Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Magic (Pending Title)
Genre: Magic, Comedy, language, maybe some angst, romance, drama, cuteness, self insertion, violence, snobby people-bashing (Relena included), teacher-bashing, wow this list is long-ness……
Rating: Possible R-ness. I haven't decided.
Summary: This is kind of like a Harry Potter crossover, but its not. The boys are attending a magical school full of wacky teachers and rooms.
Pairing: eventual (takes forever) 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 13xOC, SxOC I'll think of more when the time arises.
Rose Fury: *glomp* Heh, I kind of got a little lazy. Chapter 4 and 5 were supposed to be the same chap but I couldn't get anything when I was going through major ice-cream deprivation. Major emergency, ya know. *give you a Duo plushie*
Dentelle_noir: *tackles and glomps new reviewer* I don't think I've had you review any of my other stuff. Welcome!!!!! Thank you for the review and welcome to my world. Be afraid….be very afraid! Whoops, where are you going? Don't run away! *gives you Duo plushie*
Bombayoni: Oh man, all I have is these 3x4 S/M pair plushies. *tries to look innocent* They have interchangeable parts like whips and toys… don't want these. *tries to leave with plushies*
Chapter 5:
“Me, who?” Answered an almost singsong voice.

”Keumi, Keumi, Keumi…” There was a squawk at the end of the short mantra. The Japanese woman cocked her head curiously at the voice.
“Silence, you naughty parrot.” Another voice sounded. It was soft and mid aged. A slightly aged woman stepped from the back. Like Keumi, she still retained most if not all of her beauty. Her rich chestnut colored hair was pulled back in a simple French bun out of her face. Her warm violet eyes scanned over her customers with a smile firmly placed on her lips.
She wore a pair of black Capri's and a slightly snug fitting black kimono styled shirt with a white undershirt. “Keumi? Why, I haven't seen you in ages.”
Though her voice wasn't as boisterous as Keumi's, she still held all the excitement in it. She maneuvered around the counter and enveloped the woman in a hug. Keumi welcomed her as warmly as she knew how.
“Dear Helen, how have you been all these years?”
“Very well. And look at you your radiating after so many years. I know I must have missed a lot since the wedding.”
“And how is G?” The Japanese woman asked in false concern. She had never taken a liking to G even after her best friend's wedding. He always struck as a manipulative old coot.
Helen looked sad for a millisecond before regaining her smile. “G passed away three years after our son was born.” She explained. She pursed her lips together as if she was debating to tell more then said. “He was into performing experiments with a colleague of his. J, I think his name was.”
“How did he pass?” Odin spoke up. Helen spared him a bow and a smile to acknowledge him before answering his question.
“Well, he wanted to try conjuring something big that didn't exist in the `normal' world or the world of magic. It was a hideous creature.” Helen's haunted eyes scanned over her listeners and fell on Heero. “Well, who is this?” Her expression lightened as she took in the youth.
Heero nodded respectfully.
“Is this your son? He's a quiet one.”
“Yes, that's my Heero. Always quiet and in his own little world.” Keumi said affectionately. Just the Wing Zero bounded out of nowhere and settled on the counter behind Helen.
“And this is..?”
“Wing Zero, Heero's pet.” Odin informed. “You said something about a son? Where is he?”
“Well, he went to the Hawaiian islands using a teleportation spell with some friends. He'll be back before school start if you want to meet him. I'm sure that Heero and Duo would get along quite fine.”
“Duo? What a peculiar name.” Keumi said with a grin. “I can wait to see him. He sounds like a troublemaker.”
“One of the best. And always looking for an adventure. I do tell him that he should settle down and get his head out the clouds. I guess, it's better than him fawning after ever girl he sees.”
“Yes, Heero is the same only he's more in favor of his laptop than an adventure. That's why we bought him here.”
All the while, Heero let his eyes wonder over the various items in the shop. His eyes fell on a small blue and white board. It was shaped like a surf board only there were miniature wings at the tail and it was no bigger than a skateboard. There were no wheels.
Seeing that his parents didn't seem to be going anywhere soon, he went to investigate the object. The tie die blue and white swirls called for him.
He picked it up and turned it around. There was a bright orange `new item' sticker on the bottom. He grunted thoughtfully and placed it back on the ground. He put one foot near the nose of the board and his other closer to the end.
Wing Zero hopped from his place on the counter to his master's side. He yipped softly as the human stood there.
“How do you think we get this up?” At the sound of `up', the board left the ground. Heero gasped in surprise and wobbled on the now hovering merchandise.
Keumi stopped in mid-sentence to see her son flailing his arms to keep from falling. She tapped Odin on the shoulder and pointed towards the distressed teen. It wasn't everyday they got to see their son like he was now. The surprised wide eyed look on his face was priceless.
Wing Zero began to voice his concerns in double barks.
Heero finally got his balance completely and stood shakily on the hover board.
“Excellent choice.” Helen said with a smile. “That is from the Oz Company. Duo has the same one only his is black. This isn't for first year students but if it reacted to your command than it was made for you.”
“Brilliant!” Keumi applauded. “How much Helen? And don't tell me it's free. We can afford it.”
Helen looked hesitant at first. “It goes for about 100,000 credits *but*..” She emphasized `but' before continuing. “I'll give it to you for 20.”
“Alright, and then you can buy yourself a nice new outfit for we can have a night on the town.” Helen sweat dropped but nodded. Keumi beamed at her.
“Um, this is all nice but how do I get down?” Heero asked in a strained voice. At sound of `down', the board lowered completely. The blue swirls on the board took over the white as soon as Heero stepped off.
“That means, it belongs to you.” Helen told the Japanese teen. “Congratulations”
Heero nodded and picked the board up.
“Alright, you let me know when your shop closes. Until then, Heero, we have to get you a couple of notebooks and pens.”
“Finally some normal school supplies.” Heero grumbled. Odin chuckled merrily and threw an arm over his son's shoulders.
A/N: There! Another chap. Sorry Duo wasn't there but then I would have to introduce a bunch of other people and that would interfere with a few thinks. You'll be alright for another couple of chaps….right?