Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Relena's New Hobby: Seducing Heero Yuy ❯ Email Mission ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n: This is the second chapter of "Relena's New Hobby: Seducing Heero Yuy". I've had fun writing this, and I just got the greatest brainstorm I've ever had in my LIFE. The plot will thicken after this chapter, and the story will start to take place out of the computer realm. *SOB* But that's okay… you'll like the change.

Thanks: To... all the wonderful people who read the first chapter; including... Sorrel (^.^), Ley (Thanks!), Ironic Paradise (I know... I type VERY slow... ::sigh::), Tass-Chan (I love your stories!), and kid japan (I know you, you know me... everything's good.) THANKS YA'LL!!

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I don't think the big guy upstairs is gonna take the series and drop it in my lap, followed by a large gray cloud appearing over my head, with a big, booming voice saying, "You now own Gundam Wing/AC. Please continue it because all the people up here watch it on Cartoon Network. Your "Daddio", God."

Relena's New Hobby: Seducing Heero Yuy

Chapter 2

Email Mission


[Miss Relena?]


[Miss Relena?]



"Yes, Steve?" Relena yawned and stretched. She'd been sitting at her computer more often now, trying to catch Heero online.

It had been one whole week since the conversation with the other gundam pilots, and quite frankly, Relena was getting sick of chatting with pyromaniacs, shrinks and computer hackers.

The former Queen of the world figured it was damn well time to have some fun on her own.

[Would you like me to shut down the system?]

"No, thank you. I'd like to write an email." She paused to wait for the little email box to pop up on the screen. "To: Yuy L one at doctor J dot net."

She moved the cursor to the 'message' box and started typing.

[Dear Mr. Yuy,

I have a mission for you to complete. You must take Relena Peacecraft to]

Relena thought for a moment, then added on to the fake email.

[lunch tomorrow afternoon. She will be online tonight at 8 o'clock for you to ask her. Her screen name for AOL is 'Princess4Peace'. You are not doing this for pleasure. This is a very highly important mission. It will ultimately save the princess's life.

--Dr. J

PS- If you wish, take her to the movies as well. I will send $50 cash to your house. Consider it my treat. Thank you very much.]

Relena smirked at her idea. 'This will show you Heero. I'm not stalking you. I'm seducing you.'


Later that day, Heero sat back in his chair in front of the computer. Hacking was his favorite pastime. He hadn't worked on cleaning out his computer this long in... he couldn't even remember how long it was! But now that all that was done, he signed on to the internet and went to go check his email.

[You've got mail!]

"Hn." Heero clicked the new message. 'Strange,' he thought, 'There's no return address.' He opened it nonetheless and read the message. His eyes grew fairly large as he continued to stare at the screen. 'He's GOT to be kidding! I can't take Relena out! She'll think I like her or something!'

He thought about all this time, how he'd NEVER turned down a mission. But this was Relena Peacecraft for Christ's sake! He couldn't just take her out without giving her an explanation about WHY he was changing after all these years! Shit. His mind was dancing around like it was the lead in 'Swan Lake'.

He clicked the X button.

"Mission accepted."


Relena clicked the sign-in button.

[You wish to go online, Miss?]

"Yes, please."


She waited for the connection to finish, and took a sip of the Coke next to her.


She sat the can back down and typed in ""[1]. She signed into her account and began to type.

[Which chatroom, Miss?]

"Preventers." She knew that sooner or later Heero would be coming into the chatroom.

[Signing in chatroom: Preventers]

[Hero01 is signed in.]

[Shinigami_02 is signed in.]

[Would you like to be invisible, Miss?]

"Yes, Steve. Thank you." Relena watched with intrest as Heero and Duo talked to each other.

Shinigami_02: You mean, you have to go on a DATE with her?

Hero01: Yes.

Shinigami_02: That's horrible. Too bad it wasn't me.

Hero01: Duo!

Shinigami_02: Hey! I wouldn't mind going on a date with the woman.

Hero01: Give me a list of reasons. And I want more than 'because she's hot'.

Shinigami_02: She has a wonderful personality.

Hero01: Even if she stalks me?

Shinigami_02: Even if she stalks you.

Hero01: Why do I suddenly find that hard to believe?

Shinigami_02: Because you don't look at things at all the possible aspects. You gotta give her a chance, Hee-chan.

Hero01: I'll give her a chance when angels sprout horns.

Shinigami_02: That's already happened. -.-

Hero01: Fine! There's a snowball's chance in hell that I will fall in love with Relena Peacecraft.

Shinigami_02: Yea... riiiiiiiiight. Like I believe that. Sure.

Hero01: Shut up.

Shinigami_02: Make me! ~.^

[Shinigami_02 has been kicked out of the room for annoying the hell out of Hero01.]

Hero01: Well. I guess I can talk to myself now. Guess what? I like Relena. Okay?

Hero01: I feel better now that that's off my chest.

Hero01: I wonder where she is. She hasn't gotten on yet and it's 8:05.

Hero01: You are just kidding yourself, Heero. She probably won't go with you out to lunch. She'll probably have changed so much in the past 4 years that she doesn't remember you anymore. She'll turn you down and say "To hell with you! You haven't spoken to me for 4 years!".

Hero01: Oh hell. I don't give a damn anymore. She can continue being the princess for all I care. She can stop stalking me too.

Hero01: Well, I'm going to sit here and wait for her then!


Heero grew impatient. He, the Perfect Solider, had ultimately fallen in love with the girl he was trying so hard to get rid of. But when she was gone, and never talked to him again, he had felt guilt tear at his heart. He thought it was his fault that four years ago, when he was 16, Relena had walked out of his life, not caring about ever keeping in contact.

Why did he know it was his fault? Well, when the war was over, Relena had told him that she loved him, and wondered if he felt the same for her. But of course, at that time, he said no and sent her on her way, watching her walk limply out of the room, sobbing.

Yes, he knew it was his fault. And now he wouldn't make the same mistake.


[Would you like to become visible again, Miss?]

"Yes, Steve. Thanks." After seeing what Heero wrote, she knew exactly what she would say.


[Princess4Peace has signed on.]

'Thank God!' Heero thought.

Hero01: Hello Relena.

Princess4Peace: Who are you?

Hero01: Heero Yuy.

Princess4Peace: Oh. What do you want?

Hero01: I want to take you out to lunch.

Princess4Peace: Oh really? That's damn bad. What if I don't feel like seeing you again? What if I don't give a damn if you feel like taking me out to lunch?

Hero01: Too bad. You are coming with me to lunch.

Princess4Peace: I'm 20 years old. I think I know who to go out with and who NOT to. YOU are not one of the people I feel like spending my afternoon with.

Hero01: Sure. That's why you spent 3 years stalking me.

Princess4Peace: STALK you? Are you kidding? I was trying to help SAVE you from being killed!

Hero01: Sure. Like I BELIEVE that. You always followed me around.

Princess4Peace: I can't take this anymore. Goodbye for the last time, Heero.

[Princess4Peace has logged out.]

Heero stared at the screen. Was she telling the truth when she said she wasn't stalking him? It sure seemed like it to him, and even the other pilots said that she was obsessive.

Well, if he was wrong, he would know two days from now. He printed the directions to her apartment that she was currently living in and folded them. Grabbing his coat, he walked out the door.


Did you like it?!?! I do! CLIFFHANGER!! BREWHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::out of breath:: The next chapter should be up in about a week.

Thanks for your patience! And the reviews!

[1]- I do not own aol. ( I don't own Coke either!)