Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Revenge ❯ First Mission ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Sorry that took so long. Well on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own GW. ::rolls eyes::

*~*Love and Revenge*~*

Chapter 3- The First Mission

The four agents: 06, 07, 09, and 010 sat talking in their dorms about the fight they just had with the gundam pilots.

"Boy, beating them was hard." Alyssa said.

"Yea, I thought fighting Heero was kind of interesting. He had a totally different style then what I expected." Marisa said.

"That Duo guy wouldn't shut up about how many cuts I gave him." The girls laughed.

"But at least your guys were nice to you, Wufei was different. It was like he had something against women." Alyssa said.

"Yes, most of them, except Wufei, were kinder then we thought, huh?" Jennifer said.

"Yep." Marisa agreed.

"What did you think about your fight with Quatre, Kris?" Marisa asked.

Kristin was flipping through a magazine and said, "It wasn't easy, but he was kinder then I expected."


"I wonder what it was like battling the guy Anna's paired with." Jennifer asked.

"I…think his name was Trowa." Marisa said.

"Do you think we can visit her now?" Alyssa asked.

"I think so." Marisa said.

"Then lets go see her." Jennifer said jumping off her bunk bed.


"Are you going to come Kris?" Jennifer asked.

"Why not?" Kristin answered, putting down the magazine and walking out the door with the others.

~Boy's Dormitory~

"So what did you think of those girls?" Quatre asked.

"They were very well trained." Wufei said.

"They seemed to have gone though the same training that we did." Heero said.

"I think it's weird. Here are these girls who have been training all their lives, just like us. And… to top t off they have their own gundams!" Duo said.

"I don't think it's weird," Quatre said, "Even though they trained the same way as we did and they have their own gundams, doesn't mean they're exactly like us. You've got to remember, Duo, every person is different even though they share some similarities that we do."

"Was it me or does Marisa look a lot like Noin?" Heero said.

"I didn't really pay attention. And besides, she has a different last name." Duo said

"Yea…I guess."

"You've been quiet, Trowa." Wufei said.

Trowa was sitting at the bottom of his bunk, starring at the wall. Heero was on his laptop, Duo was sitting above Trowa, Wufei was sitting on the second bunk on the bottom and Quatre was lying on a separate bed.

"He's thinking about that girl. Look, why don't you go visit her." Heero said.

Trowa got up and left.

"Well, I'm glad he took my suggestions."

*~*Hospital Room409*~*

The door squeaked open, and the girls walked in.

"Anna!" Marisa, Jennifer, and Alyssa said, running over to her and giving her a hug.

"Hey guys." She answered.

"We brought you these." Marisa said as she gave Anna a big, rose bouquet.

"Oh, it's beautiful. Thanks guys."


"So how are you feeling?" Kristin asked coming forward.

"Oh, I'm fine. They said I can go back in a couple of days."

"Well that's good."

"We can't wait."

"Say, was there anything wrong when you were fighting Trowa? You seemed like you were holding back." Jennifer asked.

"No, I was just tired that's all."


"Are you tired now?" Alyssa asked.

"A little."

"Then, we'll go and let you rest." Kristin said, and they went out of the room.

When they left, Anna turned over to sleep. Then there was a knock at her door.

"Anna?" said a quiet voice.

"Yes, who is it?"


"Um…come in."

Trowa opened the door slowly and came in, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Um…these are for you." He said blushing slightly.

"Thank you." She said smelling them.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine. I should be back in a few days."

Before Trowa could ask her about the circus, some doctors came and rushed him out.

"O.K., enough visiting for now. She needs rest." Said one doctor.

"I guess I'll see you later." Trowa said walking out the door.

*~*~Three Days Later~*~*

"Do you think Anna's well enough to come in and look at what we've got planned." Lady Une asked.

"I think so, but let me check with her doctor." Noin said. She dialed up the doctor's office and they said that she could come in.

"O.K., then, lets bring everyone in." Sally said.

"Paging pilots 01 through 05, and agents 06,07,09, and 010. Please report to the main control booth immediately." Sally said into the P.A. Soon after she talked into the P.A., Anna came walking in.

"Please sit down," Lady Une said, "the others will be in shortly."

Soon the others came in and sat down. The boys sat in the back, while the girls sat in the front.

"Now, then, on with the mission." Lady Une said pulling down a screen that showed a map of the world.

"Our first mission is to find out what 'B.D.' means, the initials that were on the bottom of those hate letters. There are only five places around the world that can hold the kind of information we need, you know about 'B.D.' These places are Paris, Italy, Egypt, Alaska, and the Bahamas. Heero and Marisa are to go to Paris, Trowa and Anna, Italy, Alyssa and Wufei, Egypt, Kristin and Quatre, Alaska, and Jennifer and Duo, Bahamas. You will start tomorrow." She said pulling up the screen.

"Woohoo! I get to go to the Bahamas!" Duo said jumping up with his arms in the air. Everyone sweatdropped and rolled their eyes.

"Shut up you baka on crack!" Wufei yelled and Duo sat down with a grin on his face.

"Anyways, I think it would be wise if you worked out a bit and got some rest." Noin suggested. They all nodded and left.

*~~The Next Morning~~*

The alarm clocks rang at 5:00 in the morning in the boys and girls dormitory. In the next ten minutes, both parties were dressed and ready to accept their missions.

"There's just one more thing I need to ask you, Ms. Noin." Quatre asked.


"Are we to take our gundams?"

"No, not this time. I think you will need them more."


"Good luck and good bye!" Noin said as she walked away.

The agents and pilots boarded their jets one by one and took off.

~*Jet #1*~

"Are you ready to go?" Heero asked as he put his hands on the controls.

"Yep." Marisa said buckling herself in.

"This is jet number 8071, ready for takeoff." He said to Noin.

"Roger, your ready to go."

"Mission Accepted." Heero said taking off the runway.

'Oh, geez, there he goes with that saying again.' Marisa thought.

Jets 8072- 8075 soon followed, each heading in a different direction, and their first step towards their first mission and destiny.

*~*~*~*~End of Chapter3~*~*~*~*

AN: Pleaze Review! ^_^