Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Neo Gundam Wing - OVA - ❯ Episode 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neo Gundam Wing OVA
Episode 2 - The Story of Me

Quat looked up from the book he was reading and towards the battered up gundams that were currently being fixed. Rena was busy 'speaking' to her brother with no success. He looked over at his sister who was busy ignoring Shen as usual while he tried to get her to look at him. He was about to laugh at Shen's failing attempt until someone poked his shoulder. Quat jumped nearly over the railing as the same person caught him.

Quat: And you guys are worried about me getting killed in a gundam. Anymore of this and I'll be dead in no time! What did you want anyways, Ling-sama?
Ling: *sighs* Just like your father... Your uncle wanted you to take care of--
Quat: Oh no you don't! Don't even finish that sentence because I'm not going to be killed by that girl!
Ling: It's not your choice anyway so you might as well do it.
Quat: Ok... But I think Shen's trying to get something going with Tri-chan if you know what I mean. *dashes out the door before Ling can say anything to him*
Ling: *looks over the rail at Shen and Trina* ...Surely he could do better then that...

Quat held a shaking tray of food and stared at the door.

Quat: ...This is crazy... I'm not going in there... I'm NOT going in there. *is pushed in the door by a certain Yuy female* ...I love you too, Rena! *grins and hears someone breathing down his neck* ...Erk...? *turns around and starts backing up* Uh... N...n...nice to see you to-today Kaze... *to himself* You and your nutty self that is.
Kaze: *takes the tray before it ended up on the floor* You too, blondie...
Quat: *puts the food down* Err... I'll just get going now... *heads for the door*
Kaze: Oh no I insist you stay, blondie. I need someone to keep me company.
Quat: And if I go any further I fear I wont be leaving ever. *imagines Kaze talking to his dead corpse* ...*shudder*
Kaze: Sit blondie.
Quat: *sits down close enough to the door* Has anyone ever told you how FREAKY you are?! By the way I have a name!
Kaze: *chewing on her food* What exactly would that be blondie?
Quat: Quatre Shingo Saiya Trowa Raberba Barton.
Kaze: Really? ...I always thought you were a Winner.
Quat: Yeah...but my mom didn't like me having it for a last name and all you know. Besides I like having Barton as a last name instead of Winner.
Kaze: Either way you stick out.
Quat: So?
Kaze: At least I keep the name I was given. How did you even come upon such a name anyways?
Quat: My mom said my father picked it.
Kaze: Do you even remember him?
Quat: Blearily. Besides why would you care? At least your dad's alive.
Kaze: But... My sister and mother are dead along with my unborn brother or sister to top it off my father pretends like I'm not even around. You have it easier. You didn't have to deal with many hardships in life. It's been peachy for you.
Quat: If you're trying to compare my life to yours I would have to say we're on equal ground.
Kaze: And what would that mean blondie?
Quat: I made a promise to my father strangely enough it was the day before he was killed.
Kaze: Really...and that promise would be?
Quat: To protect my sister and my mother no matter what and how ever I can.
Kaze: Well it seems it didn't turn out that way did it, blondie?
Quat: No, because I made a second promises to my grandpa that I wouldn't ever go near any gundam or any associating with things like that. Which ultimately included anything that was a weapon of war.
Kaze: What a predicament. Why not ignore such things and apologize for it later?
Quat: I would but I like to respect the wishes of others especially when it's a request from the dead. Don't get me wrong if I could I'd pilot SandStorm and I bet that would make this entire war turn in favor for our side.
Kaze: Then if that's so why can't your half-baked sister pilot the thing?
Quat: Oh they've tried believe me they've tried but for some reason the thing won't even budge. It has a thing for attacking people inside of it.
Kaze: Sounds like my kind of gundam... So blondie is there anything else?
Quat: Yeah...Why the hell am I talking to you about this?!
Kaze: Maybe you like me.
Quat: Hah..hah...ha.... In your dreams!
Kaze: Life is a dream, a hope, a prayer. Why we even try to make something good come out of it I don't know. You are a victim of fate.
Quat: Yeah? Well fate is playing a cruel joke on me.
Kaze: Poor thing.
Quat: Can I leave now?
Kaze: Be my guest. Come back soon.

Quat walked out the door depressed as much as possible until someone came from behind him and...

Quat: AHHHHHH! *jumps and looks at Acht* Would you stop grabbing my butt?!
Acht: I'm sorry Quat-chan I just can't help it. You have such a nice ass I just can't help but touch it.
Quat: You know... I'm starting to wonder about your sexual preferences now...
Acht: Well if you want you and me could hook up. *grin*
Quat: Uh... How about... NO! *sees Trina and Shen and runs behind them*
Trina: Kitty Kat what are you doing?
Quat: Acht's in his ass grabbing mood again!
Acht: *goes behind the two after Quat and watches the boy dash out of the way* Oh he likes it when I grab em. *grabs Shen and Trina*
Shen: *jumps* Yeah? Well I personally don't!
Trina: ...*stares at Acht* Are you gay or straight?
Acht: *giving Quat a big 'hug'* That's an odd question. Why'd you ask that?
Shen: Maybe because you like to...invade everyone's personal space.
Acht: My mama always said you should love everyone.
Quat: *with a crowbar trying to get out of Acht's death grip* I doubt she meant in THIS way!
Acht: That's what I love about you, Quat-chan. You say something and it always comes out in a cute way.
Quat: You know what I would love from you?
Acht: Anything that has to do with touching that nice butt of yours?
Quat: ...*shudder*
Acht: Are you cold, Kitty? I know! I'll take you to my room and I'll really warm you up. *grin*
Quat: NOOOOOOOO! I want you to let go!
Acht: ...I suppose we could wait later for that... How about tonight?
Quat: Not tonight, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, not any time this year, not EVER!
Haruka: *walks into the hallway and stares at the four (particularly Quat and Acht)* ...What the hell is going on here?
Trina: *before Quat can get a word in* Kitty Kat and Achy are busy having a kodak moment.
Haruka: ...Acht.
Acht: *drops Quat and grins* Yes Haruka sir?
Haruka: What did I tell you about touching anyone?
Acht: They aren't interested in me?
Haruka: That and to never do it again especially to my nephew.
Acht: Oh that's ok I like Trina too! *hugs Trina and pokes her brest* Hey those are a little small but it still works right?
Trina: ...You're a very confused person, Achy.
Acht: Hey at least I have a better shot of getting with some one! Though your butt is in no comparison to my Kitty's.
Haruka: *staring at Acht* I'm sure if his father were still alive he'd blame this on me.
Trina: Haruka-sama it's not your fault Achy's bi.
Haruka: It's going to be his fault if he doesn't let go of you and stop touching everyone.
Shen: *looks at Acht inching closer to him* ...THAT MEANS ME TOO YOU IDIOT!
Acht: Fine... I'll try to control myself for today. But I'd keep Kitty away from me or he might end up missing. *walks past Rena and hugs her as well until he receives the death glare from Haruka and continues on*
Rena: Fruit basket. Haruka I have--
Haruka: Put it on my desk I'll read it later.
Rena: But...
Haruka: I told you I'll read it later. Trina come with me I have something for you.
Trina: Ok, Haruka-sama.
Rena: *starts growling*
Quat: Rena?
Rena: He's always doing this! *throws the clipboard down and runs off*
Shen: What's her problem?
Quat: *picks up the clip board* Haruka's been ignoring her.
Shen: Like he hasn't before.
Quat: No, he's been doing this since I can remember.
Shen: Well life's a bitch then you die.
Quat: You're very cruel Shen.
Shen: That's the way I've chosen to get through life.
Quat: Surprisingly not when it comes to Trina. If it was her that was in distress you'd be comforting her to hell even though she'd ignore you. She doesn't really like you. You realize that correct?
Shen: Love is one of those bitches in life. You can't go with out it and you can't truly get it.
Quat: Ah thank you for enlightening me today.
Shen: Just telling the facts of life. I have other things to do then talk to you.
Quat: *closes his eyes and sighs* The facts of life...

A four year old version of Quat grins widely as he runs up to his father.

Quat: Did ya get me somethin?! Huh? Did ya!? *starts pulling on his father's hair*
Shingo: *looks down* Hey now what did I tell you about that?
Quat: You pull on my hair! Where is it? I know ya got somethin for me! You got somethin for Trina. *frowns*
Shingo: Ah... I didn't have time you know. Being on L4 is hectic and all. *looks at the glare on Quat's face* Hey now no need to give me that! You look like your grandma with that look. *hands him a box*
Quat: *starts opening it* I'm a boy not a girl!
Shingo: I know.
Quat: ...You got me cards? *stares at the drawing on the box*
Shingo: They aren't cards...entirely. They're tarot cards.
Quat: Do they kill demons in possessed people?!
Shingo: They tell the future.
Quat: Oh...I guess that'
Shingo: Why don't you go ahead and try it.
Quat: I don't even know where to put the batteries!
Shingo: Read the instructions I'm sure they come with some.
Shingo: I guess that could be a problem. Fine I'll help you with it.
Quat: This isn't going to be boring is it?
Shingo: It'll be interesting. I promise.

An hour later Shingo pauses and lays another card down as Quat just looks on.

Quat: That's the fourth time you put those cards down. Did you shuffle em right?
Shingo: Yeah. Um you understand most of this right?
Quat: Yeah you just didn't tell me what that meant. *points to the cards*
Shingo: Ah nothing important. *picks up the cards and shuffles them into the deck* Quat...
Quat: Huh?
Shingo: You know how to keep a promise right?
Quat: Yeah! But you have that serious look on and I don't like it.
Shingo: *smiles* Well you know people well... die some times.
Quat: Yeah the bad guys always die!
Shingo: But even the good guys die too.
Quat: Goku died and he came back with the dragon balls.
Shingo: True but that's in a cartoon.
Quat: Anime.
Shingo: *sigh* Anime. When people die they don't come back. *looks at the confused look on Quat's face* In other words they already wished them back once and they can't do it again.
Quat: Oh so they have the stupid earth dragon balls right?
Shingo: Yeah. I need you to promise me that you'll take care of your mother and sister if anything were to happen to me.
Quat: Why would anything happen? Aren't the gundams gone? Is someone going to hurt you?
Shingo: Now I wouldn't go that far, but it's a good possibility that something could happen to me or anyone else. So you promise me, right?
Quat: Uh... Yeah, sure, ok, I'll do it only cause mama said to respect your elders.
Shingo: Your mom's one to talk. I'm going to take your sister to the park. Do you want to come?
Quat: Me go with you and Trina? I'd probably end up playing dolls with her
Shingo: Well ok. I think you're better off staying home anyways. I'm going to say bye to your mom before I leave.
Quat Yeah whatever.*starts playing with the cards*

Ariel turned the stove off and walked to the table placing four plates down as the phone rang. She quickly picked up the reciever and continued on.

Ariel: Hello?
Haruka: Hey Ariel it's me.
Ariel: Oh, hi Haruka...what's wrong? Is something wrong with Michiru?
Haruka: She's...err that's not important right now. I'm going to be there in fifteen minutes.
Ariel: What…What's going on? Haruka?! *hears the dial tone and slams the phone down* Quat! Get down here!
Quat: *walks down the stairs and looks at his mother* Mama!
Ariel: Wh…what?! What's wrong?
Quat: The bad guy said that dad's…dad…
Ariel: What?
Koubashii: *waves* Hello, ma'am.
Ariel: …Who the hell are you?
Koubashii: Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Koubashii, ma'am. You don't need to introduce yourself to me since just about everyone knows you.
Ariel: What do you want?
Koubashii: Well I'm sad to say that I have orders to kill you and take the kid.
Quat: What'd you want with me?
Koubashii: Oh you're very special, Quat. Very special indeed. Did your daddy ever tell you about a gundam he created when he was younger? It's the most powerful one in existence and you can pilot it anytime you want.
Quat: *looks up at his mother* at his mother* Mama…
Ariel: It's nothing stay there and don't go any where.
Quat: Why?
Ariel: I'm going to take care of this bad lady.
Quat: But…
Ariel: Well if you intend on getting rid of me go ahead.
Koubashii: My how brave you are ma'am. *pulls out a gun* I'm sure your husband is waiting for you.
Ariel: What did you…
Koubashii: I'm sure you can figure it out. *pulls the gun up and points it at Ariel as a loud gun shot goes of*
Quat: MAMA!
Koubashii: Damn. *blows on her hand* Who did that?
Haruka: You really think I'm going to let you kill her as well? I should kill you myself.
Koubashii:*raises her hands up* Now, now, no need to go that far now. I give up. Surrender you know.
Haruka: Good. I'm in no mood to cause anymore deaths today.
Koubashii: *picks up her gun, fires it at Haruka, runs past Ariel and grabs Quat* Now I'm sure you don't want the kid dead now right? So let me leave in peace and I won't kill him
Haruka: *holding his arm and growls* You wouldn't kill him anyways.
Koubashii: You don't know me very well, Haruka
Haruka: Well we'll see eh?
Ariel: Please just don't hurt him he hasn't done anything to you.
Koubashii: I know but he's going to do something for m.
Quat: *frowns* Ya know lady you're stupid! I wouldn't do anything for you anyways! *bites her arm*
Koubashii: OUCH! You little freak!*throws Quat down*
Quat: Ouch!
Haruka: *fires a whole round at Koubashii as she jumps around dodging the bullets* I won't forgive you!
Koubashii: You missed me! I've got to go dears! *jumps out a broken window*
Ariel: *looks at Haruka* Was she right, Haruka? Was she telling the truth?!
Haruka: …Yeah. Shingo's dead Trina's ok and...
Ariel: And?
Haruka: Um… Nothing.
Ariel: What happened to Michiru?
Haruka: She…She's dead as well as Umi.
Ariel: And Kaze?
Haruka: She's ok just a little traumatized.
Ariel: *goes over to Quat* Are you ok, dear?
Quat: Uh…yeah.
Ariel: *looks at Haruka* We should get you to a hospital.
Haruka: I'll be ok though you should get out of here.
Ariel: And go where?
Haruka: Anywere.
Ariel: Ok…

Quat walked outside and looked at the green haired girl laying on the ground staring at the sky.

Quat: Kaze?
Kaze: *mumbling to herself* Don't kill me… Don't kill me… Don't kill me… Don't kill me… Don't kill me… Don't kill me…
Quat: …Death. That's what it meant.

Present day… Quat placed the tarot cards down and sighed on the outcome.

Quat: Yet again Death show's its face.
0.0;;; This is weird as it should be. If you haven't figured it out Kaze = Nut case. X.x
