Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Random Insanity Rocks ❯ Random Insanity rocks part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the Gundam boys, the Smurfs, or any other character from these two series. However, Chibi_mina, DSM, ShenLong, Ryouga, and any other randomly inserted people all own themselves.

Warnings: If you are not insane or do not have a really warped sense of humor then walk away now and don't look back, because this fic is too outta control for you!! Innuendo, groping and suggestive situations may occur.

Pairings: Er read and find out, because I don't even know @_@

Rating: R. Random insanity crossover. (And I mean random!!) Think "Gundam meets the Smurfs, versus the Happy Hentai Musketeers *grins maniacally* If you don't know what a Smurf is, go here-à and then click on the different types of Smurf descriptions at the bottom of the page

Author: Ryouga.

Authors note: Random insertion of self and other various peoples; with permission*grins*

Date: 9/9/2003

Title: Random Insanity Rocks!!

Part 2

Duo landed on Heero with an almighty squelch, the ex-01 pilot gave him the death glare and pushed him off. "Baka! What the_smurf did you do to the TV?" He said, looking around. "And where the smurf are we?"

"Ummm, Heero, why the smurf are you talking like that for?" Duo questioned, turning to face his partner…


"What; what is it?" Concerned that something, or some one was attacking his live-in-lover, Heero swung around to face Duo. Not a sound managed to pass his lips as he stared in absolute silence.

Quatre scrambled out of the nearby bushes that he and the other two Gundam pilots had fallen into and his jaw almost hit the floor as he caught sight of the other two ex-pilots. "HOLY GUNDANIUM SMURFMAN!!!" the young blonde cried out in dumbstruck awe. "You've been smurfed!!"



Ryouga rubbed her very sore butt as she got up from the strange, lopsided platform she'd landed on. "Damn that ShenLong!" She muttered quietly to herself. "If only she hadn't taken my blanky away, I could have used it to pad my ass…"

"You're ass is padded enough!" Came the familiar voice from behind her.

Ryouga turned quickly back to face ShenLong and the other two. Lost for words, (for once ^^;;) Ryouga blinked and then stared. Then shut her eyes, opened them again and stared even more.

"Arrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! " She backed away abruptly, clamping a hand over her mouth. "WHAT THE SMURF!?"


Five young men stood staring at each other, until finally, Wu Fei managed to speak. "This is all your fault!" he ranted at Duo.

"My fault?" He echoed, "How the smurf is it *my* fault!?"

"Just take it like a man and admit it Maxwell!"

"Ha! I don't have to take it like a man right now Chang!"

"Why not?"

" Helloooo!!! I don't know if you've noticed Wufie, but, I'M A SMURFING SMURF!!!"

"Baka!!!" Heero grunted. "We're all Smurfs…. Thanks to you!"

Quatre sighed, hanging off Trowa's arm. "That's the last time I'll *ever* let *you* talk me into watching anything!!"

Suddenly from behind them, an ear-piercing screech rang out and caused Heero smurf's blood to run cold.


One word sprang to mind, actually it was two words, and no… it was not *shit happens*. (This line has been randomly dedicated to Misty Yuy ^_~)
