Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Magic (Pending Title)
Genre: Magic, Comedy, language, maybe some angst, romance, drama, cuteness, self insertion, violence, snobby people-bashing (Relena included), teacher-bashing, wow this list is long-ness……
Rating: Possible R-ness. I haven't decided.
Summary: This is kind of like a Harry Potter crossover, but its not. The boys are attending a magical school full of wacky teachers and rooms.
Pairing: Odin x OC, eventual (takes forever) 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 13xOC, SxOC I'll think of more when the time arises.
Bombayoni: I know what you're talking about but I don't know how to spell it. Do the words start with a W and a K?
Chapter 7:
Trieze left shortly after Raven did. His unreadable expression seemed to dampen Keumi's carefree attitude. Her sunny features were drawn up into a worried pout as she rifled through the twenty second rack of clothes.
Heero noticed the change his mother demeanor and couldn't blame her. Both men acted rather strange for his liking.
“Find anything?”
Both shoppers turned to see Odin accompanied by a young girl.
She had Wing Zero cradled to her chest.
She had a caramel complexion and a professional look despite the lack of professional dress. She wore a simple black t-shirt and a pair of navy blue baggy tattered end shorts. Her hair was a dark brown color with hints of lighter shades of highlights that had grown out a long time ago and pulled back into a slightly curled ponytail.
“Who is she, Odin?” Keumi asked curiously. Her welcoming spirit was back in full affect.
“This is my family, Heero and Keumi.” Odin pointed to each as he introduced them. “This is Nita.” The girl bowed politely. Her hazel eyes twinkle mischievously despite her quietness.
“Are you attending the school as well, Nita-san?”
Nita nodded to Keumi before looking around the room carefully. “I was here with a friend but she ditched me.” She said mournfully. “She's about three inches taller than me with two braids on each shoulder.” The teen began to explain animatedly. “She's American but she has some Asian blood in her. Blue eyes, oh never mind.” The girl huffed. “Her name is Sally. When you see her could you tell her that Nita said…” Nita took a big breath and expelled it in a long and loud raspberry.
Keumi laughed happily while Heero only looked slightly surprised. Wing Zero took the time to jump from her arms and onto Odin's shoulder.
“I work at the front cashier in row 12. Catch you later!” Nita winked and bounded off towards the front of the building.
“What a strange girl.” Odin said in amusement. He scanned his eyes warily over the large pile of clothes adorning his son's arms and the floor. It was a good thing he bought the checkbook this time. They needed cash for other places. “Come on, we have to go pay for this stuff.”
If Heero wasn't being weighed down by the never ending supply of merchandise, he would've kissed his father. He never liked shopping unless it was for his laptop. All these clothes should last him until he was one hundred-six years old.
“Konbanwa! Did you find what you were looking for?” Nita addressed the approaching family. Beside her stood the blonde haired woman Nita was looking for.
Sally wore a pair of café colored slacks made out of spandex. The material hugged her curves tightly until it reached past her knees. Her top was a white button down shirt with two long trails of ruffles going down each side of her chest.
“Yes and more.” Odin called back. He placed his pile on the counter. Heero followed his example also. Nita swiftly set to work on ringing each article up individually. Sally placed each rung up item in a simple plastic bag.
Heero mentally calculated how many bags that would take up. It wasn't a good number being that they didn't have a car of any kind. After a while, he noticed that Sally was still stuffing the same bag which didn't look like it was nearly half way full. When everything was finished, there was only one bag.
Nita grinned at his bewildered expression. The grin looked more appropriate for her features. “L6 doesn't follow the rules that you're used to.” She explained. “You'll find out more later on.”
Heero nodded dumbly and took the bag. It didn't feel as heavy as it should. He chanced a glance inside and saw the last pair of jeans place inside.
“Let's go Hee-dear.”
The Japanese teen followed behind his parents. They waited a little longer as Odin politely held the door open for a purple-black haired girl and her hooded friend. Heero froze at the sight of a long rope of braid swinging over the friend's chest.
//Couldn't be// He shrugged and continued to walk. It was already dark outside.
“Hey, Hilde. Duo, how have you been!” He heard Nita greet the two new customers. Something inside him screamed that he had just missed something important. The sound of howling in the background sent all worry away.
A/N: Well, there are *counts on fingers* four more characters. *grin* Duo is here! Well, sort of…..well it's the thought that counts! Anyways, don't you wish that shopping bags did that? I do. It would save up on the struggle when you have about twenty bags to get from the store to your car.
Oh, this is a little short but I couldn't keep going for the life of me. At least Keumi isn't shopping anymore. *cringes*