Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Painting the Desert ❯ Wet and Unbraided ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wet and Unbraided

Duo striped off his clothes and dumped them down what he hoped was a laundry shoot. He pulled the rubber band out of his hair and pulled the braid apart. It fell in gentle waves down his back and let loose what seemed like a pound of sand. He stepped into the steamy shower and let the cascading water drench his entire body. Being wet never felt so good. After soaking for what seemed like an age, Duo decided it was time to get to the hard part, brushing his hair. This took quite some time, but when it was finally accomplished he washed it twice and put in half a bottle of extra moisturizing conditioner. The rest of his wiry frame was simple compared to that. He picked up the bar of soap and began cleansing himself when it occurred to him: Quatre uses this shower, this must be his soap. He smiled and continued the task at hand, although now he found much more pleasure in it.

Quatre was making sure everything was in order in Duo's room, the closet was full of clothes, the dresser was full of under garments. Or maybe not. Quatre sat on Duo's bed for a moment trying to extinguish the last thought from his memory. He's not like that, and I'm not either. I'm just happy to have someone my age close by. He sighed, but maybe. . . . Quatre's thoughts were cut short by the bedroom door opening and the vision that stood in it.

Duo. His chest was dripping with excess moisture from his wet hair that clung to everyplace it could get a grip. His skin was the perfect kind of tan to complement his chestnut hair, and it looked even better wet. He held a towel around his waist, but it was so low Quatre could see his. . . .

"Hey, this is a great room, Quatre," Duo smiled at the other boys wandering eyes.

Quatre jumped slightly and stood up, "Really? You like it? Good. There are clothes in the closet and underwear in the dresser." Oh God, why did I say that! Quatre thought as he moved past Duo trying not to stare.

Duo grabbed his arm gently. "Thanks, Quatre."

Quatre studied the boy's hands for a moment for fear of looking in his eyes. "Your welcome," he said as he broke Duo's grasp and made his escape.

Duo stood for a moment watching the door that shut behind Quatre. He half expected him to come back in, but that didn't happen. Duo pulled the towel off of his waist and began drying his extensive locks. When he was done the towel was thoroughly soaked.

The room Quatre choose for him was extremely nice, something Duo wasn't used to. He would have been fine with a broom closet and a cot, but instead he got what looked like a swanky hotel suite. The largest wall was floor to ceiling windows cut into various segments to allow for their opening. They where draped in maroon velvet with gold trim, in fact, everything in the room followed this color scheme. The bed was a massive Queen Anne canopy in cherry wood, with an overstuffed and very comfortable looking mattress. The rest of the furniture followed suit, all cherry wood and over sized.

Duo decided it was time to get dressed, and pulled open the dresser drawers looking for the underwear Quatre claimed was there. He found a drawer stuffed neatly with boxers on one side and briefs on the other. He smiled, Quatre left him a choice. He pulled on a pair of slate blue boxers and made his way to the closet.

Upon opening it he realized finding something to wear would be a much more difficult task. Every usable inch of the closet was filled with clothes but most of them were things Duo would never think of wearing. Khakis? What is this a Gap commercial? He pulled apart the closet looking for something comfortable, and he finally settled on a pair of nice fitting jeans and a gray cotton T-shirt. Duo stood in the mirror and smiled. Now comes the braid, he thought, as he began the process.

After Quatre shut the door behind him, he stood for a moment contemplating whether or not he should go back in. No, he decided, just go about business as usual. He made his way downstairs and was planning on going to the ballroom when he bumped into his father.

"Oh Quatre, has the young man woken up yet?" Mr. Winner asked his only son.

"Yes, Father, " Quatre answered, his voice someplace distant and his thoughts with that young man.

"Splendid! Has he told you anything about himself, and his circumstances?" Mr. Winner prodded.

Quatre looked up at the older man, and realized he hadn't told him Duo was going to be a permanent guest, he hadn't even asked if he could be. The moment Duo said he had nothing to go back to the only answer in Quatre's heart was to offer him his home.

"Father, " Quatre began, "his name is Duo Maxwell. He's an American, but he doesn't have anything to go back to. I told him he could stay here. He's such a nice person, and I really want him to stay." Quatre stopped, trying not to sound like he was pleading.

Mr. Winner watched his sons expression as he explained that lost boy. He could tell Quatre was in great need of a friend his own age, and the way he spoke of Duo made him seem so desperate.

"It's quite all right, Quatre. As long as he gets his education with you and isn't here for a free ride." Mr. Winner wasn't taking any chances, he'd known too many Americans in his time. But the smile that spread across Quatre's face told him he made the right decision.

"Thank you, Father, " Quatre said still smiling before he continued to the ballroom.