Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Revenge ❯ Profiles ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


This doesn't have the profile of the Gundam Pilots and the other characters from Gundam Wing; it just has the character we made up so everyone doesn't get confused.

*Good Guys*

Name: Marisa Rokuno

Organization: U.S.P.I.A. (The United States Private Investigation Agency)

Age: 16

Height: 5'1

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Agent#: 06

Weapon: Tri-Tip swords

Gundam: Sea Goddess- Big Tri-Tip swords and Buster Rifle.

Personality: Outgoing, funny, understanding, and serious when the time is right.

Clothes: -Black leather pants

-Black spaghetti strap shirt

-Black Army Boots

-Black leather jacket

Best At- Fighting, Fixing Mobile Dolls or suits, and Tri-Tip swords.


Marisa was found at General Mako Rokuno and Mrs. Rokuno's (AN: made up characters) doorstep during a long winter. Along with the baby was a note that said:

Dear General and Mrs. Rokuno,

Please take care of our baby, Marisa. We can't afford to lose our jobs and she might be in danger if people knew she was our daughter. We know she'll be safe with you. We request, however, that when Marisa is six years old, to put her in the U.S.P.I.A. (the United States Private Investigation Agency.) We're sure your aware of the organization. From there we can take care for her by being her teachers. Thank you, we will return the favor someday.

M.P. and L.N (AN: Their full names were on the letter but we're not going to put their full names because I don't want to give it away.)

The General and his wife took little Marisa and raised her as if she were their own daughter, along with his four other children. Marisa wasn't like the other children. They were quiet and always reading, where's Marisa was outgoing and loved adventure. When Marisa was six, her father thought it was best if she joined the U.S.P.I.A. She thought of it as a new adventure and agreed to go and so her training began. Marisa met Jennifer, Anna, Alyssa, and Kristen, and they soon became allies. She still doesn't know that the Rokunos aren't her real parents.

Name: Jennifer Sieben

Organization: U.S.P.I.A.

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Agent#: 07

Weapon: Whip

Gundam: Love Demon- Whip (like the Epyon's) and Laser Sword

Personality: outgoing, funny

Clothes: -White jeans

-Blue half-sleeve shirt w/ a skinny strap on one side

-Blue leather jacket

-Black army boots

Best At: Strategizing, wrist bombs


Jennifer was raised in a normal family, and lived a decent happy life. But little did she know that her father was part of the Mafia. When Jennifer was about 5 ½ , the F.B.I. stormed into her suburban home and handcuffed her father while they were playing Scrabble. Since the F.B.I. didn't want a witness of the arrest, they took little Jennifer with them. At the time, Jen's mother was Grocery shopping, and her two older sisters were at ballet and soccer practice. After a year of delegating, the F.B.I. put her in the U.S.P.I.A. There she met up with Marisa and Anna; the girls soon became friends. However, the Mafia, who thought Jen's father, betrayed them by telling the F.B.I. their hideout, killed Jen's mother and two sisters. Jen had no idea this happened, and she also wasn't aware that the Mafia was now after her.

Name: Anna Otte

Organization: U.S.P.I.A.

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Hair: dirty blond

Eyes: Hazel

Agent#: 08

Weapon: Karate Thingies (I think there called Num chucks)

Gundam: Black Swan- Num Chucks, laser sword.

Personality: shy, outgoing

Clothes: -Camouflage, half shirt (army style)

-Jeans shorts

-Jeans Jacket

-Black army boots

Best At: Hacking into computers, Num Chucks


Ever since Anna could remember she had been part of the circus. She trained as a tightrope walker and was a part-time trapeze artist. Her brother, Alexei, worked with the tigers and he always has a unique look in his eyes- a sort of a peaceful, calmness, and tranquility to them. A look in his eyes that she'll never forget. Since he was her only blood-relative, they were very close. Almost inseparable, even though he was two years older than her. She was very happy, but one day that would come to an end. Early in the morning, Anna was sleeping very close to the opening of the tent when she smelled smoke and ran out of the tent barely escaping the fire. After the fire she realized that she was the only survivor. For three days she cried and mourned over the death of her brother, and she never forgot the unique look in her brother's eyes. Anna, then six, was put into an orphanage. Soon the F.B.I. came in search for a new recruit. They found Anna as an acceptable proto-type and took her in. They transferred her to the U.S.P.I.A. and trained her as a P.I. There she met Marisa and the others.

Name: Kristin Kyuu

Organization: U.S.P.I.A.

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Agent#: 09

Weapon: Laser Sword

Gundam: Firey Hope- Big Gun (like Heavyarms), Laser sword

Personality: Serious, cold, bad temper

Clothes: -Tight black army pants

-A sleeveless shirt that says "Sexy"

-Short black leather jacket

-Black Army boots

Best At: going "under cover", guns


Kristin's family was always into private investigation. All down the family tree, there had always been at least one P.I. in each generation. Since they were usually men, Kristin's mother worried whether she could carry on the family business because Kristin was the only child. The family had no other choice, and when Kristin was four, they started to train her. When Kristin was six, the family transferred her to the U.S.P.I.A. Because Kristin was concerned about her work and not letting her family down, she was cold, and hard to people who tried to become friends. She believed they got in the way of her work. Then one day, during lunch, Anna approached Kristin, and they talked and became friends. However Kristin is still slightly cold to newcomers.

Name: Alyssa Zehn

Organization: U.S.P.I.A.

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Hair: Dirty Blond

Eyes: Light Green

Agent: 010

Weapon: Sword

Gundam: Noble Slayer- Swords (similar to Sandrock's)

Personality: Shy, observant, silent, bad temper

Clothes: -Red halter top

-Jeans shorts

-Red leather jacket

-Black army boots

Best At: Hacking into computers, building and detonating bombs, sword fighting


Alyssa was an extremely bright girl, who lost her father in a car accident and her mother disappeared when she was five. Alyssa was put in a foster home. She was very good with computers. Wanting so much to find her mother, she sent a letter to the F.B.I. Impressed with her skills at such a young age, they recruited her to the U.S.P.I.A. at the age of 6 ½. However, she wasn't very good with the physical portion at first but quikly learned quickly with the help of Marisa, Anna, and Jennifer. Alyssa continued to search for her mother and swore that she wouldn't quit until she found her.

~Bad Guys~

Name: Relena Darlian/ Peacecraft

Height: 5'2

Hair: Sandy Blond

Eyes: Blue

Position: She is the head of Black Dragon

Personality: Dark, evil, a little psycho

Gundam: Peace Rebel

Reasons for Revenge:

Relena is constantly trying to get Heero. One time she cornered Heero and forced him to kiss her. She told him that she is in love with him but he told her he wasn't. Relena was so hurt that she didn't know what to do with herself and turn evil (and a little psycho might I add ~_~;;;). She swore that she would make him love her. But, she also wanted more. She wanted to take over the Earth and soon after that the colonies.

Name: Shin Maxwell- Duo's cousin

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Ice blue

Personality: hard, cold, sarcastic

Gundam: Master Sniper

Reasons for Revenge-

Shin was always jealous of Duo because he was talented, clever, and got a lot of attention. He was one of the people behind the Maxwell Church massacre. He said that he was behind it because first of all, the city, which was already one religion before the church came, didn't need the church, to get a few people to convert; and secondly because he wanted to kill Duo. When he found out that he didn't kill Duo he wanted revenge and to kill Duo.

Name: Rashid Nessim Winner- Quatre's stepbrother

Age: 17

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Sea green

Height: 5'5

Personality: quiet, serious

Gundam: Red Scorpion

Reasons for Revenge:

Since Rashid and Quatre were the only boys in the family, one of them had to become Master of the family and the family business. When Quatre became Master, Rashid hid his feelings of hatred and congratulated Quatre. He promised himself that one day he would become Master even if it meant killing Quatre.

Name: Chang Yungfei- Wufei's brother

Age: 17

Height: 5'7

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Facial Feature: has a scar over his right eye.

Gundam: Dragon's Blood

Personality: hard, cold, slightly sarcastic

Reasons for Revenge:

Yungfei always loved Meiran even though she was married and love Wufei. Yungfei planned to kill Wufei during a battle. Yungfei shot his gun at Wufei, but Meiran moved in front of Wufei and Yungfei accidentally killed Meiran instead. Yungfei could never forgive himself and the only way he could forgive himself was by killing Wufei.

Name: Ivy Bloom- Trowa's half sister

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Gundam: Dark Poison

Personality: outgoing, bad temper, funny

Reasons for Revenge:

When Trowa was fighting a battle, he shot and killed Ivy's father (they were face to face, but didn't know each other. Ivy's father was trying to stop Trowa from entering the building where he was planning to blow it up). She remembered his face and found out that he was a gundam pilot and her half brother. "It doesn't matter if I'm related to him," she said, "he killed my father! And now I'm going to take revenge for him and kill Trowa!"