Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On angel's wings ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3

The room sunk into a stunned silence. Heero still looking out the window at the approaching dawn lost in thought, Duo sitting on the bed tangled in the covers, Quatre just outside the room completely confused by what was happening and Trowa standing by the door leaning on the wall. The silence seemed to last for hours. That was until duo felt it necessary to break it.

"What do you mean `your not human'?!"

For a moment no one answered, it seemed like no one was breathing, like time had slowed down to a crawl and was slipping by them secretly. Then …

"He means exactly what he said, we are not human" said Heero finally turning from the window the dawn light casting a strange glow on his face and giving a glazed look to his eyes "We are not human, we just look as though we are, it is just a disguise, a front. I know we are not human, but I cannot remember what we are. All I know is that he is coming and he is coming soon."

Duo threw his hands in the air in exasperation "Again with this * he *, who is coming?"

Heero wrinkled his nose causing lines to appear on his forehead, and looked down at his hands as though he couldn't bear to face them as he said what he had to say.

"I do not know for sure, all I do know is that a strong presence is coming and we should fear it." It seemed as though he would stop there, but he carried on sinking into memories of the terror that he saw in the night "I see him in my dreams walking through my kingdom, that I cannot remember, walking through a sea of flames that he caused and laughing at the terror he created. He basked in the screams he could wrench from a child's throat in there dieing moment. He was a monster, and he is coming back, but I do not know his name "

Duo puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger then he was "I am shinigami, why would I, WHY SHOULD I fear someone you don't even know the name of? We have fought in two wars and won we can win again. So why should I, * we * fear something you do not even know the name of?!"

No one answered the question for a second, and a kind of calm seemed to settle over the room. That was until Trowa lifted his head and gazed at Duo with a strange look in his one visible eye.

"You should fear him, for he is Armageddon and he will destroy everything!"

~~Thank you time~~

Dreamer () = finally updated sorry it took so long. You'll find out next chapter if they are related and what exactly they are and why they're on earth. Glad you like the fic ^_^

Ozzypoos = he he he sorry its another cliffy. I didn't mean to do one but that was just too good a place to end it. I'll try an update my other fics soon, but I got quite a bit of schoolwork to do and I only got a week before school starts again!!

Paine = don't worry bout not reviewing before that you have is enough for me. I love reviews ^_^ glad you like it, please keep on reading.

Ashley = still don't know what's coming, well Trowa does but poor little he-Chan doesn't. Should have the next part out soon and you'll find out who * he * is then. Thanks for reviewing ^_^

SilverCaladan = thanks for the advice I tried it out and it may not seem like it but it worked cause this part when I first wrote it was bout half the size it was then I added more detail and it grew. Still short though. The next part WILL be longer.

Natea = updated, glad you like it ^_^

EarthDragon= glad you like it, sorry for keeping you hanging for so long, and sorry for doing it again ^_^ and thank you for being my only reviewer on MediaMiner ^_^