Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ More than Rejects ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I do not own any GW characters. That is all.

Damn me! Writing so many fan-fictions at once! Please read and review.

More than Rejects

Trowa gave up his thoughts for now and went to find where Quatre and Rae had wondered off to. He went into the big tent and saw that all of the bleachers had been disassembled. He was glad they were, in fear of Rae getting in danger.

He saw Quatre talking to Catherine, but didn't see Rae. He worked hard to make himself not panic, but it was more difficult than usual. His senses and emotions were out-of-wak with all that was going on lately. He brought himself together when he spied her near the tight-roping poles. There were workers taking the rope off at the top. She was starting to climb up.

Trowa hurried over and plucked the little girl off the bars of the ladder.

" What do you think you're doing?" Trowa asked her.

" I just wanted to help..." Rae whined. Trowa sighed and looked around. There were some of the clown monkeys just outside of the tent being fed.

" Well then, you can go help feed the monkeys." Trowa stated, pointing to the monkeys.

A look of pure joy swept over her face as she raced to meet the furry animals. The keeper greated her with a warm smile. Ever since everyone found out that Trowa was keeping her, she was the Circus sweetheart. Everyone loved her and loved being around her, she was the only one who constantly kept up a good attitude. Of course, she was only six. But, the circus was her family.

Trowa knew she would miss them, she had been with them her whole life. But, there was nothing he could do. It just wouldn't make sense for them to stay in the circus. Rae would have to start school and she'd want permanent friends. Soon, her father, aunt and a whole bunch of circus performers wouldn't be enough for her.

Trowa watched as the keeper gave her some food to give the monkey, then he turned around and walked toward Quatre and Catherine. But, he stopped a few paces away as more worry hit him.

Catherine looked over at her brother as he stopped and looked outside of the tent, worried. She looked out and saw Rae feeding some Monkeys. She looked back to her brother and smiled.

" Relax, Trowa." Catherine said, " They're all current on their vet checks and shots. The vet came just yesterday. The blood results came this morning. It's fine."

" That's good," Trowa looked relieved, but then became alert again, " But, what if they're irritable from being poked yesterday?"

" Do you think the monkeys are going to maul Rae?" Quatre said and he and Catherine chuckled.

Then, a shriek pierced the air, which made even Quatre jump. It was Rae. Trowa ran to where he knew Rae was, but stopped feet away, when he heard laughter. One of the smallest monkeys was on her head and playing with her hair. He smacked his head for over-reacting and turned back toward Cathy and Quatre.

They both smiled at him and he frowned.


Trowa looked over to where Catherine was keeping Rae distracted from breaking things. He didn't keep count of how many times he had checked on her, but he supposed it was every few minutes. They had gone over to Quatre's to take up his offer on tea. Rae had been enjoying herself and sat at the small coffee table for a few minutes, until she got bored. Then, she ran off and promptly started knocking things over. Catherine had volunteered to go and keep her out of trouble.

" You really worry about her, don't you?" Quatre asked, once again, keeping Trowa away from his own thoughts. Trowa looked over at Quatre.

" Well," Trowa looked down at the teacup balancing on the arm of the chair, " It's kind of hard not to."

" I understand," Quatre set down his cup, " She's a huge part of your life."

" She is my life, " Trowa said in a flat tone, " She's the only reason my time here among the living isn't up."

" Perhaps," Quatre smiled, " And maybe that's part of why she's still alive."

" Hm." Trowa looked away from Quatre and back toward Rae. He refused to accept that he was the reason she was alive. He could never be credited for such a pure creature.

" You sure are lost in thought lately," Quatre stated, " What's on your mind?"

" A lot." Trowa answered truthfully, " Moving back to Earth, for good probably. Sending Rae to school. Going away from the only family Rae knew, including Catherine."

" You're the only family she needs. She'll get over the circus, but she'd never accept you leaving." Quatre said. Again, Trowa refused to respond to such a statement.

" Also," Trowa looked back at his teacup, " I'm still wondering about Wufei and Duo being here while we're here. It just seems so risky. And what kind of Preventer business was Wufei on anyways, he's a top officer, it'd have to be something big. But Duo, do you think he's a Preventer too?"

" Trowa," Quatre shook his head, " If I were you, I just wouldn't worry about. You have other things to deal with. More important responsibilities than investigating something like that."

" Rae..." Trowa murmured, not looking up, " You're right..."

" I'm glad you think so," Quatre said, " If I find out anything, I'll keep you informed."

" Alright," Trowa agreed

" So, you've already got a place for you two to stay?" Quatre asked.

" Yeah, I found an apartment." Trowa nodded and sighed, " It'll have to do for now."

" You know, there's a lot of good places to stay here on L4 and good schools." Quatre offered.

" Sorry, Quatre," Trowa chuckled, " I need to go to Earth. For me and Rae."

Quatre smiled and nodded.


" And this is where we part." Trowa announced to the two to his right as he pulled some luggage; they didn't have many belongings.

Rae was attached to Trowa's hand and Cathy was standing next to them. Rae pried away from Trowa and attached herself to Cathy's legs. Catherine knelt down and held the little girl close to her. Trowa saw that they were both crying and let out a small sigh.

" Why can't you come with us?" Rae asked in between sobs.

" I can't, honey," Cathy replied, sniffing, " My responsibility still lies in the circus. Yours is on Earth, where you'll go to school and make new friends and make your Daddy proud."

Trowa was grateful for her words and felt no one could have done a better job of saying them.

" Promise me you'll take care of your Father for me, okay?" Catherine looked the little girl in the eyes.

" I...promise..." She gasped between hiccups.

Trowa held his breath and took his eyes off the two and to his watch. Their flight would be leaving soon. Trowa coughed, getting Cathy's attention. She nodded and stood up. She embraced her brother warmly.

" Take very good care of yourself and Rae. I'll call you." Catherine said. Trowa nodded.

He picked up his luggage and took Rae's hand.

" Goodbye, Cathy." Trowa said with a nod, " Sister."

Rae waved as they turned and walked away from Cathy. Cathy tried to frantically wipe away her tears.

Trowa steadied his breathing and looked forward to where they were going. He tried to ignore the painful look on his daughters face.

But then, Trowa felt Rae stop. He looked down at her, surprised. She was looking, not back at Cathy, but into the large crowd of people.

" C'mon, Rae, we have to hurry." Trowa tugged her hand, but she didn't move.

" Rae." He said sternly, but was interrupted.

Loud shots rang through the entire building. Screams came from everywhere and people started running, some dropping to the floor. They were sounds Trowa hadn't heard in a long time, and was terrified to hear now. He dropped the luggage and picked up Rae. She was oddly silent as Trowa took her behind a counter where some workers were hiding. He set his daughter down and kneeled beside her.

" Can you watch her for me?" He asked a worker in a suit hiding under the counter. She nodded frantically as Trowa placed Rae next to her. " Thanks."

" Alright, I'm sure you know who I'm looking for," A male voice yelled above the now thin crowd, as most of them had evacuated. " You can just come out now. I don't want to hurt anyone here...besides you... but, if you don't come out..." A shot was fired in the air, fallowed by more screams, " Shut up!"

' They can't be...can they...but...' Trowa thought quickly to himself, ' I'll have to try and help somehow...'

He moved to stand up, but Rae tugged his sleeve.

" Daddy..." She almost pleaded as the worker held her back.

" I..." Trowa stopped to think through his situation, " I have to do something, Rae."

Trowa stood up and scanned the area. Everyone was either gone or flat on the ground. But, closer than Trowa thought, a man stood with a gun, dressed in dark with a strange symbol on the back of his shirt and top of his hat. The man turned towards Trowa and smirked.

" I'm glad you're here, Mr. Barton." The man said, and then pointed the gun towards Trowa's head. " Now, say goodbye."

Trowa had had many guns pointed at his head, but never before had he been so frightened or panicked. He worried about what would happen after he died. Where would Rae go? After the police came and took the body away, the would find out that the little girl did not belong to him, so they wouldn't let Cathy keep her, but take her to an orphanage. He couldn't allow that. He only hoped that Cathy would find Rae before the police came. What would that do to poor Rae though? She was just at his feet and if he got shot now, he would fall next to her. She would never get over that...

" Hey!" A shout came, distracting both the gunman and Trowa. " Drop the gun!"

' Yeah, like that's going to work!' Trowa thought, but, to his surprise, it did.

" Now get out of here!" The voice said and the gunman ran off.

Trowa looked around, confused. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a tall man, wearing all black and with long, braided hair came out. He was carrying a gun, which, Trowa assumed, had been pointed at the other man.

" Duo!" Trowa said surprised. He walked out from behind the counter and took a few steps towards the braided ex-pilot. " Thank you."

Duo said nothing, but held the gun at his side, staring blankly at his old comrade.

" I don't know what would have happened to Rae if I had died." Trowa said.

" I do." Duo said.

" What?" Trowa asked confused.

Screams made him turn around and look toward the counter. Rae was torn from the woman Trowa left her with. She was being held and restrained to the point where she could no longer scream. They were men dressed in the same strange garb as the other man. There were about five of them on that side of the room.

" Rae!" Trowa yelled and was about to go after her when he heard a familiar click.

" I'm sorry Trowa."

Trowa turned back to Duo, who held a sorry expression on his face. Trowa glared up the barrel of the gun that Duo was pointing at his head.

A/N- Ooooh! Is Duo a traitor!? Well, by the looks of things... Read more! Hopefully, the next chap won't take as long!

By the way guys, thanks for all the reviews, they're very encouraging!