Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Random Insanity Rocks ❯ Random Insanity rocks part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the Gundam boys, the Smurfs, or any other character from these two series. However, Chibi_mina, DSM, ShenLong, and Ryouga all own themselves

Warnings: If you are not insane or do not have a really warped sense of humor then walk away now and don't look back, because this fic is too outta control for you!! Innuendo, groping and suggestive situations may occur.

Pairings: 1X2 Er as for the rest, read and find out, because I don't even know @_@

Rating: Waaaaayyy OOC and slightly AU, R, Random insanity crossover. (And I mean random!!) Think, "Gundam meets the Smurfs, versus the Happy Hentai Musketeers *grins maniacally*

Author: Ryouga.

Authors note: Random insertion of self and other various peoples; with permission. *grins* If you don't know what a Smurf is, go here; and then click on the different types of Smurf descriptions at the bottom of the page

Date: 9/9/2003

Title: Random Insanity Rocks!!

Part 1

On a cold and miserable night, the 1x2 mailing list's four Happy Hentai Musketeers, Chibi_mina, DSM, ShenLong and Ryouga were all sitting watching Gundam Wing on DVD.


In Anime land, the five boys were sharing a place together. They had all just eaten dinner and sat down to enjoy an episode of the Smurfs.


Meanwhile, back at the Happy Hentai Musketeers place of residential existence, the lightning and thunder raged across the darkened skies.

A loud crash echoed through the house and Ryouga dashed under the blanket that she had dragged off her bed to snuggle. She hated really loud thunder with a passion. "Hey DSM, grab the remote would ya, I can't hear a thing."

"Why me?" DSM asked, too busy ogling Duo's butt to want to move.

"Yeah, why don't you do it?" Chibi_mina suggested ogling it too.

ShenLong rolled her eyes and shook her head, (just like in real life when Ryouga acts all weird) pulling the blanket off Ryouga, without taking her eyes off the TV screen as Duo's crotch briefly flashed past. "Because the big baby is scared of thunder and lighting." She teased poor old Ryouga. " It might jump through the TV and pull us in."

Ryouga looked up at them all with her best Yami No Matsuei impersonation of *Tsuzuki's sad puppy* look. "You guys are all so mean to me," she sniffled.


Back in Anime land, Duo was too busy feeling up Heero to take any notice of the episode of the Smurfs. Wu Fei shook his head and sighed as he caught a sideways glimpse of the action happening next to him "Can't you go two go some where private and do that Maxwell? The rest of us are trying to watch this," he said, pointing to the little blue creatures prancing around on the screen in front of them.

Duo grinned his usual smart alecky grin, ignoring the Chinese pilot as usual and continued happily groping Heero. Not that he was protesting.

Lightning lit up the room as it sprang across the sky and moments later, a thunderous crashing sound echoed around them and the TV began to go crazy.

"What the hell?" Duo shouted as he grabbed for the remote.

Moments later they were dispersed into zillions of tiny particles and sucked into the TV.


"Fine!" DSM conceded. "I'll get you the remote you big sook!" She promptly turned and stepped on it. "Um...uh oh!!" she exclaimed a sheepish look on her face.

"Shit happens." ShenLong replied with a shrug. "Ryouga will just have to shift her butt and do it herself then won't she?"

Ryouga blinked. "Er it doesn't matter any more anyways..." She said as she glared at ShenLong. "...Since some one stole my blanky!"

"Shit happens," came the unsympathetic reply.

A roaring thunderclap smashed across the skies above them. Ryouga squealed and hid behind ShenLong.

The TV started flickering.

"Not now!" Chibi_mina sighed." It was just getting to the good part!"

"Shit happens," said ShenLong

Moments later they were dispersed into zillions of tiny particles and sucked into the TV.
