heero was laying in bed thinking about Duo and all that has happened to him since he moved to America. He remembered how he used to hate it here but it quickly changed when he met Duo. How Duo was such a gentleman to him and made sure he was taken care of. He remembered one day when Duo didn't go to school because he had gotten sick and the tables were turned. Heero had to take care of Duo.

->->->->->->->->->->->->-> ;Flashback->->->->->->->->->->->->

Duo was lying on his side facing the door. A bucket was situated on the floor and medicine littered the nightstand. He was covered head to toe with a big black comforter. Used tissues were scattered everywhere around the room. Duo was not a happy camper, he was missing practice because he was too ill to move. Sister Helen had gone downstairs to make him some soup and bring it back up to him. He dozed while waiting but snapped awake when he heard the door open. He looked at the door and was shocked when he saw Heero standing there holding a tray with soup and juice. Duo smiled warmly at him and watched Heero walk into the room. Heero smiled in return and sat on the bed, he put a hand to Duo's forehead.

"Duo, how are you feeling?"

Duo blew his nose so he could answer without sounding like he had a stuffed up nose.

"Sick. What are you doing here?"

"I heard you were sick."

Heero smiled down at Duo. Duo yawned loudly when he was done he looked sheepishly at Heero. Heero smiled down at him.

"Eat, take your medicine, then sleep."

Heero took the spoon and started to spoon feed Duo. Duo mock glared at Heero, "I can do this myself you know." Heero nodded his head but waited for Duo to open his mouth. Realizing that there was no way out of it he opened his mouth. He ate the soup, which made him more tired than he already was. He was barely awake when Heero tapped him again.




Heero measured out the Nyquil and waited until Duo was ready before giving it to him. Duo swallowed the nasty medicine down. He smacked his lips and swallowed convulsively to try and get rid of the nasty aftertaste. With a whispered, "Ugh." He fell asleep. Heero cleaned up his mess and watched over him while he slept. When Duo woke up later that day he didn't see Heero anywhere but he heard a child laughing. He got up to see what was so funny. When he got to the door he stopped, he heard voices on the other side.

"Shh…Duo's sleeping. We've got to be quiet."

"Kay, Mr. Heero."

Duo smiled and hurried back into bed. Heero came in and trailing behind him was four-year-old Brianna.

"Hi Bree." Duo croaked out. Brianna looked up at him and smiled. Then it turned to a frown and she pulled on Heero's pant leg.

"Mr. Heero, why does he sound like that?"

"Because he's sick. You better go back to the play room or you'll get sick like him."

"Is that true, Duo?"

"Yes, Bree. Now shoo."

Brianna looked a little disappointed but left anyway.

"How are you feeling?"


"You sound it. I've got to go. I hope you get better soon. Oh and here."

Heero handed him a crane made out of origami. Duo looked at it questioningly and waited for Heero to explain.

"There is an old Japanese story about how paper cranes are supposed to make a sick person better. I thought I would make you one. I don't remember the story all that much."

Duo smiled at the crane and set it carefully down on the nightstand. Then he motioned for Heero to get closer. Heero leaned down to him to see what he wanted. When Heero was close enough he pulled him forward and gave him a kiss. Heero pulled back, a little bit irritated but smiled anyways. Then he left to go home. Two weeks later he was sick with the cold.

->->->->->->->->->->->->-> ;->->->->->->->->->->->

It wasn't the best tasting kiss he had received but he liked it just the same. Then his thoughts turned to Hilde. Duo had warned him to be careful of her but he didn't know what to expect. He fell asleep, determined not to think of her. He fell asleep soon after thinking of Duo.

Somewhere in a mansion sat a prim and proper girl on the phone. She was smiling cruelly as she spoke.

"Did you get it?"

"Yes. Now do I have your word you won't spread that rumor?"

"No, not until you do the rest of what I asked you."

"I don't know, don't you think this is a little cruel?"

"No, they deserve everything they get. Just be ready for my signal."

She hung up the phone. Content in knowing her bidding was being done. She picked up a picture of Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy.

"Soon, soon you'll get what you deserve."

It was five minutes before the big game. This game will decide who will go to the championship and who won't. Duo got ready, nervousness and adrenaline both running through his body. He never felt so alive. They rushed out on to the field and the game started.

The game was going okay until the fourth quarter. The other team managed to catch up and now they were tied 24-24. There was one and a half minutes left in the game. Duo's team had the ball. They moved down the field steadily and now there was only a minute left. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The crowd in the stands were standing, screaming and rooting for their team.

Duo got the play set up, if it worked they would win the game if not well he didn't want to think about it. He was snapped the ball and he ran back a few feet. He found one open wide receiver in the end zone and he threw it to him. He watched it fly through the air straight to the receiver. The screaming and cheers seemed to be muted as he watched the ball fly, time seemed to slow. The receiver was there and he reached up to catch the ball. It slipped through the receiver's hands, the pass was incomplete. Duo slumped over when he saw what happened. There was still hope, they had one more down and they were going to go for the three points. Trowa ran out onto the field. Unfortunately, they were at least 40 yards from the field goals and Trowa was having a bad night. He had missed 3 of the 4 attempts.

"Okay Trowa, it's up to you. Can you kick it that far?"


"Okay. I trust you. Let's go guys."

They all went to their positions. They only had ten seconds to get the points to win. Trowa counted out his steps and nodded to Duo that he was ready. Duo nodded back and called the code and was snapped the ball. Trowa rushed forward while Duo got the ball ready. Trowa kicked the ball and Duo stood to see what would happen. The ball sailed through the air. It started to drift right a little and didn't look like it was going to go in, and the timer ran down to zero. They waited on baited breath for the call, then the referees were raising their hands, it was good. They had won the game 27 to 24. The other players rushed the field and hoisted Duo and Trowa on to their shoulders.

After the congratulations they were carried off the field to the locker rooms. The game ball was awarded to Duo. When the two came out of the locker room their friends plus their teammates were waiting for them. They were invited to a celebratory party at one of the guy's house. They decided to go and celebrate and everyone got into cars and drove there.

The party was jumping and everyone was having a grand time. Some one had spiked the punch but no one really cared. Hilde looked for her prey and found him chatting drunkenly to Mueller, a teammate and one of Hilde's secret goons. Hilde smiled maliciously and went in search of Heero. She found him near the punch bowl getting two cups. She approached him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello Heero."

Heero didn't respond but he did glare at her.

"Oh come now. You don't want to glare at me. Not when I could ruin your relationship with Duo."

"Listen, you can't do anything. Duo loves me and no one else and I love him. Nothing you can do can change that. Leave us alone."

With that Heero stomped off towards Duo.

"We'll see Heero, We'll see."

Hilde smiled cruelly, well if she couldn't threaten him she would have to resort to something else. She walked back to where she had seen Mueller and nodded at him. He nodded back and when neither boy was looking slipped something into Duo's drink. Neither of them noticed that anything was wrong.

Duo felt weird. That's all he could explain it as. He knew he hadn't drunk that much, he knew because he made sure to watch how much he drank. It took a few minutes to think but he figured out someone had done something to his drink. He felt really hot and had Heero help him outside in to the cooler air.

Heero knew there was something wrong with Duo. Duo didn't look right. When Duo asked to be taken outside he didn't hesitate. He found a secluded corner and took him there. He sat him down on a the ground and started to check him over.

It took a few minutes but Duo's hazy mind finally allowed some sensations through. He felt the cold ground seep in through his legs and realized he was sitting on the ground. Then he felt hands, nice cool hands touching him. He looked up into blue eyes and felt a wave of heat overtake him. The heat seemed to tell him to take those blue eyes, hear that voice scream his name, feel him arch into him. All reason fled from his mind, all he knew was he had to have blue eyes and he had to have him now.

Heero looked into Duo's eyes and for the first time got scared of what he saw there. Duo pushed forward and Heero ended up on his back with Duo on top of him. Duo was kissing him. The kiss was gentle or passionate but rough and hurtful. Heero tried in vain to push Duo off of him. He didn't know what was going on but he didn't like it. He stopped struggling when he realized that he couldn't get away.

All Duo knew were the sensations. He was not aware of ripping Heero's shirt or the pants he was wearing. All he was aware of was the nice silky feeling of skin and the way Heero was crying out to him.

"Duo, snap out of it. Please…don't do this Duo. PLEASE!"

Heero cried out to Duo to stop. He knew something was seriously wrong but didn't want to hurt Duo. He knew Duo would never ever touch him like this without his permission. Duo heard the cries but they didn't register, it sounded garbled to him. All he heard was his name and the word please. Heero was crying and he hoped someone would stop Duo before Duo did something that Duo would regret. Then he felt Duo ripped off of him. He sat up quickly and tried to cover himself. He looked up to see Wufei and Trowa restraining Duo while Quatre was keeping people back. Relena ran towards Heero and knelt next to him while Jason went and helped Quatre.

"Heero, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. But Duo isn't. Please help him. He was fine just a few minutes ago and then he…he…"

"It's okay. We'll make sure he doesn't hurt you anymore."

"No you don't understand. I don't think he was entirely conscious of what he was doing. He looked strange and he felt really warm. Please help him."

"Okay Heero. We'll find out what happened in the morning. Okay?"

Heero nodded his head and rested it against Relena's shoulder. He looked up to see Wufei and Trowa start to drag Duo away from him.

Duo didn't know what was happening. He was ripped away from blue eyes and held in unfamiliar hands. The hands were too hot, he tried to escape but they wouldn't let go. He felt them burning his arms and whimpered in pain. He could still see blue eyes but they were really far away. Then he was dragged from them. He struggled in vain, but then felt heat sear him at the back of his neck and then blessed darkness.

Wufei had knocked Duo out by pinching a nerve in his neck. Trowa and Wufei looked at each other. They decided to take him to Trowa's house and then they would find out exactly what he was thinking.


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