Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ One Mangled Heart, Two Unfortunate Souls ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Standard Disclaimers Apply, please don't sue me, if you do, you'll get nothing but a sucky computer... I can tell that you get the picture by now...
AN: I apologize for writing such a self-explanatory story without telling you guys what's really going on! I decided to put little notes in between the story, labeling the flashback parts and the reality parts...
Okay, so the story starts with Heero stepping on the pearled comb Relena wore on their wedding day, and that encounter causes him to remember the past...his flashback starts with Relena asking him if something could ever happen between them (romantically) and he denies himself of her...she gets engaged to a consort, Duo confronts Heero about it, and then Heero visits her room that night to find out if Relena was meant for him, so yeah they have a "night of passion" (but i'm not writing the details I'm too poorly experienced to write a lemon) and then the flashback ends Heero goes to sleep...end of chapter I....
*** Please read theKey before reading the story, failing to do so might confuse you, since this is a story containing Heero's thoughts as he does a flashback of the past ***
Italicized text ~ Flashback
Plain text ~ Reality/ Present Time


"…Pity those who wait
Trusting love to fade
Finding out too late
That they've lost it
Never letting go
They will never know the ways of love..."
--Got To Believe in Magic by David Pomeranz

Chapter II - One Mangled Heart, Two Unfortunate Souls

Heero woke up in the middle of the night, desperately seeking breath. His horrible nightmare of something he already seemed to forget caused him to sweat and quiver.
He ran his trembling hand slowly up his unmanageable hair and remembered his encounter with Relena's comb…
He went out of his bed, and in the obscure darkness, he searched for the broken object that caused him mixed emotions of pain, sorrow, remorse and at the same time, contentment and joy. The contentment and joy she had so little time to give him.
He searched for the object blindly, patting and rubbing his hands on the carpeted floor, muttering a curse as he realized that his attempted search had failed.
He was alone...all alone, now that fate and time was too cruel and took her away from his grasp...not only did these powerful forces take her, but they took his heart and soul too....if he could only have a second once in a may be too much to ask, but then again, it's the only thing he would ask for...
"Nobody left in this world to hold me tight..." He thought bitterly.
He shrugged off sleep and preferred to dream the past that gave him the only happiness he could only have...He closed his eyes, ignoring the fact that doing this would only cause him disappointment and self-condemnation for letting the unstoppable factors of fate and time take her away...
He woke up that glorious morning, beside the woman that he considered his only treasure, the treasure that he thought never existed. She had always been there, but he denied himself of her. He ignored her because he used to believe that missions were the only important things in his "cheap" life and that she was the meddling brat who interfered with his job. The past night had been heaven for both of them, they expressed the passion that they have kept up inside for so long for the first time in their lives.
He brushed the lustrous strands of her hair away from her statuesque face to be able to admire it in the comforting silence. The peaceful look on her face faltered as she unconsciously shook her head and started to tremble. While asleep, she tried to pull the covers and could not bring it up to her quivering body.
A look of worry was written on his face as he saw this, he took her by her shoulders and shook her.
"No...No!" She said unconsciously looking surprised and disappointed, with a horrified expression on her face.
He continued to shake her gently, calling her name. She finally woke up with a horrified look on her face. Her eyes were popped out and her face was ghastly white. She trembled in his arms, as the forces of the coldness of her skin and the warmth of his were struggling. She looked at the face of the man who woke her up. When she saw it was him, she buried her face against his chest and cast a tight grip on his arm.
"Oh Heero, I had a horrible dream. I saw my own own death!!!" She said it with so much horror that it made Heero tremble himself.
"Sshh...It's's alright, now tell me exactly what happened." He rocked her gently, running his hand back and forth on her side, trying his best to comfort her.
"My death..." After a long interval of time, she finally decided to talk things out as she got a little more calm. "I was walking down on a sidewalk on one cloudy afternoon, it began to thunder, I thought it was nothing...then it began to poured down so quickly that the roads became so slippery..."
Her words were choppy and short, her sentences were incomplete and she sounded unreasonably distrustful. Heero wondered why she put such an emphasis on the impact of the rain in her dream. Her statements and her movements made no sense.
She swallowed hard and sighed deeply as she continued: "...I saw a building on the other side, I thought it would be a great idea if I stayed there until the rain would come to a was getting colder and I ran into a hurry...I looked at both sides before I crossed...I hurriedly ran to the other side..." She took a long pause and a tone of terror was in her voice as she continued.
"...But I never made it...A crazy car came speeding down the slippery road...when the driver saw me, he hastily pushed on the pedal...the slippery road prevented the car from stopping...I saw the car spinning towards me, and then a black pitch...after that, I saw a funeral car...I saw these grim people wearing black and some women in veils... mourning...people I recognized...I saw everyone's face...except mine...I ran to a man wearing a suit and sunglasses, probably some security guard...and asked him what was happening..."
She broke into a cry. "Oh Heero, it was horrible. He told me that the former Queen of the World was going to be buried that day...and I denied it and kept on saying No, No..." She tightened her grip on his arm as she cried quietly.
He did not dare speak. His expression was not of horror, nor worry, but the expression was unreadable. He stared blankly into the sheets, finding something to say.
That moment felt and looked as if it would be embedded into eternity. He could feel the sheets dampen as her tears shed. He had no other alternative but to tell her that it was only a dream -- only a dream -- nothing more. They sat there, in silence, for a few more moments, until Heero finally broke the immeasurable and deep stillness.
"It's only a dream, how would it affect you? You won't die, not right now, not while I'm here, here to protect you." He knew the words were right, it assured her that bad dreams are just tricks of the mind and that he would stay to watch over her.
***End Flashback***
"Yeah right, Heero, you promised you would take care of her, and now you're still here but where is she now? Gone! Yeah that's right! Gone!" He clenched his fist as he remembered that promise he had said to her that morning but failed to fulfill it.
Heero sat there for one more moment, pondering his thoughts as closed his eyes to return to his flashback once more...
He had left her temporarily that late morning to take care of some of his so-called "business" and promised to get back to her as soon as possible.
"Hello? Oh yes, Quatre! How are you? You'd like to ask me something? Alright, we can talk about it while having some afternoon tea. I'm so glad that you two are coming! Alright I'll see you then, goodbye." Relena sighed and smiled cheerfully as she put the phone down in her expensively decorated living room. "I wonder what Quatre and Dorothy want to see me for."
That afternoon, Quatre and Dorothy came over for tea. "Relena, it's so good to see you. You must be wondering why we're barging into you like this. But it's been quite a while since we've seen or heard from you." A smiling Quatre had his arm protectively around his wife's waist, and Relena noticed that Dorothy seemed to have gained a couple of pounds to her slim figure, but it's been a while. Relena smiled at both of them, glad that Quatre had changed Dorothy. Dorothy was no longer the vicious, war-loving and cold human being, but something completely the opposite. Dorothy smiled back at her and kissed her on the cheek. "Relena, you must be lonely living in this massive estate, without anyone to keep you company. I must invite you more often at our house."
"Please, have a seat, tea will be served shortly." She, Quatre, and Dorothy took a seat on her lavish sofas and a uniformed maid with a tray containing tea and some biscuits came in. "Thank you Marie, that will be all." Relena said as she dismissed the middle-aged maid.
After she served some tea to her guests, she asked, "So what brings you here?"
Dorothy blushed while Quatre said, "Well, we just found out that Dorothy is two months pregnant. And well, we want you to be the godmother of the child."
"This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you both! And of course I would be glad to be the godmother of your child!" She sat up and embraced Dorothy. "So I gather that you two have been busy eh?" Relena also had a surprise of her own.
"You know I have a surprise of my own too." Quatre and Dorothy looked at Relena expectantly.
"I'm breaking my engagement, with...with the consort they have paired up for me. I'm already doing him a favor, he wanted out of the engagement as much as I did." Relena stated flatly.
"Relena, I'm not surprised at all, I gather Heero was here last night?" Quatre replied with a sly grin that was never expected out of the polite, aristocratic Arabian.
In the meantime as Heero was nearing Relena's estate, he saw Relena conversing with a blonde man, and failed to see the other guest. "Quatre? What the hell is he doing here?" His pace grew faster and more briskly, and he would demand Relena an explanation.
Suddenly, the door burst open, though it did not crack nor break, it just opened so suddenly that it startled Relena and her guests. "What the hell is he--" Heero's sentence was cut off by Relena "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, I had guests, and no you had no right to barge in, not without knocking."
"Hn." was Heero's only reply, for seeing it was only Dorothy and Quatre she was having tea with, Relena sure got him this time.
"Quatre and Dorothy have come to ask me if I would have the honor of being their unborn child's godmother. I'm sure you don't want any but would you like some tea?"
"Hn." Was Heero's reply.
"Okay then, I guess I'll take that as a no."
Heero sat in her living room in silence, but stared at everyone as they chatted. Their little tea party came to a stop when a call for Quatre back in his family's company headquarters came up.
"I guess this is it, Thank you so much for visiting me. It would be more wonderful if you two dropped by, just to see me, it gets lonely you know." Relena said as she bid goodbye to the couple.
"Relena, drop by whenever you want. I knew you would consent to be our little one's godmother. Thank you." Dorothy said as she hugged Relena goodbye.
"Goodbye Relena. Till the next time." Quatre said as he took Dorothy's hand and led her to their limousine.
Relena went back to her large house after saying goodbye to the Winners. She went back to see Heero pacing back and forth, as if trying to memorize some lines. She never saw this side of him before. "Heero, he looks like he's nervous. Heero? Nervous? Yeah right..." She thought as she tried to stop the grin that was forming in her face.
Heero Yuy, the "Perfect Soldier" can never be the "Perfect Suitor". As he saw her figure nearing him, he could feel cold sweat dampening his shirt.
"You know, there was a time when I lost you, lost you because I denied that I loved you?"
"Well yes..." Relena answered, having a puzzled look on her face. "Heero? emotional?" She thought as she was wondering, if he was only going to tell her he loved her, only to take it all away.
"Look Heero, don't say that you love me, unless you mean it as forever, make it real, and don't leave me hanging. Is this goodbye again?"
"No Relena, hear me out''s not that...this is so hard..." It was puzzling to see Heero admit that he was actually bad at something -- proposing. He took out a small, black box and and slid it across the coffee table for her to see.
"What's this?" She walked over and kneeled down in front of him, and he could see an unreadable emotion on her face. "Heero Yuy, I've loved you since the day -- I want you to -- to --"
She started crying he quickly kneeled down with her when he realized that she was not supposed to be in that situation and that he should be the one kneeling down and trying to propose. Why was she always the one who had to make the first move?
"Relena, although I was cold, treated you bitterly, and mercilessly killed a lot of people, and cannot propose, you still loved me for who I was, and still am, and I love you for that. I want to know --" As they were there kneeling, he gruffly grabbed the small black box from the coffee table. He slowly opened the black box, showing a ring with a solitary diamond stone in the middle embedded in a pool of shimmering, yellow gold. "Would you give me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?" He took her left hand, gave her the most sincere look, his eyes were looking straight at her own eyes, begging her to say yes.
"Yes Heero, I would like it very much." Tears were welling up in her eyes while she said those words. He smiled contentedly and slid the solitaire ring gently on her fourth finger and they stood up as they kissed.
"No Relena, don't cry, I'm telling you I love you and that I need you, because I'm going to stay." He held her much closer and put a finger to her face to brush the tears away.
"I know Heero, that's why I'm crying." She smiled up at him and kissed him again.
"Relena..." He whispered her name as it was a prayer. "You won't regret saying yes Relena, you'll be happy and as long as I'm there, you'll be safe..." He stroked her hair and smiled contentedly, this meant that neither any of them would be lonely anymore.
"You know Heero, I've always dreamed that this would happen...and it did, dreams really do come true don't they?" As he stroked her hair and began to reply she cut him off as he noticed that her smile faltered. A frown on her face spread because of the nightmare she had earlier. "Dreams do...come true," She said ironically.
"No, what you had was a nightmare, dreams come true, but nightmares do not."
"I'm sorry I didn't learn how to propose, that I made it so hard for you, it's just that I wanted to ask you to marry me -- before I could lose you again."
That precious moment, felt as if it could last forever, but for Heero and Relena, it went by so fast.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~
"And do you, Relena Darlian Peacecraft, take Heero Yuy as your husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?" The old priest asked in that the blessed day they got married. He smiled at the young couple as the blushing bride and the nervous groom looked at each other.
Heero could remember every smile, every scent, and every sign of uncertainty she had. Her neck was graced with a single strand of fine rice pearls. She wore her hair partly up by a pair of pearled combs that matched her necklace, she managed to keep most of her hair down to conform her virginity and innocence, because every bride must be a virgin, and to show that, she must put her hair down. But they both knew that at the night before their engagement, they failed to refrain from having a night of passion, for that longing was kept up inside, for well, too long...
She smiled up at him and mouthed "Omae o Korosu" before saying those words, those words that would seal their contract -- their contract to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. "I do."
Heero slipped the gold band on her finger, holding her hand steadily but gently. She took the ring and slid it on his hand, the hand that had the capacity to kill a massive number of people with a single touch of a button.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
He gently and slowly pulled the delicate veil off her face, careful that his robust hands might damage the exquisite veil. It felt so light on his hands, and as he lifted the veil up, he could see her unblemished, glowing face that melted him just like the snow when a ray of sun is felt. He stared at her for a few more moments and memorized every detail of her face before leaning down and kissing her.
He held her steadily, the kiss came to a halt just when they had started. Time is a very unyielding factor that seemed to be cruel for both of them, morbid as it is, moments such as these never last forever.
They faced the crowd that gathered for their special day and they both looked at the world with contentment and joy, as they walked down the aisle, every smiling face was beheld in their eyes, every ray of the sun that penetrated through the vivid stained glass windows were embedded into their memories, for that day was a reason to celebrate.
Their reception was the most joyous sight a set of eyes could ever behold. Their friends were all there. Remarkable as it seemed, Duo had behaved quite properly during the reception.
"I would err like to propose a toast for the new couple." Duo said idiotically as he stood up and tried to catch everyone's attention.
"I hope you stay together happily still you grow old and weary till every strand of hair is white, till the world crumbles and until the and then you can dream about your old and happy times together." Duo smiled at them sincerely before finishing the toast. "To Heero and Relena."
"To Heero and Relena." The group repeated before drinking down the sparkling champagne.
"Geez, Heero is so overprotective, won't even let me dance with Relena, like I'm going to eat her." Duo muttered to Hilde as he danced with her. "Duo, by living with you everyday, it looks as if you can eat anything you see. If you don't talk, you stuff your mouth." Hilde complained to his remark.
"Hilde, babe, does this mean I don't get dessert tonight?" SMACK. "I guess I'll take that as a "no". Duo said painfully as he rubbed his reddening face.
Heero continually stared at her face in silence since the music started. He refused to let Millardo, Duo, Quatre and Trowa dance with Relena, when they came up and asked if they could dance with her, they received a death glare and a "No" as a reply.
"Heero you should start being more nice and let me dance with at least my brother. And no, don't glare at your wife like that." She smiled at him, realizing that he couldn't help but give everyone, including his bride, his famous death glare. No reply was heard from him, as usual. She sighed deeply as she could remember when she was fifteen and she was this infatuated girl following a boy who threatened to kill her. And yes, that boy grew up to be the man she ended up marrying. She spent so many moments dreaming up fantasies about Heero and her, dancing on their wedding day. And it all came true for her. Magic was really true after all.
"I just hope that Duo's wish for both of us would come true. That we'd love each other till our hairs both turn white, and then on that day, we'll sit together, think of the years we spent in married bliss, and of the kids we have that have grown up and made their parents proud. I can't believe it's all true, so true that we might end up paying dearly for this."
He swallowed hard and tightened his grip on her, praying that that moment would never end.
***End Of Flashback***
"Did I dream that we'd dance forever on the night that I prayed would never end?" He asked to himself regretfully, guilty that he let her go. "Yes Relena, we did pay dearly for that..." But for the world, it keeps on turning, life goes on, it does not stop, regardless of the fact that there are people lost along the way.
Heero stood up and left his empty bed, realizing that morning finally came without him noticing. It was yet another day, another day in his miserable life. He ran his gruff hand through his unruly hair, realizing that he still had to go to work. He took a hot shower that morning, and the hot, steamy water didn't seem to bother him a bit, since she had gone, he felt nothing, nothing but pain, regret and remorse. He was oblivious and cold towards everything that revovled around him, and surrounded him. He was back to being emotionless again.

"...I may never know
Why I need you so
All I need to know is this feeling
Handle it with care
We were born to share this dream my love..."
-- Got to Believe in Magic by David Pomeranz


AN: Hehehe so that sucked, I really appriciate the reviews I received for Chapter I, I expected like 2 but I got more and I was very happy with it, thank you so much for being so nice and leaving a review because knowing what you think about my stories makes me feel so illuminated and inspired to write more.... :D
***If you're still confused, I'm so sorry, please include it in your review and I'll do what I can do about it...Thanks!***