Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Party Games (Revisited) ❯ Bishnapping ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Party Games (Revisited)

by Shaman Dani

(and her muse)

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine. Duet is not mine, she was created by Kurokawa Hiyabasa, and I got addicted to her thanks to Tori Yuki Ichimura. You can read Tori's completely awesome stuff here: The following games do not belong to me either, except Seven Minutes, which was invented at a slumber party by my friends, but it's still not really mine. Wufei and Duo the Pink Flamingos and Heero the Ferret are mine and you can't have them, nor can you have any of the stuff in my room. So there. Piemur the Winged-Kitty-Muse belongs to himself.

Authoress' Notes: You can read the original Party Games here: Please remember that I wrote it in 2000 and it is not, in any way, my best writing. This fic will follow the same basic pattern, except it will be longer, funnier and better written.


Our story begins outside of a house, the house is blue with maroon trim and situated in the middle of the woods. The second window from the left is open with its blue curtains billowing in the slight breeze. A bluebird chirps on the window sill, easily evading the attempts on its life by an extremely large (and slightly grumpy) calico. Outside all is serene.

Inside, however, is a completely different story.

"Daaaaa-ni!" Piemur bounces once, twice, thrice on said Dani's bed. "You said we could redo Party Games!" Black curls flying and leather pants squeaking the muse continues to bounce.

Dani, a somewhat...different...type of person, glares up at her imagination-from-Hell. "If you break something, I'll kill you. Now shut up, I'm trying to read."

"You've read that book a million times. You can recite the first chapter!"

"Each year, at the end of March, a great fair was held in Cria, the capital of Galla. Like thousands of others in the Eastern Lands, Onua Chamtong went there to do business: buying ponies in her case. This year-" (1)

"I don't want to hear that again!"

Dani gave her muse a Look. "Get over it. I don't feel like writing fanfiction right now."


"Not now!"

Alas, our story begins with writers' block. A disease that corrupts your mind so you can only write horrible clichés and one-shots. Our heroine, Dani, suffers from said disease-

"Alright, who hired the bad Narrator?"

As I look upon the face of Dani and into her glowing green eyes, with reddish brown locks of silken tresses-

"Shut up! My eyes aren't green; my hair isn't reddish brown and could never be described as anything better than straight and slick, certainly not as silken tresses. And another thing: who told you where I lived you stupid Narrator? No, never mind. Piemur!"


"Authoress Powder. NOW!"

After much squeaking, rummaging through books, clothes and CDs, then sneezing the muse finds his Authoress' powder. This powder is so powerful that-

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

I'm just doing my job. I am the Narrator.

"Fine, but don't get all fantasy-epic on me. This is a humor fic."


"Yeah, something like that." She says. With a graceful-err; she throws the powder into the air.


Instantly thirteen people appear, which makes the room a bit crowded. For some odd reason Quatre is sitting on top of the bookcase, with Trowa beside him. Relena and Dorothy appeared in the closet, and are currently being attacked by the evil dust bunnies Dani borrowed from some dear friends at Steelsings, but who cares? Hilde is painting her toenails on top of the trunk, while Catherine and Sally attempt to not fall over from their perches on top of the dresser. Zechs and Noin are making out on top of the window sill. The cat, Teazer, attaches herself to Wufei's leg. Wufei, with a scream like a girl, falls into Heero, who falls into Duo and Duet, who collapse onto the bed with Heero on top. And this is where my narration stops, because I don't do NC-17, or threesomes.

"Nani?" Dani shrieks. "No sex on my bed!"

As one all of the characters stare at Dani, and as one they all scream and run out the door.

Dani, in her cute, blank way, asks: "Was it something I said?" She rushes across the hall to the bathroom. Finding Wufei there, hiding in the shower stall, she asks again: "Was it something I said?"

"Injustice! You're evil! I remember what happened last time you got 'creative'-"

Duet pops her head out from under the sink. "What happened last time?"

A slow, evil grin spreads across the authoress' face. "Well," she begins, "Wufei had to kiss a fangirl and Sally confessed undying love to him. Then Trowa gave himself a concussion because Zechs kissed Catherine-"

The braided girl quickly climbs out from her hiding spot, dragging Duo with her. "What's gonna happen this time?"

"We-ll, I was thinking same games, but playing them longer, and of course I added you. We might also play Seven Minutes and DDR, if I'm in a good mood..."

"Seven Minutes?" Both braided teens asked at once.

"You have seven minutes to make so-and-so do something, usually something obscene."


Duet, Duo and Dani as one look with complete surprise at Wufei. "I forgot you were still here. Piemur!"


"Lock Wufei in my bedroom, Duet, Duo and I are going to find the others."

"And then?" The muse questioned his authoress bravely.

"Then we play some Party Games."

With a vengeance brought on by the need to see their friends make complete fools of themselves the three D's (teehee) stomped through the house in search of their comrades and torture victims. Not that having fun is torture, precisely, but Dani's type of fun is usually highly embarrassing...


Relena was the easiest to find, she was hiding in a corner muttering, "whoosh, I'm invisible," to herself. Dorothy was next, being found standing in a corner with a lamp shade over her head.(2) Catherine, Sally, Zechs and Noin were quickly recovered and taken away from Dani's parents' liquor cabinet. Heero was found by simply having Duet start to take off her shirt, he immediately appeared and got captured, much to his disappointment. Hilde was attacked by the dread Teazer and was all-too-happy to be saved.

Trowa and Quatre were nowhere to be found.

"They're probably making out in a closet somewhere." Duet told Dani, while peeking into the hall closet.

"Oh dear..." Dani stopped dead.

"What?" Duo and Duet asked.

Distractedly the authoress scolded them. "Would you two stop the twin-talk? I'll bet Tro'n'Q are in my room already. So let's go get'em!"

The three D's stomped back to Dani's room. Suddenly Piemur appeared in front of them, in all his leather glory and curly-haired goodness.

"I found Trowa and Quatre in your closet Dani. Can we play some games now?"

"Yeah!" Three voices shouted in jubilation.

"No!" Ten others cried out in horror.

"Get over it!" Dani cried giddily.


Whee!! Next chapter: Will Wufei be forced to kiss another fangirl? Will my Pink Flamingos make an appearance? Will I live my dream of marrying Heero? Find out absolutely none of this in Chapter 2: Truth or Dare!

(1) Pocky to anyone who can tell me what book this is out of.

(2) I actually hid from somebody for about fifteen minutes like that; it's amazing how stupid people can be.