Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ninmu Ryoukai ❯ Ninmu Ryoukai ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: All copyrighted characters and storyline belong to their respective creators. In the case of a parody, the very basic plotline belongs to the creator of the original story. This story and, if applicable, any newly invented characters belong to me.
All things Gundam Wing belong to makers Hajime Yadate and Yoshiyuki Tomino. The show belongs to Sunrise, ANB, TV Asahi, etc. The toys belong to Bandai. The voices belong to their respective seiyuu. The song(s) belong to Two-Mix (I think). Am I missing anything?
Ninmu Ryoukai
Written by Shadow Maxwell-Yuy
Completed 06.05.2001
I got the idea for this fanfic from another one I read, but I can't remember the title, where I read it, or the author. If you feel it is based off of your fic, then e-mail me wherever I can find it. I'll glance over it, and if it's the one, I'll give you credit.
The idea for using calla lillies was taken from "Shinigami's Song" by Aaeth Payne. Go READ it!
Words in Italics are thoughts

A.C. 201
Colony A8-1010
Mission: ~to be seen~
Ninmu ryoukai.

Heero slid into his chair and turned on his battered old laptop. It's about time to get a new one, he thought vaguely to himself.
It had been six years since the Eve wars had ended, and five since the Mariemaia incident. Quatre Raberba Winner was now fully running the Winners' many industries, with his 29 sisters at his side. He kept in close contact with the other four Gundam pilots, but mainly with Trowa Barton- pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms. They kept a long distance relationship; Trowa wasn't quite ready to leave the circus he and his sister, Cathrine Bloom, were a part of. Chang Wufei, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, and Lady Une were all working with the Preventors. Mariemaia was being raised by Lady Une, and enjoying the childhood she had been deprived of up until she was seven while brainwashed under the influence of Dekim Barton.
As for Duo Maxwell... well, if you saw Heero, chances were he'd be close behind. Fellow pilots, best friends, lovers- an inseparable pair. Soon after the Eve Wars had ended, they had moved in together on a colony close to Earth, in case their service was needed again. Forget the fact that the Gundams were now destroyed.
Snapping back to the present, Heero realized that an icon was blinking on the monitor- a new mission.
A mission!?
Heero froze. There hadn't been a mission in years. He didn't want to go back to being the cold-hearted killer he once was. He quickly clicked on the icon. It must be urgent!

MISSION: Eliminate distractions.
TARGET: Duo Maxwell.
SIDE NOTES: The boy known as Duo Maxwell is clearly a distraction to your training. Eliminate Duo Maxwell at once.

Heero stared at the screen in shock. Eliminate... how... but...
"Ninmu ryoukai..." he whispered to the empty room.


"Hey, Heero, what's this all about?" Duo whined. "Where are we going all of a sudden?"
"A mission," Heero replied flatly. Duo froze.
"You're kidding..." he whispered. "After all these years... but why now?"
Heero shook his head. "I don't know. Get moving," he added with a backwards glance. Duo resumed walking, but there was frustration in his eyes.
"You're not gonna walk out on me, are you!?" he cried angrily. "I worked so hard to get you, I'm not gonna lose you now to some stupid mission!"
"No mission is stupid." Heero slipped into the driver's seat of his car. "Besides, missions are top priority."
Duo froze again, pain evident in his eyes. "Top... but... But, Heero, what about..."
Heero focused his eyes on the road and didn't say a word.


"Maybe we should have called, first," Quatre murmured. He stood at the door to Heero and Duo's apartment, listening to the echo of the doorbell ring in the still air inside. Trowa shrugged.
"You have the key they gave you, right?"
Quatre nodded. "But I feel bad about entering without their-"
"If they gave you a key, then that's giving their permission," Wufei reasoned, stepping up behind the two. He took the key from a reluctant Quatre's hand and slipped it into the keyhole. With a click, the door swung open.
Trowa stepped in first. "Heero?" he called out.
Quatre followed. "Duo?"
Wufei entered last, shutting the door securely behind them. "Maxwell, Yuy, are you in here?"
They were greeted with silence.
"Maybe they're out. Let's look for them, anyway," Quatre suggested. "Spread out." Trowa and Wufei nodded before splitting up. Quatre headed to the bedrooms, Trowa made a beeline for the main room and kitchen, and Wufei left to check for cars.


"So, what's this mission about, anyway?" Duo drawled, lounging in the shuttle seat besides the former Wing pilot. Heero remained silent. Duo scowled. "Well, you could at least tell me what's so important we had to leave for Earth immediately!"
Heero checked the rearview mirror again and glanced outside warily. He seemed unusually cautious- much more so than usual. Finally, he spoke up.
"An assassination mission," he stated flatly. Duo raised an eyebrow.
"And the target?"
"You'll see."


Quatre's anguished cry flooded the house. His two companions rushed into Heero and Duo's room, where a pale Quatre was staring in shock at Heero's laptop computer.
"What's wrong!?" Trowa asked, very concerned over his lover's distress. Even Wufei looked surprised.
"Why did Heero leave his computer here?" he murmured thoughtfully. Trowa walked over and quickly scanned the monitor.
The Chinese pilot quickly rushed over. Trowa had never looked so stunned in all the time he knew the tall youth. Wufei glanced at the screen as well. His eyes widened, jaw dropping open slightly.

MISSION: Eliminate distractions.
TARGET: Duo Maxwell.
SIDE NOTES: The boy known as Duo Maxwell is clearly a distraction to your training. Eliminate Duo Maxwell at once.

"Heero wouldn't... would he?" Quatre whispered. What suspiciously looked like tears brimmed in his bright, blue eyes. Trowa shook his head, unable to respond.
"We all know... that the mission... is the most important thing in Heero's life..." Wufei replied ever so quietly. There was no mistaking the tremble in his voice.



"So, can you tell me the target now? That WOULD kind of help find who we're supposed to assassinate." Duo's voice was edged with sarcasm and frustration.
"We're not assassinating anyone."
"But you said..."
"I am."
"Huh!?" Duo gasped. "Then what the hell am I doing here!?"
"You're an integral part of the mission."
Duo's cobalt-blue eyes narrowed. "What, am I gonna play the bait or something? Out with it, Yuy, why did you drag me here if I'm not even participating in the mission? Your precious mission?"
"You are participating."
Duo didn't reply. He sat in confusion, attempting to sort out the short conversation and make sense of it somehow.


"Hello?" Quatre snapped into his cell phone. Rashid's voice sailed through.
"Gomen nasai, Quatre-sama. We are unable to track the locations of either Heero Yuy or Duo Maxwell."
Quatre sighed. He was developing a bad headache. "Yes, well, thank you for your effort, Rashid."
After hanging up the phone and tossing it on the single bed occupying the room, he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. "The Maganacs can't find them. Any luck, Wufei?"
Wufei shook his head. "I'm having no success in tracing their phones. Heero's trace-blocking system is proving to be effective beyond anything I can do."
Trowa returned to the room then. "No luck here, either. The five scientists are definately dead. So are Quinze, Dekim, or anyone else who, to our knowledge, may have access to this e-mail. I can't find out who sent it." In three long strides, he reached Quatre's side and began massaging his shoulders. A slight smile fluttered onto the blonde Arabian's face as he closed his eyes in contentment. Wufei looked away, disgusted by the public display of affection.


"Duo... Duo. Duo!"
Duo's wide eyes snapped open. "Huh- wha... oh, right, are we there?" he asked sleepily, yawning.
Heero stepped away from the taxi door to let him out. Duo rolled his eyes. The nonverbal soldier had returned.
"I'll take that as a yes," he muttered, climbing out. Heero paid the driver as he looked up. "Where are we?"
The sun had almost completely set. They were facing a large, white building- a hotel.
"We're already registered. Let's go in," Heero replied. Duo shrugged, picked up his small bag and followed Heero in.

ON COLONY A8-1010...

Wufei was lying on his back on the bed, staring absently at the ceiling. Trowa sat at the desk, Quatre sobbing gently against his shoulder. Having given up trying to locate their fellow ex-pilots long ago, they all feared the worst.


Heero locked the door to the hotel room and turned around... to face a severely annoyed Shinigami.
"Now that we're here on Earth, all locked and safe in our little room, WHY AM I HERE!?" he nearly shouted. Heero lunged forward and clasped a hand over the startled American's mouth.
"Shh!" he hissed. "Don't be so loud!"
Duo pulled away. "Fine, then," he snapped, voice intensity significantly lowered. "Then tell me NOW, what I'm doing here. According to you, this mission is to assassinate someone. And I'm not assisting in the assassination. So why am I here?"
Heero walked over to his bag and pulled out a printout of the mission. He folded the sheet several times and tossed it to Duo before rummaging around in his bag once more. Duo sighed and unfolded the assignment.


ON COLONY A8-1010...

Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei all jumped. They made a mad dash to the phone. Trowa reached it first.
He was silent as he listened to the person on the other end, face giving away nothing. After the longest thirty seconds they had ever felt, Trowa replied to the caller.
"I'm sorry, we don't need any credit cards." He hung up.
Quatre and Wufei let out the breaths they had been holding in. Tears welled up in Quatre's eyes again.


The paper fluttered to the floor. Duo stared in absolute shock at Heero, who was still searching for something in his bag.
"H- Heero..." Duo could imagine what Heero was looking for. A gun, a dagger, poison...
Heero didn't respond. Tears welled up in Duo's eyes- Duo, the boy who hadn't cried since the downfall of Maxwell Church (with the exception of when Trowa blew up Deathscythe).
"Heero... you bastard..." he murmured, falling to his knees. These past few years... did they mean nothing to him? Was he really that cold-hearted? Masaka... and to think... I almost thought I... I almost told him I...
Footsteps headed to where he sat. He flinched as Heero put a hand on his shoulder.
"Duo, as a soldier, you know the mission is all I live for. It's all I can live for."
The words stung, piercing through his heart like a knife. Duo shivered and pulled away from his lo- former lover's touch.
Heero winced at the gesture. Pulling out the automatic handgun concealed within his coat pocket, he took a step back and raised his arms. The gun was now pointing steadily at Duo's heart.
Duo tried pleading with him once more. "Heero... you don't have to do this? Can't there be some other way?"
Heero's finger moved to the pistol. He could almost feel his heart breaking. Duo was so distressed, so frightened. But he had a mission to accomplish.
The finger pressed down against the trigger.

ON A8-1010...
Quatre sobbed helplessly. He was a naturally emotional person, and the loss of one of his closest friends hit home hard, even more harshly than most deaths. Duo had fought right beside him multiple times in the war. Besides Trowa, he was the first of the other Gundam pilots to accept his kindness. And he was such a cheerful, happy person, always giving others strength whether he himself had any or not. He didn't deserve to die, especially not by the hand of the man he loved so deeply.
Trowa rubbed Quatre's back reassuringly, holding the blonde close and giving him a light kiss in his golden nest of hair. He hadn't thought that even Heero could be this cruel.
But apparently, the Asian youth was still full of surprises- and not all good.

Nothing happened.
Heero sighed. He stepped forward and reached for Duo again, noting that the American stil had his eyes pinched shut and was straining against the wall, expecting the worst. He gently lifted Duo's chin to look at him in the face. The braided pilot's eyes opened and diverted from his gaze and he tried without success to pull away. Tears were streaming down his face- Heero could feel wetness in his own as he realized how badly he was hurting his violet-eyed love.
He suddenly pulled Duo forward in a fierce embrace.
"Hanase!" Duo tried to shout, but it came out as a feeble whimper. He struggled weakly against Heero's firm hold, but the Japanese youth was just too strong. His arms didn't budge an inch.
Why are you doing this to me? Duo wanted to scream. Don't you know you're tearing me apart!?
Instead, he let himself go, sobbing in Heero's arms and winding his own tightly around him.

ON A8-1010...

"Arrgh!" Quatre wailed in frustration. He had cried himself out hours ago, and was now a bundle of fury. "How could he do this!? How the hell could he do this to Duo!?"
Trowa tried for the millionth time to calm him down. "Maybe he didn't. Maybe he decided to drop this mission. He WAS tired of missions, you know."
"So are we all!" Quatre snapped. His expression immediately became apologetic. "Oh, Trowa, I'm so sorry I snapped! I'm just so worried..."
Trowa pulled him close and hugged him tightly. "I know, Little One, I understand... we're all worried..."
Wufei had by this time retreated to the main room, staying clear of the two lovers.


"Heero... do you have to do this?" Duo whispered. He wasn't afraid of death, but to die by the hands of the one he... "Can't you forsake this mission?"
Heero held him tighter, burying his head in Duo's thick hair. He didn't answer. Duo trembled as Heero's hot breath hit his neck, sending shivers racing along his body. Why wouldn't his tears stop?
"No, Duo. I can't forsake this mission. I won't."
Duo froze. Even as Heero was on the brink of killing him, he still sounded so tender, so sweet... how dare he!? If he were going to break his heart, why couldn't he act harsh and cold!? Duo couldn't possibly hate him when he was using that tone of voice...
Heero pulled away and held Duo firmly by the arms, gazing into his eyes- prussian blue gems facing cobalt orbs. Duo felt himself trembling again as Heero closed the distance between them and captured his lips in a gentle, yet determined kiss. He wanted to break away, to scream at him and resist the affection, but he couldn't. He had never been able to resist Heero, not even now. Especially not now, when he felt so emotionally drained already.
When they broke the kiss, Heero pulled him close again. What the heck was he doing? What sort of assassination mission was this?
"Duo..." he breathed. Again, the shivers washed over him. "Duo...

ON COLONY A8-1010...

Trowa stepped into the kitchen where Wufei sat, staring out into space. Night had fallen long ago.
"I finally got him to get some sleep," he mumbled tiredly. Wufei gave the slightest of nods.
"Do you think... he..."
Trowa shook his head. He didn't want to think about it. He couldn't imagine being in Heero's place. After having followed all orders his entire life and trained to be an emotionless killing machine, Heero had finally restored his humanity and found peace... and love. Now, to receive another mission after so long... and what a mission it was.
He joined Wufei at the kitchen counter, staring numbly at his hands. They were stained with the blood of so many... and yet, he knew Heero's were even more tainted. How did he live with it? Trowa had always admired him for his courage, determination, will power- his ability to never let anything interfere with a mission. But could Heero... would he do it? And if he did, how would he ever forgive himself?
Trowa recalled back during the Eve Wars, when Heero had accidentally killed one of the 'good guys'. He had gone around to all of Marshall Noventa's relatives, giving each of them the opportunity to avenge his death. More than once, he had found himself facing the barrel of a gun, but none had pulled the trigger.
If that's how he behaved to an accident involving a stranger, how would he react to this?


"Duo... will you marry me?"
Duo froze. Had he heard right? He pulled away and stared into Heero's beautiful eyes, willing him to repeat the words.
Heero gently wiped away a tear, the tiniest of smiles dancing on his lips. He looked so radiant when he smiled.
"But Heero... your mission..." He couldn't believe his own ears. Was he actually encouraging Heero to kill him!?
"Do you find death more attractive than the idea of marriage?" Heero whispered, still smiling. Duo's eyes widened.
"Heero..." The tears that had stopped began flowing once more, but not out of sorrow. This time, they were welcome tears of joy. "Heero, yes, yes, yes!"
He flung his arms around Heero's neck, clinging to him tightly. Heero nuzzled his neck before replying.
"My orders were to eliminate Duo Maxwell. This way, I'm fulfilling my mission along with something I should have done long ago. Duo, I'd never hurt you. You are my life, and I love you with all my heart." He grinned. "You're worth turning down a mission and losing my reputation for."
Duo couldn't breathe. But that was fine with him, he was so happy. And when Heero slipped a platinum-banded diamond solitaire onto his finger, his heart felt like it would burst out of his chest. But one question still lingered.
"Heero... why go through all of this... why take me off of Earth just to ask me?"
Heero lifted his head to face him, the smile gone. "That order was a very real one. But I haven't the faintest idea where it came from. As far as I know, everyone who knows that e-mail address with the exception of you, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei, are dead. Whoever it is, they want you gone."
Duo gasped. But who would want to kill him?
"The apartment was probably being watched. I wanted to get you away, somewhere safer. Earth was the safest place I could think of. But don't worry- I'll never let anyone hurt you."
With that, Duo's concerns were lifted. He gazed at the beautiful- and no doubt, expensive- ring on his hand and sighed happily. He turned to Heero.
"How does a June wedding sound?"


ON COLONY A8-1010...


Quatre lunged out of bed and yanked the phone off the hook. "Hello!?"
"Quatre?" The voice was unmistakably Heero's.
Trowa and Wufei tore into the room to find Quatre shouting at the phone.
Trowa put a hand on Quatre's shoulder and gently pried the phone from his trembling hands. He clicked the button for the speaker and replaced the receiver on the hook.

Duo chuckled.
"I'm glad you cared enough to worry about me, but I assure you, I'm perfectly fine. Yep, kitto ok! Better than fine!" He laughed and gave Heero a wide grin.

"DUO!?" three voices chorused. Trowa, Quatre and Wufei blinked at the phone, stunned.

Heero smirked. "Who else?" Their phone was also set to the speaker.

Wufei stepped closer to the phone. "Yuy," he growled. "Is the mission on your laptop legit or not?"

The laughter and smiles faded. "Yes," Heero replied seriously. "But I don't know where it came from."

Trowa spoke up. "Heero, is this the first time you've turned down a mission?" he asked with a faint smile, lightening the atmosphere. Quatre grinned.

Heero snorted. "Who said I turned it down? It's only delayed for a bit." There was stunned silence on the other end. Duo laughed.
"That is, delayed until I can get my name changed. Which will be sometime in, oh, say, June? Then, there won't be a Duo Maxwell to eliminate anymore."

"What?" Quatre asked. "Um, did I miss something?" This question was met with laughter on the other line- Heero was laughing! The three pilots passed puzzled glances.
"What's going on?" Wufei snapped. "Where are you?"

"We're on Earth," Heero replied.

"What's this about Duo changing his name?" Trowa inquired.

"The mission description only says to elminate Duo Maxwell. In Mid-June, there won't be a Duo Maxwell to eliminate anymore. He would already have been eliminated," Duo explained, not really explaining anything.

"What are you talking about, Duo!?" Quatre cried. His headache was returning.

Heero smirked. "You tell them, or shall I?" he inquired. Duo smiled and gave him a quick kiss.
"I will. Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, get your butts down to Earth the second Saturday of June. I don't care how busy you are. That day, details to be decided upon later, I will no longer be Duo Maxwell. The old Duo Maxwell will be dead."

"Are you changing your name, Duo? Why should we be there? To what?" the blonde youth asked, confused.

Heero and Duo smiled at each other. Heero leaned towards the speaker, wrapping an arm around his braided fiancé. "How does Duo Maxwell-Yuy sound?"
This was met by silence.
The silence was broken by a whoop- Quatre.

"Great Allah, are you two getting married!?" he cried exuberantly. "Congratulations!" He leaped up and threw himself against Trowa ecstatically. "Trowa, Wufei, did you hear that? Married!"
"Winner, we heard it much louder from you than them," Wufei snapped, rubbing his ear. Trowa smiled.
"Yes, we heard him. Congratulations, Heero, Duo."
Quatre released Trowa and pounced on the phone once more. "Leave all the wedding arrangements to me!" he demanded. "The funding, the organizing, everything! Second Saturday of June? Sure thing! My sisters love planning this sort of stuff!"

"Quatre, that's really too much! You don't have to-" Duo cut in. He was promptly interrupted- and ignored.

"Now, what color patterns do you want? Baby blue and yellow sound okay? I'm assuming the black tuxedo goes to Duo. Heero, you'd look great in a white one! What sort of flowers do you want in the bouquet, D-"


"That's ridiculous! Black would not look-"

"Black," Duo firmly repeated. "And over my dead body is the wedding gonna be baby blue and yellow! BLACK!

"Duo, be reasona-"


"How about-"

"Quatre, I want black!"

"-Calla lillies? They represent death," Quatre added hurriedly. He could almost hear Duo thinking.

Heero smiled. Yes, he mouthed. Duo grinned and sighed. "All right, Q-man, you win. Calla lillies it is!"

Quatre smiled victoriously on his end of the phone. He grinned. He'd deal with the wedding colors later.


Duo happily walked down the crimson-carpeted aisle to where his fiance awaited. He looked ravishing in a black tuxedo and deep crimson dress shirt. In his hands, he proudly held a beautiful bouquet of color-mixed calla lillies, which stood out brightly against its person.
At the end of the aisle, Heero stood with an equally happy, genuine smile on his face. Duo's breath caught in his chest. He had never been able to resist Heero's smile- it took all of his willpower not to sprint to where his lover was waiting.
After the torturously long walk, Duo finally hooked arms with the groom- his soon to be husband. The minister cleared his throat, and the ice-blue-and-sea-green ceremony began. Indeed, with the colors Duo and Quatre had compromised upon, it was the oddest looking wedding ever.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

It was all Heero could do to keep from yawning. When he and Duo had told Quatre they wanted a simple service... well, the Arabian's perception of simple wasn't quite the same as his companions'. Not only had Quatre set up an elaborate, beautifully decorated ceremony and invited everybody the couple knew, and then some, but the minister he had hired seemed to feel the need to go over every little bible verse regarding love, and every potential situation they may face.
Finally, the time came to exchange the rings.
"Heero Yuy, do you take Duo Maxwell as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Efficient as always, Heero didn't hesitate. His voice was steady, eyes staring straight ahead, but there was a relaxed and happy expression printed on his face.
"Duo Maxwell, do you take Heero Yuy as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
Duo vaguely wondered to himself wasn't it 'til death do you part'? before chuckling silently to himself. After all, he was death, and if he had his way, they would never be apart.
He opened his mouth. Two little words, and they would be together forever. Suddenly, he got an idea, and grinned.
"Ninmu ryoukai."