Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raigeki ❯ Living ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Raigeki

Author: Caelestis

Rating: R

Fandom: Gundam Wing

Warnings: Oooooo warnings! Well. yaoi for one. That means male/male for all of ya who haven't heard of the term. That's about it for this chapter. in future chapters, however. *grins*

Disclaimer: Don' own em. WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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The teakettle whistled, the stream of steam signaling to the impromptu cook that it's contents had heated. Duo scrambled over what he was already doing in an effort to turn it off before it woke the sleeping pilot upstairs, spilling several of the ingredients he had used to make the pancakes in the process.

"Dammit!" He agonized clutching his head. Whoever said this was easy should die! Oh wait. that had been Quatre. dang, couldn't kill him. Pouting, he arranged the dishes the food was resting on, on a tray, trudging up the stairs towards Heero's bedroom. The only upside to this was that the other pilots weren't occupying the house at the moment; they had been called away on separate missions. And, after the disaster at the OZ base a week ago, the other Doctors in charge of operation meteor had ordered Heero and Duo to remain at the current safe house until they were fully recovered and sent the other three pilots on their own, separate missions.

From their reaction, Duo assumed that they were unaware of the extent of Heero's healing factor, raising more questions in his mind. Was it a recent development then, or a modification that went out of control? Duo sighed. Prying the information out of Heero would be like trying to tell him not to self-destruct, virtually impossible. And he had self-destructed a countless number of times, not that it mattered. He couldn't do anything anyway until he rebuilt Wing.

Toeing the door open, he squeezed into the room with a bounce in his step and a silly grin starting to spread across his face. Waiting on Heero: one of the high-points in his day. And said pilot was... not in bed and currently hacking on his laptop.

"He-chan!" Duo whined, his violet eyes brimming with unshed tears. Heero sighed, reluctantly shutting off his computer and moving towards the bed. The first time Duo had called the pilot of wing 'He-chan', you couldn't tell the difference between him and a beet, which of course, suggested that Duo might actually have a chance of garnering his affections.

"I do not know why you persist in mothering me. I am almost fully recovered and I do not need this treatment." Heero remarked practically as he climbed under the covers, allowing Duo to place the breakfast tray on his lap.

"Please, Heero, humor me? I made you breakfast and everything!" Sparkling chibi eyes won the day again as Heero wilted under their pressure. He began to eat, and Duo sat down on a nearby chair, watching him with a smile. He unfurled his folded wings for a moment as he stretched out a cramp that had just seized one. They had reached an understanding about Duo's former status after the first few hours of questioning, Heero not commenting on it after the initial night when Duo had explained the basic of his powers, not his origin, and Duo not offering any more details on the matter. Thankfully, now that the other pilots were gone, he no longer had to disguise his wings under bulky clothing. It had been getting very tiresome to have his wings trapped under cloth, his feelings nearing that of the claustrophobic. Plus, his muscles had cramped more severely when they were pressed tightly against his back than when they were merely folded.

Duo rested his head on his hands. His feelings towards Heero hadn't changed either since that night, but he was still uncomfortable about letting Heero know how he felt. The subject was not open for discussion, his feelings just too new to handle the inevitable rejection that he knew he would receive from Heero, a very human-like reaction for the former God of Death. And Heero. was now glaring at him? He blinked. What had he done now?

Heero's glare was accusatory as he stared at Duo. It was disconcerting.

"What the hell did you do to these pancakes?"

The what? Oh. OH!

"Gomen. I forgot to add the sugar." Duo laughed, blushing lightly while throwing a hand behind his head as Heero scowled at his foul-tasting breakfast.

        * * * * * * *

Later that same day, Heero was once again typing at his laptop, re- configuring the defensive programming for his new Gundam since Duo wouldn't let him out of bed, while said Duo worked on his own Gundam's defensive systems outside. Heero's old system had too many glitches, and the performance had been slipping further every time that he took Wing into combat situations. If a glitch came up like it had last time, he doubted that he even had a chance to survive again. Thank god that Duo had been there to save him last time.

In the three weeks that had passed since the day he had been captured, he had received several e-mails from Doctor J, one the day after his imprisonment, cautioning him to be wary of what Duo might say or do and informing him of the progress on the construction of a new Gundam for him. It was suspicious that J knew that he needed another Gundam when he hadn't said anything to him about it; Heero wasn't going to take anything else he said at face value. Also the fact that he had cautioned him not to listen to what Duo told him confirmed that he probably did have something to do with his capture, and gave credence to Duo's story.

Running a hand over his now unbroken skin, Heero pushed the laptop away from him as he put it on standby. Duo. He was a source of mystery to him, and a very large part of that mystery being that of his physical appearance. What human could possibly have wings like he had? After Duo had shied away from the subject when Heero had first brought it up, Heero hadn't said anything more about it. But with his questions unanswered, Heero's interest in him continued to grow. It wasn't like him to act this way! His analytical side screamed at him as he pursed his lips, trying to rationally find an explanation for what had happened and what was still happening. Perhaps he should ask Duo again. but for some reason, the thought of doing it just felt wrong.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. Emotions were confusing things.

The screen of his laptop switched abruptly back from the standby mode as the program registered an incoming call. An accept button flashed briefly on the screen before Heero acknowledged it and Doctor J's face replaced the regular screen in a teleconference call.

"Heero my boy, how are you holding up? You're looking better than before. Are you ready for another mission?"

Heero kept his face impassive as he stared at the immobile screen. "Hn."

"Ah yes. well then. Here is the information that you'll need to complete the next assignment. The new Gundam is in its final stages, and should be ready by the end of this mission. Good luck." The window where the doctor had been talking fazed out and another popped up with the next mission's parameters. Glancing and absorbing the information in an instant, Heero almost groaned. and he probably would have if he had been anyone else. After a second or two to decide, he pushed the 'accept' tab at the bottom of the window. It was a mission, and therefore it had to be done.

"Mission, accepted." He muttered under his breath, then left to find Duo and explain. and try to explain to him what they had to do.

        * * * * * * *

His Gundam. was absolutely perfect! Duo grinned to himself as he finished installing the souped up stealth system on Deathscythe. The repairs he'd had to do thankfully weren't many, so he had been able to devote his time to. re-modeling certain components of the machine. While he had been working on Deathscythe, he had allowed his senses to search the metal to try and see if there actually was something supernatural inhabiting his machine. Conclusion: there was. He wasn't able to pinpoint it, but there was a certain presence that he could feel when he was around the Gundam.

The weird stuff always seemed to happen to him. He sighed, twisting a bolt a little tighter in the right arm of Deathscythe. It used to be fun, like one thousand years ago, but now. it was just annoying. He supposed that he should look on the bright side: at least it wasn't a demon on a mission to kill him! Turning his head as he caught a glimpse of movement on the edge of the clearing, he saw Heero stepping from the bushes, storm clouds covering his face.

"He-chan! What brings you out here?" Duo grinned cheekily.

"We have a mission."

"WHAT?" Duo blinked. The Doctors had told him to remain there until they had fully recovered, which should have been two more weeks. They shouldn't have any missions scheduled! Duo told him as much. Heero's eyes narrowed.

"I just spoke with J and downloaded the mission's parameters. Duo. is there something you haven't been telling me?"

Duo flushed slightly. Well. he had been, but it was for Heero's safety! Muttering under his breath, Duo spread his wings out with a snap and dove off the Gundam, flapping them several times to slow his momentum as he neared the ground and alighted softly next to Heero. There were a few things that he felt he should tell Heero. like the details of his capture and how exactly he had run into J. It was a good start though, that Heero trusted him more than J, even though he hadn't been totally honest with him. Right. Well, here goes nothing.

Slinging his arm around Heero's shoulders, Duo started walking back towards the safe house. "He-chan. we do need to have a talk. And then we'll see about this mission that J gave you."

The death glare that he received in return showed him just how much Heero had recovered.

        * * * * * * *

Several hours later, two emotionally exhausted boys sat opposite each other on a large couch in the living room of the safe house. Duo had told Heero everything about the time of his capture, but had again omitted anything remotely relevant about his past life. Heero was still left with a lot of questions save one: he was positive that J wasn't to be trusted. He was sure that Duo was telling him the truth, even though he was sure that there was a lot that remained unsaid.

Heero had also told Duo everything about the next mission, and showed him the hardcopy still in his inbox. Duo had reacted the same way that he had. with extreme annoyance bordering on mental breakdown. They were to attend a private boarding school that was near an OZ base, and obtain information on a student there that was rumored to be an OZ spy. Duo was livid.

".And what do they expect us to do there? Sneak around without being spotted by hundreds of teenagers and incriminate a student! At the same time! Not to mention, having to take all those boring classes AGAIN-"

Heero did groan this time. "It's worse than that."

"What do you mean?" Duo stopped in the middle of his tirade, his heart skipping a beat before freezing, sensing the coming of a bad omen.

"Don't you remember the name of. of Relena's school?" Heero blanched.

"No. Oh no."

Heero nodded mutely. Duo bit his lip as he banged his head against the desk, trying to make reality go away with the pain; his wings slumped in mute agony. "I can't fucking believe this."


"Well, at lest we have a day to prepare for it, ne?" Duo brightened slightly, then grimaced. "Like a day is going to change anything."

"It's for the good of the colonies, Duo. We have to accept this."

"Fine. I understand. But if Relena starts screeching and hanging on you, I'm going to kill her."

"Duo." Heero said warningly.

"Ok, ok, I understand, but if she does start her antics again I swear. I'm going to go insane!" Duo groaned. This was going to be worse than hell. Correction. This WAS worse than hell. He knew; he'd been there

        * * * * * * *

Author's Notes

Well. how do you think that this story is coming along? Like it? Well, leave some feedback so this poor author can be inspired into writing another part! Next time, the horror! Duo and Heero go to Relena's school? Will Duo finally admit to Heero his feelings?
