Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rock Band! ❯ Things Go Up A Beat ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Rock Band Part II

Konnichiwa! ^_^ You are about to read Part II of Rock Band. Sorry it took me so terribly long to get this out. I've been pressed for time lately. In fact, I only have fifteen minutes to get this from my notebook paper onto this screen. *sigh* So much to do, so little time, do any of you ever get that?

This fic is dedicated to CobaltViolet. *sniffles* She's my bestest internet friend in the whooooole wide galaxy! May we conquer the world together, and even after that, continue to be buds `til….er…the end of time? ^_~

Rock Band Part II

*Cobalt opens the book again* Now that I seem to have your attention with my little tale, do you think this would be an appropriate time to proceed?

I'm warning you once more, and once more only though. This is NOT an epic for those who believe happily ever after or fame is right around the corner.

*Cobalt looks at her listeners* Seems as though you've caught on now, hm?


Heero had to tell Duo about his past…now.

Duo brought out two plates of food for the both of them and was about to set them down when Heero interrupted Duo's thinking process by clearing his throat. Duo turned to Heero, both plates still in his hands. "Hm?" he asked. Heero stood and looked straight into Duo's eyes. "Duo…I know we really don't talk much about each other's pasts…but…," Heero cut himself off.

Could he really tell him? He felt the crumpled note in his pocket and sighed deeply. `I have to tell him…I may not get another chance.' He thought solemnly to himself.

"But what?" Duo asked, momentarily forgetting the plates of food in his hands. Heero looked down at his feet. "Maybe you should sit down…," he said, uncertainly.

Duo grinned at Heero. "Look, I'm sure your past was probably as horrible as mine, I think I can handle whatever you're about to tell me, so shoot."

Heero looked up at Duo again, and let out a deep sigh before starting, "Alright, this was all before I met you. It first happened when I was just a newborn. I was taken from my crib, so I never really got the chance to know my real parent's. They obviously didn't look too hard for me though, but I assume most mortals wouldn't…they give up too easily."

Duo cut Heero off. "Mortals?" he asked, obviously confused, "But you're…aren't you?"

"Maybe it would be better if I showed you instead." Was all Heero stated before he closed his eyes and started concentrating. He chanted a few words, inaudible to Duo.

Heero heard Duo suddenly gasp, and recognized the sound of the two plates crashing to the floor. Heero opened his eyes. Duo was slowly backing away from him. "Y-you…oh my god…you're the…" Duo suddenly fainted.

Heero let out a deep sigh, he had told Duo to sit down…he knew he would've had to.

He bent down to pick up the other boy and walked Duo back up to his room, where he lay him down onto his bed. `Maybe it wasn't the right time to show him yet…' Heero thought in his head.

Heero changed back just as Duo was coming around. Suddenly, Duo sat straight up in bed and looked at Heero, now turned back to normal, with his eyes wide.

"I had the scariest dream! You…you were the…"

Heero shushed him. "Yes, I know, but it was just a dream, ne?"

Duo looked at Heero oddly. "You know? But how could you know my dream!?"

Heero looked up at Duo quickly, trying to think up an excuse. "You were…thrashing about in your sleep…so I knew you had a nightmare, I don't know what you dreamt. We better get to the auditions though; we are going to be late." Heero stated, bluntly changing the subject purposely.

Duo, luckily, took the bait, and before Heero knew what had happened, Duo was up and dragging Heero out the door. Heero was practically flying through the air at Duo's speed.

Both boys arrived at the exact time they were suppose to. A man with a clipboard and a pencil behind his ear walked up to the boys.

"Are you two Doo Maxwell and Heero Yuh?" He asked, mispronouncing both boys' names. They both corrected him, but he acknowledged it none as he led them both onto the stage. They got into their proper places, their instruments already assembled on the stage.

The man (let's just call him the manager, shall we?) sat in front of both of them. "Now, before you two play your original song, I want you to play a song right off the tip of your tongues. Make it up right here and now, no rehearsing. I need you boys to do this to see if you would be able to sight-read music, or if you would need to go over it and practice a few times."

They both nodded, and Duo started them off by strumming a jazzy little tune. Heero started tapping his cymbal at Duo's pace, and then eventually led that into a light drum rhythm. Heero started them off.

"I wanna go somewhere." Duo cut in, "Anywhere but here."

Both boys looked at each other, and Duo grinned at Heero before turning back to face the front of the stage.

Heero picked up the pace on his rhythm, and do not ask me how this happened, for I am not even sure, but miraculously both boys started singing the lines together. They harmonized with each other, hitting every chord perfectly.

Duo - Take me away, take me away.

Heero - Let me take you with me. We can go anywhere, just as long as you…

Both - Take me away.

They ended the song short and sweet, not wanting to carry it on too long. They couldn't tell whether the manager's gaping face was a good sign or not until he was up on the stage beside them, hugging them both so tight, they swore they could feel their eyes bulging from their heads.

"You two are my new boys! Your in, the very first to perform, that was pure excellence! I don't even need to hear your original song! With voices like you two have, you could go far, and I discovered you first! So, what's your band's name?"

Heero and Duo looked at one another. They had never really taken the time to think one up. When they both looked at the manager blankly, he rolled his eyes at them. "Alright, your performance will be this Monday night at nine. Show up at seven or so, so that I can get your costumes and stuff ready. I will think up your band name."

Before either one had time to respond, they were being shooed off the stage, and they could hear the manager calling out, "Next," faintly behind them.

Duo was jumping for joy…quite literally. Heero had gone back to his usually quiet self. For awhile he had been jabbering. He had gotten a little too worked up.

He walked Duo back to his house and they bid each other `good night,' which was really just a simple waving of their hands signaling `bye.' Heero then walked back to his own house, and cleaned up the broken plates.

Afterwards, when he was just getting ready to sit down, he heard the doorbell ring for the second time that day. He got up to open the door. Cracking it ever so slightly, he peered out. He saw no one. Heero slowly turned his gaze downwards, afraid of what he thought he would find.

He found exactly what he was hoping not to. He opened the door fully, and bent down to pick up a basket, exactly identical to the one he had received earlier. He closed it and locked his door.

He opened the basket to find that, again, just as before, there was only a single scrap of paper in the entire thing. He read it aloud to himself.

"You screwed up didn't you? Now he has to pay. Run, run, run my little pretty, the one you love is about to die. I gave you a chance to tell him, and you blew it. This will all be your fault, may you live with a guilty conscience for the rest of your years."

Heero immediately threw the paper down and started sprinting towards Duo's home. He should have told Duo sooner, damnit! If Duo died, it would be all his fault; he couldn't bear live with himself if that ever happened!

*Cobalt closes the book*

Now, I know that I am leaving this off with many questions still unanswered. What will happen to Duo? Who keeps sending these mysterious notes? What exactly is Heero, what does he keep changing into? How do I know this tale?

Tisk tisk tisk…seems as though you shall never know unless you keep listening, doesn't it?

*Cobalt smirks*

~To be continued…

Dun dun dun…

Sorry this chapter is a tad short. *sigh* I shall try and update sooner the next chapter, kay? I promise!

Signing off,


Rock Band Part II

Konnichiwa! ^_^ You are about to read Part II of Rock Band. Sorry it took me so terribly long to get this out. I've been pressed for time lately. In fact, I only have fifteen minutes to get this from my notebook paper onto this screen. *sigh* So much to do, so little time, do any of you ever get that?

This fic is dedicated to CobaltViolet. *sniffles* She's my bestest internet friend in the whooooole wide galaxy! May we conquer the world together, and even after that, continue to be buds `til….er…the end of time? ^_~

Rock Band Part II

*Cobalt opens the book again* Now that I seem to have your attention with my little tale, do you think this would be an appropriate time to proceed?

I'm warning you once more, and once more only though. This is NOT an epic for those who believe happily ever after or fame is right around the corner.

*Cobalt looks at her listeners* Seems as though you've caught on now, hm?


Heero had to tell Duo about his past…now.

Duo brought out two plates of food for the both of them and was about to set them down when Heero interrupted Duo's thinking process by clearing his throat. Duo turned to Heero, both plates still in his hands. "Hm?" he asked. Heero stood and looked straight into Duo's eyes. "Duo…I know we really don't talk much about each other's pasts…but…," Heero cut himself off.

Could he really tell him? He felt the crumpled note in his pocket and sighed deeply. `I have to tell him…I may not get another chance.' He thought solemnly to himself.

"But what?" Duo asked, momentarily forgetting the plates of food in his hands. Heero looked down at his feet. "Maybe you should sit down…," he said, uncertainly.

Duo grinned at Heero. "Look, I'm sure your past was probably as horrible as mine, I think I can handle whatever you're about to tell me, so shoot."

Heero looked up at Duo again, and let out a deep sigh before starting, "Alright, this was all before I met you. It first happened when I was just a newborn. I was taken from my crib, so I never really got the chance to know my real parent's. They obviously didn't look too hard for me though, but I assume most mortals wouldn't…they give up too easily."

Duo cut Heero off. "Mortals?" he asked, obviously confused, "But you're…aren't you?"

"Maybe it would be better if I showed you instead." Was all Heero stated before he closed his eyes and started concentrating. He chanted a few words, inaudible to Duo.

Heero heard Duo suddenly gasp, and recognized the sound of the two plates crashing to the floor. Heero opened his eyes. Duo was slowly backing away from him. "Y-you…oh my god…you're the…" Duo suddenly fainted.

Heero let out a deep sigh, he had told Duo to sit down…he knew he would've had to.

He bent down to pick up the other boy and walked Duo back up to his room, where he lay him down onto his bed. `Maybe it wasn't the right time to show him yet…' Heero thought in his head.

Heero changed back just as Duo was coming around. Suddenly, Duo sat straight up in bed and looked at Heero, now turned back to normal, with his eyes wide.

"I had the scariest dream! You…you were the…"

Heero shushed him. "Yes, I know, but it was just a dream, ne?"

Duo looked at Heero oddly. "You know? But how could you know my dream!?"

Heero looked up at Duo quickly, trying to think up an excuse. "You were…thrashing about in your sleep…so I knew you had a nightmare, I don't know what you dreamt. We better get to the auditions though; we are going to be late." Heero stated, bluntly changing the subject purposely.

Duo, luckily, took the bait, and before Heero knew what had happened, Duo was up and dragging Heero out the door. Heero was practically flying through the air at Duo's speed.

Both boys arrived at the exact time they were suppose to. A man with a clipboard and a pencil behind his ear walked up to the boys.

"Are you two Doo Maxwell and Heero Yuh?" He asked, mispronouncing both boys' names. They both corrected him, but he acknowledged it none as he led them both onto the stage. They got into their proper places, their instruments already assembled on the stage.

The man (let's just call him the manager, shall we?) sat in front of both of them. "Now, before you two play your original song, I want you to play a song right off the tip of your tongues. Make it up right here and now, no rehearsing. I need you boys to do this to see if you would be able to sight-read music, or if you would need to go over it and practice a few times."

They both nodded, and Duo started them off by strumming a jazzy little tune. Heero started tapping his cymbal at Duo's pace, and then eventually led that into a light drum rhythm. Heero started them off.

"I wanna go somewhere." Duo cut in, "Anywhere but here."

Both boys looked at each other, and Duo grinned at Heero before turning back to face the front of the stage.

Heero picked up the pace on his rhythm, and do not ask me how this happened, for I am not even sure, but miraculously both boys started singing the lines together. They harmonized with each other, hitting every chord perfectly.

Duo - Take me away, take me away.

Heero - Let me take you with me. We can go anywhere, just as long as you…

Both - Take me away.

They ended the song short and sweet, not wanting to carry it on too long. They couldn't tell whether the manager's gaping face was a good sign or not until he was up on the stage beside them, hugging them both so tight, they swore they could feel their eyes bulging from their heads.

"You two are my new boys! Your in, the very first to perform, that was pure excellence! I don't even need to hear your original song! With voices like you two have, you could go far, and I discovered you first! So, what's your band's name?"

Heero and Duo looked at one another. They had never really taken the time to think one up. When they both looked at the manager blankly, he rolled his eyes at them. "Alright, your performance will be this Monday night at nine. Show up at seven or so, so that I can get your costumes and stuff ready. I will think up your band name."

Before either one had time to respond, they were being shooed off the stage, and they could hear the manager calling out, "Next," faintly behind them.

Duo was jumping for joy…quite literally. Heero had gone back to his usually quiet self. For awhile he had been jabbering. He had gotten a little too worked up.

He walked Duo back to his house and they bid each other `good night,' which was really just a simple waving of their hands signaling `bye.' Heero then walked back to his own house, and cleaned up the broken plates.

Afterwards, when he was just getting ready to sit down, he heard the doorbell ring for the second time that day. He got up to open the door. Cracking it ever so slightly, he peered out. He saw no one. Heero slowly turned his gaze downwards, afraid of what he thought he would find.

He found exactly what he was hoping not to. He opened the door fully, and bent down to pick up a basket, exactly identical to the one he had received earlier. He closed it and locked his door.

He opened the basket to find that, again, just as before, there was only a single scrap of paper in the entire thing. He read it aloud to himself.

"You screwed up didn't you? Now he has to pay. Run, run, run my little pretty, the one you love is about to die. I gave you a chance to tell him, and you blew it. This will all be your fault, may you live with a guilty conscience for the rest of your years."

Heero immediately threw the paper down and started sprinting towards Duo's home. He should have told Duo sooner, damnit! If Duo died, it would be all his fault; he couldn't bear live with himself if that ever happened!

*Cobalt closes the book*

Now, I know that I am leaving this off with many questions still unanswered. What will happen to Duo? Who keeps sending these mysterious notes? What exactly is Heero, what does he keep changing into? How do I know this tale?

Tisk tisk tisk…seems as though you shall never know unless you keep listening, doesn't it?

*Cobalt smirks*

~To be continued…

Dun dun dun…

Sorry this chapter is a tad short. *sigh* I shall try and update sooner the next chapter, kay? I promise!

Signing off,
