Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ my poem ❯ ;_: ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My poem

Kiss me hello

Kiss me good bye

I wish i was here

Yet i wish i was gone

I'm happy and carefree

Yet I'm internally dying

I wish i was free

From my earthly binds

I rattle my chains and curse to the heavens

No one hears me

I'm surrounded by greed

And bonded by guilt

Will people miss me if i was to disappear?

I think not

Yet i still try to live on

Clutching to hope like a lifeline

Would you miss me if i was gone?

Would you love me for who i am?

Would you help me lift off my weights of sin?

Would you help me find me?

If you would then you're the one for me