Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Neo Gundam Wing ❯ Episode 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neo Gundam Wing
Episode 8: Aftermath
Disclaimer: Same as the rest...
Three weeks after the deaths of Duo Maxwell and Haruka Zechs Yuy their bodies have still not been found. Though this is a fact there was a small burial ceremony for the two even if they couldn't find their remains...
Ling: Your taking this pretty well Milliardo...
Milliardo: I have to for Duet... Besides I still have a small hope that at least Haruka's still alive... Some where...
Ling: That's good. I couldn't do that though... I'd probably break down by now...
Milliardo: I know... I want to but like I said... I'm only doing it for Duet's sake...
Ling: Speaking of breaking down... Shingo didn't come...
Milliardo: Yeah I know...He got sick or something like that...
Ling: He always was able to pull stuff like that when he didn't want to go somewhere...
Milliardo: Particularly school...
Ling: I wonder what he's really doing...
Milliardo: I don't know... *looks around and sees Duet* *thinks* ...Duet won't see her father ever again... I know that for a fact because no one could have survived what he did... Even if they were my father... *looks over at his father* He's upset I know that even if he doesn't show it... I feel bad for Shingo though... He and my brother were a lot more closer then myself and him... *sigh* He hasn't come to school since then... I wish I could talk to him...
Ling: Milliardo did you hear me?
Milliardo: Hmm?
Ling: I said you might have a better chance with the girls now that your brother's gone...
Milliardo: Heh... Nah...I already have a girl...*looks over at Duet and sighs*
Ling: Oi... There's Sieben...
Milliardo: Huh...
Ling: What the fuck is he doing here... The bastard... Man I should've let Shingo kill him...
Milliardo: It wouldn't have made a difference... He'd survive... And instead of just two death's we'd be here because of three deaths...
Ling: He's coming over here... You want me to hold him down so you can beat the crap out of him?
Milliardo: No I can handle it...
Sieben: So we meet again Milliardo... This time with out the gundams...
Milliardo: Yeah and we'll keep meeting again...
Ling: Go away Sieben... Your becoming an annoyance...
Sieben: Oi... I didn't come over here for a fight... I came here to help Milliardo...
Milliardo: You can help me by shoving your face back into the shit hole you came out of...
Sieben: ...I want you to get rid of me and take the revenge that you want so much for your brother...
Milliardo: ...I don't want to kill you...
Sieben: Are you sure? Or are you afraid I'll hurt you?
Milliardo: I'm not afraid of nothing...
Sieben: Really...?
Milliardo: Are you trying to get on my nerves or did you just inherit that?
Sieben: *sigh* It seems I can't find death here... Then again I won't be able to! He's dead!
Milliardo: Eerrrrr! *punches him in the jaw* Don't tempt me again...*walks off with Ling*
Sieben: Wuss...
Ariel: You ok Duet?
Duet: Hmm? Yeah...
Ariel: You know he can still be alive...
Duet: No... He isn't I know that already.
Ariel: Um... Well how's your mom been?
Duet: Fine... Kinda...
Ariel: Kinda?
Duet: Yeah sometimes she'll cry in the middle of the night or start cooking dinner for three days from then... *sigh* If she keeps it up the fridge will be full...
Ariel: Heh... I doubt that would happen seeing how your mom's pregnant! That's a good thing you know!
Duet: I know... Maybe it'll be a boy... Dad always wanted a boy... He said if he ever had anymore kids he'd want a boy that way he'd have a Shinigami Jr.
Ariel: Hehe... Sounds like my dad... But know he has two boys and he has no idea what to do with them. They grew up before he even really knew them.
Duet: So... Talked to psycho boy?
Ariel: Shingo? Yeah I talked to him a week ago... Maybe I should rephrase that... I attempted to talk to him. All he did was stare at things not even looking at me. *sigh* He's talking all of this really hard. I we lost one of the three perverts...
Duet: Three?
Ariel: Triage...
Duet: Oh that must be bad...
Ariel: Bad? No it's terrible!
Duet: I can imagine so.
Ariel: Anyways like I was saying... His room was a disaster like a tornado went through it. IT really didn't bother me much because it was usually like that half of the time I came over to see him. But this time... Broken glass on the floor... Papers sprawled out... And pictures torn up hardly recognizable! I figured he went a bit mental but damn! The only thing that was 'clean' was his bed! Oi! What a pig! Anyways... And the way he told me to go away... Errr! It makes me want to smack him again!
Duet: You smacked him?
Ariel: Wouldn't you?
Duet: Maybe... Go on...
Ariel: Well here's another thing... Like an hour or two before I came over he slit his wrist! Thank god he's still alive... But then again that's not the only attempt he's made on his own life from what I've been told.
Duet: Suicidal... Hmmm... Most people do that to get rid of pain... Others do it to save others... From what you tell me Shingo's just trying to kill himself to get rid of that pain...
Ariel: You know Duet maybe you should be a psychologist.
Duet: Nah... I don't want to be one... I hate them...
Ariel: I can understand that...
Trowa: Your taking this very well Heero... Then again I expected you to.
Heero: Haruka was my least liked son but he was my son... I cared a bit about him.
Trowa: And Relena?
Heero: She's still upset.
Trowa: And Milliardo?
Heero: He's ok I guess... He's trying to be some support for Duo's daughter...
Trowa: Duet... You think they'll get married?
Heero: As long as I'm around... No.
Trowa: Quatre's not here...
Heero: He's busy... Or that's what he told me.
Trowa: I doubt that... He'd most likely clear his schedule in order to get here.
Heero: Well I don't know anything about him or his whereabouts... All I know is he told me a few days ago that he would be busy and wouldn't be able to come.
Trowa: It's not like him to miss things especially this.
Heero: I heard there was something up with his demon spawn or something like that...
Trowa: His son?
Heero: Yeah if you want to call it that...
Trowa: Makes sense... Do you know what's wrong?
Heero: I wouldn't know... I'm going to make sure Relena's alright.
Trowa: ...
Triage: This sucks! Our uncle died! Gee and I never even got to meet the guy!
Nova: Yeah... But it can't be helped...
Triage: Man... If we could only change time...
Nova: Time... Hmmm... That would be something... Time travel... If you could get from point A which would be the present to point B which would be the past you could fix a small mistake like a grade on a test... Hidama was part of Zoah before she made NOZ... If she had a way to get from point A to point B then she could go back far enough to prevent even our births... Maybe even our parents... The question is did she even have the technology to do it...
Triage: Nova... You been readin those science fiction books again haven't you?
Nova: Hmmm? No... It was just a thought...
Triage: A bit of a loud thought eh?
Nova: Yeah... But still remember Hidama's body was never found so we still have to believe she escaped... But she couldn't have gotten very far since our Uncle Duo self-destructed five to ten minutes before the beam cannon was fully loaded...
Triage: *sigh* Whatever... If I see some dead guys walkin I'll tell you... Until then keep your thoughts to yourself man...
Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room on the second floor of the Winner mansion several broken objects and pictures torn to pieces are scattered across the floor. On the bed staring straight at a plain white wall in a plain black tank top and a pair of blue baggy jeans the blonde blue eyed now short haired Winner boy looks as if there were something interesting about the wall. He suddenly hears the door open.
Shingo: *still staring* Jello...
Quatre: Huh?
Shingo: Jello... Haruka used to say that when we were younger...*closes his eyes*
Quatre: And you?
Shingo: What about me?*looks at Quatre*
Quatre: Are you--
Shingo: Ok? You ask me that everyday... Speaking of which what's today?
Quatre: Uh... Saturday...
Shingo: Thought so...*still looking at his father* You know... Mirrors are bad... A person always sees the opposite things... My left would be your right... What I think is good you think is bad... Maybe all I am is a mere reflection of you...
Quatre: Who told you that?
Shingo: No one...
Quatre: *sigh*Anyways are you ok?
Shingo: Hmmm... *looks at the ceiling* Maybe a yes maybe a no... Maybe I'm crazy maybe I'm not... But I'm not as crazy as you...*looks at Quatre again* Don't worry I'm not going to go to space and blow up a few colonies or the earth... *smirk*
Quatre: I'll take that as a no...*sighs and turns to leave*
Shingo: Could you tell mom I'm not hungry...
Quatre: *looks at the ground* You never are... *closes the door*
Shingo: *sighs and looks at the bandages on his wrist* Why can't I just die?
On a Sweeper ship in space a young blonde haired boy wakes up light headed with bright lights over his head. He looks around the room and sees a girl the same age as himself with green hair in pigtails and blue eyes reading a magazine. He tries to sit up but yells out in pain.
Girl: You're finally awake!
Haruka: Ugh... Where am I? Who am I?
Girl: Your on a Sweepers ship. We picked you up while we were cleaning up after the battle you had... We didn't know you were alive or even in the mobile suit we picked up until we heard you saying someone's name...
Haruka: Oi... How long have I been here?
Girl: A two or three weeks...
Haruka: Really? *tries sitting up again* Shiit! That hurts!
Girl: Lay back down! You broke some bones!
Haruka: *looks at the green haired girl* ...So... What's your name?
Girl: Um... Well... Michiru....Michiru Shin... And what about you?
Haruka: Um... I don't remember...
Michiru: Well then... How about I call you Shinji for now?
Haruka: That'll do...
Michiru: Good... Now then Shinji do you want anything to eat?
Haruka: Yeah!
Michiru: Good because I made you some food. Stay there and I'll get it. *leaves the room*
Haruka: Gee what else can a guy ask for besides a girl that can cook? ...Where did that come from? Oi... I hope I find out who I am and soon...
Michiru: *enters the room with a big plate full of food* You don't have to eat it all if you don't want to...
Haruka: Thanks... Tell me exactly what battle was I in?
Michiru: I'm not sure but it wasn't anything big like the 195 Wars...
Haruka: *with some food in his mouth*195 Wars?
Michiru: Oh come on! Everyone knows about those wars! Especially the gundams from the colonies!
Haruka: *gives a look as if recalling something* Gun-dam?
Michiru: Yeah! They're big mobile suits made out of Gundanium! There were originally five of them from five different colonies that were taking revenge for the famous pacifist Heero Yuy!
Haruka: Heero Yuy... I feel as if I know that name...
Michiru: *blink, blink* Well anyways the five gundam pilots came to earth. One was code named after the pacifist Heero Yuy another was named Duo Maxwell then there was Trowa Barton and this one I still have trouble believing the richest guy in the colonies Quatre Raberba Winner and Chang Wufei.
Haruka: ...Winner... I think I know that name...
Michiru: Well they went to earth and kicked some ass and took some names! Then they fought again for a short time a year later on Christmas! Cool eh? Oi... Then they grew up... Had kids... Very sexy boys... *sigh* Too bad I'd never meet one of them... Oh well... You'd better eat up and get some rest ok? Don't try getting up you might break something else!
Haruka: Ok... *continues eating*
Two days later Milliardo is in his room packing up some clothes and other objects of importance into a backpack. Relena who's was going to check up on her only living son walks in on him while he picks up his now full backpack.
Relena: And where are you going?
Milliardo: I know Haruka's out there somewhere... Since no one wants to go look for him I will... If I find him then good for me... If I don't then oh well... I'll have to accept the fact that he's dead...*moves towards the door*
Relena: *moves in front of him* Oh no you aren't! I'm not going to lose my other son!
Milliardo: Don't worry mom! I'm not going to get killed or anything like that!
Relena: Right... And why should I trust what you say?
Milliardo: You don't have to... I'm just hoping you will...
Relena: *looks at Milliardo* ...Fine... You can go as long as you promise to call me when you find Haruka... If you don't, keep me posted so I know where you are... Ok?
Milliardo: Thanks mom!
Relena: Oh Milliardo...
Milliardo: Hmm?
Relena: I hope you aren't just going to go up to someone and ask if they've seen someone that looks just like you...
Milliardo: Well... To tell the truth that's what I was planning on doing...
Relena: You're better off taking a picture... You know... Since you and Haruka may look the same, you both act different...
Milliardo: *looks around his room and picks up a picture of him and Haruka who's giving a big grin* Got one... Bye mom...
Relena: Bye... *watches as the blonde Heero Yuy look alike runs down the stairs and out the door* *sigh* I hope you find him Milliardo...
Duet: Errr! Get in there! *stuffs some clothes in a rather big backpack* Whew! That's good...
Hilde: *standing at the doorway* And what are you planning on doing?
Duet: Uh... Mom... Um... I was... Going camping! Yes that's it! I was going camping with Milliardo--
Hilde: Your as bad as your father at lying... So where are you going?
Duet: Well... I'm going with Milliardo to space to find Haruka...
Hilde: I thought you hated Haruka...
Duet: I do... I'm just hoping we find dad with him...
Hilde: ...Sometimes I wonder which one of us you act like more... Me or your Father... I figured out that your more like a mix of us both... Duet... You can go... Only because I feel that your father is still alive...
Duet: Really?
Hilde: Yeah... I'd go but you know...
Duet: Yeah I know... *hears the doorbell ring* That's probably Milliardo... Bye Mom!
Hilde: Good luck Duet! You need it if your going to find someone like your father...
Duet: I know! Bye! *closes the door behind herself* So... To outer space we go...
Milliardo: We're going to have to start on L1 and go down the line... If we don't find him in any of the colonies then were going to have to come back...
Duet: Ok...
Milliardo: We better get going the shuttle's going in an hour or two...
Duet: Whatever you say oh mighty one!
Milliardo: Don't call me that....
Duet: I'm just teasing...
Over at the Barton residents...
Trowa: You haven't been able to find her yet?
Wufei: That's what I've been trying to tell you Barton!
Trowa: She's got to be out there somewhere.
Wufei: You think?
Trowa: ...Well tell me when you find her.
Wufei: Ok.. *hangs up*
Trowa: *puts the phone down* *sigh*
Nova: Uh... Dad.. I know we haven't known each other for very long and all but you don't have to believe me on this...
Trowa: On what Triage?
Nova: I'm Nova... ^^;
Trowa: Oh.. Sorry... What is it?
Triage: *walks in while eating a big sandwich in his hands* You aren't telling him *munch* Are you?
Nova: --; Yeah... Anyways I think Hidama disappeared into the past.. I mean it makes since doesn't it?
Trowa: Uh... Yeah I guess...
Triage: *to Trowa* Don't listen to him he's been reading too many science fiction books again!
Nova: I have not! I haven't picked up one of those books for... Two or three years!
Triage: Good enough for me... Still don't listen to him... He comes up with weird ideas all the time...
Trowa: I currently don't know what to believe... All I know is we have to find Hidama before something happens... *looks around* Where's Ariel?
Triage: *still eating* *munch* She went to her *munch* boyfriend's house... *munch* I think...
Trowa: Oh... What about your mother?
Nova: She went shopping.. I think... With Ms. Maxwell and Mrs. Yuy.
Trowa: I see... *sigh* I'm going to take a nap you guys can do whatever it is you usually do...
Nova: Ok...
Triage: Hey can I get a subscription to Hentai Monthly? *big grin*
Trowa: WHAT?! NO! I won't have that in my house!
Triage: *sigh* Was a good try...
Meanwhile at the Winner residents a certain brown haired girl walks in and is instantly greeted.
Ariel: So how's that loser?
Rashid: Master Shingo?
Ariel: Hai! There isn't any other loser out there...
Rashid: He's not well still.
Ariel: *big smile* Good! I'll fix that!
Rashid: ?
Ariel: Don't worry I'm not going to kill him...
Quatre: Hi Ariel.
Ariel: Hi Mr. Winner!
Quatre: What brings you here?
Ariel: I'm going to fix that idiot up...
Quatre: Huh? What uh.. Do you mean by that?
Ariel: As I said before I'm not here to kill Shingo... Just to give him a piece of my mind and perhaps pull him back to the land of the living instead of the dead.
Quatre: Your welcome to try...
Ariel: Thanks... Hmm.. Has he eaten yet?
Quatre: Not for two weeks I think...
Ariel: Then I'll start there! *rushes off to make some food for Shingo*
Quatre: ...Shingo's in deep trouble now... *sigh*
Ariel then rushes up the stairs to Shingo's room also known as his hell hole and opens the door.
Ariel: *looks around* ...Not much has changed eh?
Shingo: Go away...
Ariel: Not until you eat...
Shingo: I'm not hungry... Now go away...
Ariel: *puts the food tray on a table* Oh really? Not hungry? I'll change that! *jumps the poor boy and starts twisting his arm behind his back* Still not hungry?!
Shingo: ERRRR! LET GO!
Ariel: NO! Not until you eat!
Ariel: TUFF! You either eat or lose your arm! You chose!
Shingo: I... AM...NOT... HUNGRY!
Ariel: *twist it even harder*
Screams are heard everywhere in the mansion...
Dorothy: What the...
Quatre: *acting like that happens everyday* Ariel...
Dorothy: Oh...
Ariel: HUNGRY YET?!?
Shingo: NO!
Ariel: *picks up a sandwich and stuffs it in his mouth when he screams again* There! If you don't eat it I'll do something even worse!
Shingo: *looks at her with the sandwich in his mouth* ?
Ariel: Don't give me that look! *looks at him* Do you even take showers?!
Shingo: *manages to get the sandwich down his throat* *cough* No... and You can't make me...
Ariel: *smile* You wanna see me make you?
Shingo: ...
Ariel: Look at you you remind me of a stick! You better eat or I'll make you eat again! Do you even go outside? You look all pale! Look at me when I talk to you!
Shingo: *grabs a pillow and puts it over his head to block out her voice* GO AWAY!
Ariel: Don't you pull that crap! *grabs the pillow from him* Now you start eating! After that clean this hell hole up! Then take a shower you're filthy!
Shingo: *to himself* Why don't I just die? *out loud* I don't have to do what you say...
Ariel: Are you trying to test my patience?
Shingo: No... All I did was ask you to leave... You nearly break my arm off and kill me by stuffing a sandwich in my mouth...
Ariel: Did you cut your hair on your own? Obviously! It looks bad! You have some strands that are longer then the others...and some of it sticking up! I'm going to fix that after you take a shower...
Shingo: *to himself* Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Why won't you just let me die?!?!
Oi... I'm oh some good crack! Nah I don't touch the stuff but I do eat a bunch of candy before I write and a I listen to music that's why some of it looks messed up while the other is well messed up more! Ok.. I'm done! Ja ne!