Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Never Let Me Down ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Never Let Me Down Again
Author: Kendra
Rating: PG
Pairing: 1+R/R+1 If you want to infer shonen-ai hints, that's on you.
Warning: Angsty, bittersweet.
Disclaimer: GW: Sunrise. Song: Depeche Mode. Idea: Me.
Notes: Semi-inspired by my Bleeding Me series. I may do a second part to it.

Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode

AC 199

//I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never let's me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend//

Relena sat down on the grass, smoothing out her skirts as she looked over towards her companion. Heero was lying next to her, his legs stretched out in front of him as he looked over the countryside. Brushing her hair out of her face, Relena asked, "Why did you bring me here Heero?"

Heero snorted as the wind picked up. Without any reaction, Heero answered, "I just wanted to."

Relena rolled her eyes at his reaction. She said, "You brought me here for something."

She shrugged, looking off into the distance. Heero would talk when he wanted to.

//We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground//

Heero abruptly sat up. He said, "Relena, we need to talk about the future."

Relena stopped daydreaming and asked, "What?"

Heero nodded, "Yes the future."

Relena asked, "We have a future?"

Heero rolled his eyes before answering, "Just listen to me."

Relena folded her hands under her chin and looked at Heero. Heero began, "Relena, you want me to be something that I cannot. I can't always be your Perfect Soldier, your knight in shining armor."

Relena started to protest, but Heero shushed her. "I can't always save your day. I can protect you, always protect you."

Relena said, "I don't, I don't understand."

Heero said, "You have a dream of your perfect man that you've placed me, but I'm not your perfect man. I'm me, Heero Yuy, no one else. I can only be your bodyguard, I can't be your lover, your rock, definitely not now."

Relena turned away from him, seeing her dreams shatter in front of her eyes. It was definitely not a pleasant feeling.

//I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never let's me down again
Promises me I'm as safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing her trousers
I hope he never let's me down again//

Heero reached out, touching Relena shoulder. "Relena, I'm sorry that I can't be what you truly need me to be," he said.

Relena stiffened before saying, "Heero, I've spent so much time...." before trailing off.

Heero said, "We both need to grow up more before we could be what we need each other to be. At least we could be friends."

Relena peeked at Heero. 4 years ago, this wouldn't be happening, but now, anything was possible. Taking the offered hand, Relena said, "Friends," even though her heart was breaking a little.

//Never let me down

See the stars, they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight//