Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Loving You Against My Will ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer - It's not mine. It never was.

A/N - Okay peeps. How ya'll going? Hope you are just peachy keen. Anyway. I figured I'd try my hand at writing a Gundam Wing fic. I've always liked the anime, and I found a song that I think can fit the Relena/Heero relationship problem in a nutcase. Anyway, here's my take on the impossible relationship. Hope you guys enjoy. Later.

A/N - The song this story is based off of is 'Loving You Against My Will', by Gary Allen. That's not mine either, and I'm not taking credit for it. It's a country song, and one of my favorites. I know there are people who don't like country music. Even if you don't, just read the lyrics, I think it fits perfectly with the story. Later.

Loving You Against My Will

- I don't wanna hurt nobody -

- Don't wanna make nobody cry -

- I don't wanna do wrong -

- I don't wanna do wrong -

- I don't wanna tell no lies -

- I'm loving you, loving you against my will -

- Loving you…loving you against my will -

Relena pulled the bathrobe tightly around her as she stepped out onto the balcony attached to her bedroom. It was mid-October, and the fall air chilled her as she stepped to the edge of the railing and leaned over. Her ribs came in contact with the solid cement of the ledge through the material of the robe and she winced. 'Still sore.' she grimaced, rubbing the spot on her ribcage. 'Go figure.' She looked over the grounds of the mansion where she and her brother Milliardo were living. It was a beautiful place. The sprawling grounds were covered in ancient oak and maple trees. There were little ponds all around the place, and even now, the grass was still a healthy green color. It really was beautiful, even when it was bathed in the luminous glow of the full moon, like it was now. She glanced over towards the stables and smiled when she heard the soft neighing of some of the horses. Everything was wonderful. It was the perfect picture of calm and serenity.

Except for one thing….

There were Preventors everywhere. She sighed and shook her head. 'One of these days, I'm going to be able to live a normal life.' she thought. 'But until then, I'm stuck having a babysitter twenty four hours a day.' She pulled the bathrobe tighter and leaned across the balcony, mindful of the sore spot, and willing her frayed nerves to calm down a bit.

It had been a rough day, especially for her. There had been another assassination attempt on her earlier that day. She had been at a public address in front of the city hall, and someone had shot at her, intending on killing her. After the Preventors had gotten her to safety, they caught the would-be assassin, but he wasn't telling anything the last she had heard. 'Let Wufei get a hold on him.' she thought evilly. 'He'll have the jerk talking in no time flat.'

She shook her head, in disgust. The attempts on her life had been happening more and more frequently now, and it scared her to death. If it hadn't been for Duo and the other Preventors, she would have been dead by now instead of standing on the balcony, and that very thought made the hair on the back of her neck stand up on end. Needless to say, Milliardo had been livid when he found out. He went straight to Lady Une, the commander of the Preventors, and demanded that Relena be put under twenty four hour security until the threats subsided. 'Fat chance that'll be anytime soon.' she thought. 'With my work coming up with the colonies about the new mining treaty and harbor agreements, I'm going to be a target for some angry people for some time to come.' she thought. She had spoken with her beloved brother about an hour ago, and he was still fuming. Lucrezia Noin, a dear friend of Relena's -and an even dearer friend to Milliardo- , was still trying to calm him down. 'Good luck, Noin. He's on a good one tonight.' she thought.

She looked up at the sky and sighed. It was mid-October, and the fall wind was rustling the trees that sat on the grounds. The air was cool, and Relena could tell that winter was right around the corner. It would soon be Christmas time again, and she frowned. Her thoughts drifted back to the year that she and the Gundam pilots had encountered Dekim Barton and the Barton Foundation's little puppet, Mariemaea. That was something she didn't want to think about. Not so much because of the destruction that had occurred, or the lives that had been lost, but because it always reminded her of him.

The one person who she wished beyond hope would come back to her. 'Even if Heero did come back, what would it change?' she thought. 'He doesn't care about me. At least not like I care about him. Or if he does, he hasn't showed me yet.' Yeah, the stoic Gundam pilot of Wing Zero had saved her life countless times. But she was never able to completely break that cold mask he put over his face….and his emotions -there was one time she had come close. But he had closed her off again before she could blink-. 'The Perfect Soldier.' she thought. 'Humph. Nothing's perfect. Not even him. I saw the emotions in him at one time. I know he's human underneath that mask. I just wish I could show him that there are people who care about him.' She felt her eyes tear up and she shook her head, forcing herself not to think about him. He had been gone for years now, this Christmas would be five to be exact.

Heero had left after they got him out of the hospital after Mariemaea's underground base had collapsed. He had never told her good-bye, never said anything to her. He just up and left. She had tried to find him for about a year, but it was like he had just disappeared off the face of the Earth. She had employed the other Gundam pilots to help her find him, but they had all come up with dead ends. She frowned, remembering what Trowa had told her one time. 'This is Heero we're talking about. If he doesn't want to be found, he won't.' Relena hadn't believed him at first, but as the search continued, each lead ending up as a dead end, she was forced to admit that the Heavyarms pilot was indeed correct. When Heero Yuy didn't want to be found, he wouldn't. She had abandoned the search soon after that. But in her heart, she knew he was still out there somewhere. She still loved him, even though everyone told her it was pointless, useless and she was wasting her time on a dream, she didn't care. She had tried to rid herself of him, but it hadn't worked. She tried telling herself that she didn't want to love him anymore. That was a joke. It didn't matter what she done to try and forget him. He just wouldn't be forgotten.

"Leave it to me to fall in love with the world's coldest man alive." she mumbled as a cold chill went down her body. "This just keeps getting better and better." She shook her head once again and let her senses run free, if only for a little while.

She could hear the rustlings of the leaves mixed in with the undeniable static of communicators below the balcony. The Preventors had been assigned to watch over her like a hawk. She knew that the fight for peace had been won. But like everyone else, she wondered how long it would last. The assassination attempts were mainly from a group of rebels that completely hated anything the United Earth Sphere said or did. The former Queen of the World shook her head and made her way back into her room. Hoping to get some sleep, she pulled the curtains around her bed and slipped down into the downy blankets. 'Maybe one day, everyone will be able to work out there problems. Until then, you'll always have a job to do, Relena Peacecraft.' she thought as the first tendrils of sleep began to draw her into the world of naught…….

A/N - Hello everyone. How'd I do? This is my first Gundam Wing fic, so be sure and leave me a review telling me what you think.

Oh, and I'm not sure about the spelling on some of the character's names. If I screwed anything up too badly, please let me know and I'll fix it immediately. I don't have a beta reader, so I have to go over my own work. Unfortunately, I tend to miss my mistakes when I have to do that. So your corrections will be greatly appreciated.

Alright, well, I'm off. Later peeps, and remember to leave me a review. Later.
