Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Chapter 20

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Magic (Pending Title)
Chapter Beta-ed by: DkAdeena. Thanks chica.
Genre: Magic, Comedy, language, maybe some angst, romance, drama, cuteness, self insertion, violence, snobby people-bashing (Relena included), teacher-bashing, wow this list is long-ness…… !
Rating: Possible R-ness. I haven't decided.
Summary: This is kind of like a Harry Potter crossover, but its not. The boys are attending a magical school full of wacky teachers and rooms.
Pairing: Odin x OC, eventual (takes forever) 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 13xOC, SxOC, NxH I'll think of more when the time arises.
Bombayoni: I would love to aim with you but……my computer….yeah, that silly thing. It caught this uber-virus that disables all internet type thingies. My stepdad isn't really trying to fix it (the ass) so I have no way of aim-ing with you unless I go to like…the country or something to mess with my uncle's computer. Do you have yahoo messenger? My boyfriend's computer has that…. Anywho, O.o a baby? When did we discuss this? Lol. Just kidding. Thank you for reviewing!!
Chapter 20:
Classes had been cancelled thanks to the lempira incident leaving students to roam around as they pleased.
“Man, I'm beat.” Libby sighed as she flopped into her bed. The bed instantly morphed into something that could easily hold thirteen girls her size. The comforter covering her lower half was made of pictures of rock bands and young men that looked suspiciously close to Duo, Heero and the others.
“You can say that again.” Kage answered to the girl's statement. Absently she rubbed at the bruise covering her calve and winced. She sat gingerly on her bed feeling as it changed around. When everything was finished her bed was just as big as her roommate's with a water filled mattress. She grinned happily as she lay onto the bed completely. The blanket underneath her was purple with pictures of bishies here and there.
In order to accommodate the large beds, the room rippled adding a few extra feet to its parameter. The freshly painted white walls on Libby's side of the room bled into a rich gothic red with black trimming and a Celtic sun above her head. The carpet on her side of the room quickly changed black.
On the other side of the room, the walls remained white. Blue, black, green, purple, silver, gold, and dark red lines made up a tribal band wrapping around her room. Following the tribal band was a Celtic dragon that reared up above her head. The carpet on her side of the room became a blend of the colors making up the wall's design.
Both girls reached for their wands twirling them expertly before tapping them to their respective chests. “Cambiarme de ropa.” They said together. Instantly, they were in their pajamas and ready for a good three hours of sleep before they had to get up for dinner.
“Nice…we have the same room.” Quatre stated looking back at Trowa's silent figure. He offered the taller teen a smile effectively covering up his unease. His small time with the European youth was enough to form a minuscule crush with wasn't bad if only he knew the other boy swung that way. //He probably does, you're just scared.// His conscience teased. He gave it a metaphorical bird before going to his side of the room.
Instantly, the walls changed to a rich blue and the floors changed to a light oak equipped with a floor molding. Golden wall decorations hung in the right places and a large fichus plant stood in the corner.
Trowa raised an eyebrow at the Arabian. Quatre ducked his head and blushed. That was exactly how his room at home looked.
“That was thoughtful.” The blonde mumbled trying his hardest not to glare at the room. “But I want something a little different.” Thinking quickly, he sent the room into motions again. A feather soft blue carpet took the place of the hardwood floor. The walls turned an almost black-blue color. Posters of various groups ranging from Slipknot and Nickleback hung in place of the wall decorations. “Perfect.”
Trowa stepped into the room then and watched his side change to his liking. Greenery burst from the floor engulfing the tall youth and his side of the room in jungle-like vegetation.
Quatre tensed at the suddenness. Cautiously he stepped towards that half of the room finding it more humid than his. “Trowa?”
A chuckle resonated from the shrubbery before the youth answered. “I always wanted to sleep in the jungle.” Trowa called.
“I didn't know they could do that…” Quatre said in awe. He looked at his room thoughtfully again. Why should he let the other boy outdo him? The room changed again replacing the floor with warm sand and the walls with nothing but open skies. “Daddy never let me camp out at home.” He grumbled walking stubbornly over the sand. He found his bed and tapped it. It wriggled and bucked until it finally shrunk to form a sleeping bag.
Trowa smirked from where he sat on his `bed'. Another point for the shorter boy. At least he wasn't some stuck up rich kid. //You should really ask him out.// His conscience said. “I'll get around to it later.”
Heero walked aimlessly through the hallways of the school.
The Japanese teen looked carefully into one of the rooms finding a jock inside watching a censored stripper dance before him. There was no doubt that said stripper was as real as they came but it was rather strange watching the black rectangles and squares over her breasts and private areas.
Heero snorted and continued. It was hard to tell it was for learning now that the classes were over. The class had been reformed to change into anything the students could want if it was within school boundaries and even those boundaries could be stretched a bit.
He came to a stop just outside Raven's classroom. He'd been walking for at least an hour and no matter what turns he made, he always found himself back in the same spot. Shrugging, he gave into the curiosity and stepped into the class. Hannah had done a good job cleaning up the mess. Not one thing out of place….except for the paper shuriken still sticking out of the wall. Frowning, he went to retrieve it.
He grabbed a chair and placed it under the paper. He carefully pulled himself onto it and stretched to reach. His hand barely touched one of the ends of the star making him hiss in pain. He pulled his hand back and stuck in his mouth quickly. When he took it back out he found a clean cut going down his pointer finger. He looked back up at the star. This time when he reached, he placed his hand carefully on either side of it and pulled. It came out easily.
With that done he hopped down and turned to leave. Maybe the others knew something about this.
“I don't know that looks like it took a lot of chakra to get it like this.” Taru said looking at the star. Heero looked up at him from his spot on the ground. What was with this guy and Hiro and trees? “And for it to still be in form afterwards is something.”
“So you know it's not normal but you have not a clue what it is.” Heero asked.
“No, you should go ask Zech.”
“The pixie?”
“Yup, that's him.” Taru answered letting the star drop to the floor. It landed with a thud going a least three inches into the solid dirt below. The dark haired teen in the tree whistled in approval.
“Okay.” Heero picked the enchanted paper up carefully and turned to do as he was told. First he would have to find out if it was okay for him to leave school grounds.
The walk to the hotel wasn't that long. The trail that Nita had shown earlier made the trip half its time to be exact.
Heero fund his parents outside when he made it to the outside of the large building.
“Oh, Hee-chan, how are you sweetie?” Keumi cooed. She embraced the Japanese teen tightly ignoring the sigh of exasperation. It was okay for her to act as if she hadn't seen her boy in days. Even if it had only been for a few hours. “How have you been? Enjoy your first day as school?”
“I'm fine, the first day has been….different. I'm trying to find Zech though.” Heero answered once he could breathe correctly.
“He's in the lobby tending to a new customer. By the way, your mother and I must return to earth in the next two days. Will you be okay here by yourself?” Odin rattled off. He shifted his weight a little as he spoke but never took his eyes of his son.
Heero blinked slowly. Well, this was sudden. “I guess I'll have to.” He answered nonchalantly. It wasn't a big deal. He could manage on his own. He was an almost adult anyways.

”Splendid. We'll be sending you some funds while we're away. Try not to blow it on girls or candy.” Keumi said teasingly. Heero blushed slightly but said nothing. “Well, we have to go book some tickets, dear, have a wonderful day.” She turned hooking her arm through Odin's. She waved one last time then they were off.
Heero shrugged then turned to enter the hotel. He'd have to pick up Wing Zero and his bag since his parents weren't going to be there.
The lobby was actually normal in comparison to the rest of the hotel. Sapphire couches harmonized with the dark hardwood floor and stone chimney place. The walls were a softer blue with a sky blue design that seemed to trickle down like water.
“Ah, Heero, your parents had me send your things to the school. They should be in your room.” Zech called from where he suddenly stood by the chimney. Flames erupted from the wood inside it highlighting the silver layer of glitter that took up the man's skin.
“That's not why I'm here.” Heero managed to keep his cool. He watched the other man carefully before speaking again. “I was coming to ask you about this.” He said pulling out the shuriken. He held it up cautiously until the light of fire flickered off its sides.
Zech looked from the fire to the paper weapon. His eyes stared with disinterest. “Looks like some origami to me.” He said before looking back at the fire. Heero threw the star his way. Zech moved back quickly barely avoiding the star. Strands of his hair were caught and drifted down to the floor. When he looked back at the star, his eyes were filled with interest this time. “Who made this?” He questioned.
“Raven Sengoku.” Heero answered.
A/N: Hmmm….I don't know if this is good thing or a bad thing. Depends on what the bunnies want. Review!!