Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Never Again ❯ Reunion of old enemys ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Never Again
By Pegasia Silverfeather
Chapter 4

"Sorry guys Relena and I are gonna be a bit late. Cathy's yanking her out of the bathroom as we speak. I'll take her on my motorcycle don't worry we'll be there." Heero said in sight annoyance.
The others left the building and got in the BMW and left.
"Coast's clear!" He called.
Relena came out and him and her raced to the garage. He put on his helmet and they got on the black motorcycle. He kicked of and soon they were speeding down the highway laughing. Heero chained the tire and they walked into the club. The undercover policeman saw Heero and nodded.
"What do we do first?" Heero whispered.
"We take are seats and order a couple of drinks."
Heero waved over a waiter. Not bothering to look up "two cokes." He said and heard the mumbled Chinese and knew he had been right.
It was hard keeping a straight face when Wufei returned with the drinks. "One for the lady and one for the wise ass." He said as he set the glasses down.
"Hmmm that waiter wasn't very nice. Let's not leave him a tip." Relena said smirking.
Heero laughed.
"Guys? Who's Heero with?" Quatre asked on the wire.
"That is Relena." Wufei said.
Duo looked over and spewed his coffee across the table at Quatre. "No Way!"
"Don't believe me? Hold on." Wufei made his way back to the table "Is there anything you need? " Wufei asked the couple. "No, Relena and I are fine." Was the man's reply.
"Looking good over there Rel." Duo piped.
"I can't say the same. What is a priest doing in a night club again?" Relena asked.
"Ah shut-up da both of yas!" Duo piped.
Heero busted into laughs.
"Trowa come in. Trowa? Heero, Relena we need you to get Trowa and find out what's going on." Quatre asked.
"Ok. Relena let's go." Heero said grabbing her hand. He led her onto the dance stage were the song was slow and Trowa was against the wall. Heero grabbed her waist and she threw her hands behind his head and they slowly drifted across the dance floor. "So Relena, Do you think Trowa will be able to hear our prayers once Quatre kills him for falling asleep on the job?" He said as he brought his leg out and kicked Trowa in the shin.
"OW!" The Frenchman yelled.
The song ended and another one took its place. It was called "Pieces".
Relena had her head down avoiding eye contact. Heero looked down at the top of her head. Two graceful braids lined themselves along the sides of her head and connected in the back. It was a rather nice thing to look down at.
"Relena?" Heero asked.
Relena looked up into his eyes and felt as her knees went weak. "Yes, Heero?"
"Did anyone ever tell you that you're beautiful?" He asked sincerely.
"No. Thank you." She said resting her head on his chest. The music carried them into a whole different world where a killer could find peace.
'Oh this is nice. Just being here with him. Safe as I know I am in his arms. He'd never hit or hurt. I love this. I love him. Too bad this is all just a play.' She thought sadly.
"Forget the plan, Relena. I really meant that." He whispered in her ear.
She looked up into his eyes. "R-really?" Relena asked.
He looked down in her tear-rimmed eyes. "Yes. I really think you're beautiful." He said softly.
Her tears spilled over at the edge of her eyes. Heero brought his hand up to wipe them away. She looked up with glassy eyes and smiled softly.
"Uh, Heero, Relena that song ended 50 seconds ago." Trowa said
"Stuff it clown man." Heero said.
Relena giggled "Let's go sit down." She said grabbing his hand.
"Yo! Waiter dude! Over here!" Relena called.
"Yes ma'am?" Wufei asked.
"Another round of sodas. Just bring the cans." Heero said with a smile.
"Shit guys! Ferret's her. People to your places. Duo wait! He's not alone. Look to the left, see those guys? There must have been a leak." Quatre called but it was to late the man had Duo hostage in a few seconds. Trowa couldn't get a clear shot from the back of the room. Quatre didn't bring a gun. And Wufei was surrounded with civilians. That left Heero and Relena. Relena went to the left and Heero went right. "Heero take out the guard on your side. I can get a clean shot on Ferret. Duo…. Hold very still." She said.
'Bam! Bam!' the guns each fired a shot. Ferret sunk to the ground with a whole in the center of his forehead. The guard to the left went down clutching his stomach. Suddenly she realized that something was wrong. She was the only one who fired. Relena turned and placed the gun towards the guard.
"Adin, so this is what you've become? Weak and pathetic just like your mother. You're never going to shoot me. You never could." The man said
"No, but I sure as hell can!" She yelled as she holstered her guns and charged at him.
"Rel!" Heero yelled. "This is my fight. Meet my stepfather." He said.
"Jack's your stepfather?" She exclaimed.
"You know him?" Heero asked
"Only his fists… he used to help my uncle." Relena answered.
"Ah! Relena…how nice to hear from you again." Jack said turning his head aside.
Relena drew her guns and pointed at him.
"The weak shouldn't own guns!" Jack snarled.
Heero's eyes narrowed. Silently he holstered the gun. Soon the empty room was filled with the sickening sound of Heero's fist crashing into Jacks mouth. "You stay the hell away from her." Heero yelled placing his foot on Jacks throat. "I'll deal with your sorry ass later!"
Relena looked at Jack; his passed out form on the floor. Relena ran to Heero her arms wrapped around his waist. "Heero, let's go." She said and they walked out of the building. "Quatre, can you clean this up for us?" Relena asked.
"Just go." Quatre nodded.
Heero and Relena were quiet on the trip back. Relena opened their room's door.
"Heero, I'm proud of you." She said.
"Why?" He asked.
"You didn't kill him while he was passed out." Relena said. Walking across the room to him. They cried on each-others shoulders. Their emotions joined and mingled till it was unclear who felt what. Their tear-streaked faces pulled away.
"I'm sorry." Heero said wiping his tears away with his hand.
"Don't be. We both needed a good cry." She said smiling. "Side's we'll both feel better after a good nights sleep. Sweet dreams." She said as she went to the bathroom to change.
Heero sighed. He got ready for bed and went to sleep.
Relena sat to on the edge of the bathtub, her tears falling silently. So Heero and Relena had each-other now. He was there for her. She put on her pajamas and walked out into the room. Heero was asleep. His face showed nothing but innocence.
Relena lied down on her cot and pulled the blanket up. By the time she was asleep it was 12:30.
Relena awoke. Her hazy mind searched for what had disturbed her.
"No! No!" Heero's voice rang.
She walked to him. His face was covered with sweat and he kept tossing and turning.
"Heero? Heero, it's me Relena. Wake up. It's all right. Heero?" She said as she grabbed his clenched jaw.
His blue eyes opened and another tear slid from his eye. He sat up.
"I'm sorry Relena, I have these horrible night mares all the time. I didn't mean to wake you." Heero said looking into her eyes.
"Heero, I'm here. And I don't care why. You need me so I'm here." She said brushing her eyes along his jaw.
"I'll be there for you too." He said
Then to both of their surprise Heero brought his hand threw her hair and brought her face down to his. His kiss was soft yet demanding. Relena brought her knee on the other side of the cot as he leaned back for balance. The kiss broke and Heero looked up into her eyes.
"I've never felt like this. I- I love you Relena." He said sincerely.
"I know." Relena said looking down at his stern features. Her heart beat madly against her ribs. She lowered her head to his lips and he wrapped his arms around her.
Note to all good people: I don't care what you think. I left the chapter with them kissing so nobody can send flames of to much or to little. I am not a friggen lemon writer so deal with it. And who said.